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Text clarification, does Doomcaller buff C'Thun if C'Thun has died?[edit source]

If a C'Thun has already died, the current text reads:

If C'Thun has already died, a new C'Thun will be generated and shuffled back into the player's deck.

Does  Doomcaller buff C'Thun before it shuffles a new copy of C'Thun into the deck?

If C'Thun has already died, +2/+2 stats will be given to the "dead C'Thun". Next, a new C'Thun will be generated and shuffled back into the player's deck.

Aegonostic (talk) 15:02, 4 December 2016 (UTC)

Doomcaller buffs C'Thun no matter what, just as the card text implies. --Patashu (talk) 19:26, 4 December 2016 (UTC)
Wow how embarrassing, I derped on this one. Aegonostic (talk) 19:45, 4 December 2016 (UTC)