Talk:Stormpike Commando

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Are opinions about great / terrible cards OK or should we remove them?[edit source]

See e.g. [1].

Mana efficiency is one thing, card efficiency is another. Often this card can take out one minion with its battlecry and its high attack may prompt the opponent to sacrifice his minion, use a spell or weapon to take it out. Sure, it can die to an AoE spell

Reckless Rocketeer is even more expensive and it too has just 2 health, so w/o buffing it, its first attack may also be also its last one. A card being a glass canon doesn't necessarily mean it's universally terrible. -- Karol007 (talk) 22:41, 20 May 2015 (UTC)

I try to steer edits away from objective "this card is awful" statements, and toward constructive discussions of a card's strengths and weaknesses. That said, it's probably reasonable (and helpful to newer players) to mention when a card is generally considered to be a poor card; but I'd rather frame it that way, rather than stating it is a fact. Changes to the meta and simple variations in opinion can make a radical difference to a card's value, so black and white statements are at best unlikely to stay correct for long. I've expanded the section a little. -- Taohinton (talk) 22:57, 21 May 2015 (UTC)