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Summoning what exactly?[edit source]

What do you mean by [1]? Something like a few different Whelps but with Nerubians? -- Karol007 (talk) 23:35, 5 August 2015 (UTC)

The term 'pre-existing' wasn't very clear. Essentially, yes. We have multiple Imps, Whelps, etc. It could be a new 4/4 Nerubian with different art and perhaps a different cost/rarity. This has happened before. -- Taohinton (talk) 01:56, 6 August 2015 (UTC)

Raiser combo[edit source]


 Corpse Raiser targeting this card... yipes man.

Can you have TWO death rattles or would this over-write the original? Guess I'll find out because I'm gonna try it...

"resummon when you die" AND "return card to hand" sounds like every time it dies your total number of Anub'arak doubles? Will follow up....

Update: looking good so far. Only just noticed now, but unnatural (bestowed/copied) death rattles actually seem to have more detail via the hover graphic appended below than on original cards where the rattles originate...

Like here we see "ready to return" being the proper title of the rattle for example. We should probably compile a list of these but it would require playing rattle-duplicating minions like what one of those cats does, along with other minions. You'd need a rattle-focused custom deck to explore it fast.

Sadly will have to test this double rattle later, my taunt didn't last and they overwhelmed me instead of attacking Anub... Tycio (talk) 07:58, 25 January 2021 (UTC)