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position re Start of Game[edit source]

Is it possible that the game is actually only considered to start after the Mulligan, rather than before?

I can't remember at which point you see the  C'Thun, the Shattered graphic... I could've sworn it was post-Mulligan but maybe I'm remembering wrong. Tycio (talk) 19:21, 28 February 2021 (UTC)

 Baku the Mooneater and  Genn Greymane trigger before the mulligan, although the animation only plays after the mulligan. You can test this by playing an Even deck with a Quest. The Quest starts in your opening hand, but Genn won't trigger. With Malchezaar and C'Thun, I'm not actually sure. I know that you can't get any of the cards they shuffle in your opening hand, and I also know C'Thun is programmed to never appear in your mulligan.
It's possible the cards "trigger" before the mulligan, but don't actually change the game state until the mulligan ends. So, C'Thun starts shattered but doesn't change your deck size until the game starts. TheMurlocAggroB (talk) 19:56, 28 February 2021 (UTC)