Talk:Utgarde Grapplesniper

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Do battlecries trigger?[edit source]

The card language says "If it's a Dragon, summon it" (not "play it"). I assume that means the dragon's battlecry does not trigger--is that correct? (I also assume that the card you draw is used up, since it says "summon it" not "summon a copy of it", but I wouldn't mind confirmation.)

Is there any video of this card that would resolve that? Asolovay (talk) 22:00, 11 December 2019 (UTC)

Derp... Of course, there are a lot of cards that play a minion from your hand (e.g.  Voidcaller), and battlecries never trigger. So I expect that's the rule here. Asolovay (talk) 22:57, 11 December 2019 (UTC)
Battlecries don't trigger, you are correct, and the card is used up. Aegonostic (talk) 00:19, 12 December 2019 (UTC)