View table: WikiCardPool

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. mockupName - String
  3. sectionName - String
  4. description - Wikistring
  5. generatorDbfIds - List of Integer, delimiter: &&
  6. userDbfIds - List of Integer, delimiter: &&
  7. gameMode - Integer
  8. ignoresFilters - Integer
  9. costMore - Integer
  10. costLess - Integer
  11. costEqual - Integer
  12. attackMore - Integer
  13. attackLess - Integer
  14. attackEqual - Integer
  15. cardSetId - Integer
  16. cardTypeId - Integer
  17. classId - Integer
  18. raceId - Integer
  19. rarityId - Integer
  20. schoolId - Integer
  21. bg_isGolden - Integer
  22. bg_lobbyTagId - Integer
  23. keywordTagId - Integer
  24. tagId - Integer
  25. tagValue - Integer
  26. isFromThePast - Integer
  27. isGenerationBanPool - Integer
  28. isSummonBanPool - Integer
  29. isCostVaried - Integer
  30. isDiscover - Integer
  31. isSummon - Integer
  32. dependsTarget - Integer
  33. dependsCurrentClass - Integer
  34. requiresAnotherClass - Integer
  35. dependsFormat - Integer
  36. bg_dependsCurrentTier - Integer
  37. additionalPoolDbfIds - List of Integer, delimiter: &&
  38. wikiBanPoolIds - List of Integer, delimiter: &&
  39. build - Integer
  40. refs - List of Wikistring, delimiter: &&
  41. page_showsInSetIds - List of Integer, delimiter: &&
  42. page_showsInMinisetIds - List of Integer, delimiter: &&
  43. page_showsInClassIds - List of Integer, delimiter: &&

This table has 221 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id mockupName sectionName description generatorDbfIds userDbfIds gameMode ignoresFilters costMore costLess costEqual attackMore attackLess attackEqual cardSetId cardTypeId classId raceId rarityId schoolId bg isGolden bg lobbyTagId keywordTagId tagId tagValue isFromThePast isGenerationBanPool isSummonBanPool isCostVaried isDiscover isSummon dependsTarget dependsCurrentClass requiresAnotherClass dependsFormat bg dependsCurrentTier additionalPoolDbfIds wikiBanPoolIds build refs page showsInSetIds page showsInMinisetIds page showsInClassIds
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 1 Build-An-Undead Pool 1 Pool 1 97,814 101,442 101,443 3 1 1 104,551 99,573 99,122 99,116 99,117 99,167 99,118 96,780 95,255 95,265 99,200 95,251 99,156 99,166 102,340 105,440 104,612 99,157 95,273 99,203 99,202 95,263 9
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 2 Build-An-Undead Pool 2 Pool 2 97,814 101,442 101,443 3 1 1 95,246 98,735 99,120 99,576 99,578 99,577 99,159 99,524 99,201 99,160 99,162 99,161 95,253 102,938 99,121 103,579 98,867 99,527 99,163 8
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 3 THIEF_COSTMORE5 Jackpot! cards 80,121 1 5 5 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 5 Friend of a Friend's Buddies Friend of a Friend's Buddies 87,689 87,690 101,346 3 2,154 1 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 6 E.T.C. band Cards banned from E.T.C.'s band 90,749 1 1 7
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 7 Fire Mage spells Fire Mage spells 94,852 1 5 4 2 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 8 Fire Warlock spells Fire Warlock spells 94,852 1 5 9 2 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 9 Fel spells Fel spells 1 5 7 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 10 ANY_CARDS_OUTCAST Outcast cards 86,671 84,239 84,260 1 1,333 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 11 DISCOVER_AMALGAMDEEP Discovered minions with minion type 73,906 1 4 1 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 12 DISCOVER_BloodRune Discovered Blood Rune cards 78,356 98,285 111,320 1 2,196 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 13 DISCOVER_FrostRune Discovered Frost Rune cards 78,325 98,285 1 2,197 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 14 DISCOVER_UnholyRune Discovered Unholy Rune cards 80,083 98,285 111,328 1 2,198 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 15 Arcane spells Arcane spells 1 5 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 16 Fire spells Fire spells 2,249 77,211 92,235 102,558 1 5 2 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 17 Frost spells Frost spells 77,211 94,728 1 5 3 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 18 Nature spells Nature spells 77,211 100,093 100,094 1 5 4 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 19 Holy spells Holy spells 95,917 95,918 1 5 5 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 20 Shadow spells Shadow spells 84,243 1 5 6 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 21 Mage Arcane Mage Arcane spells 75,555 1 5 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 22 Mage spells Mage spells 38,418 41,927 43,411 43,412 43,414 43,420 50,086 52,262 52,706 53,946 56,165 56,389 59,556 69,700 102,562 1 5 4 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 23 Tear Reality Tear Reality spells 86,438 1 5 4 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 24 Legendary Invitation Legendary Invitation's minions 79,922 1 4 5 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 25 THIEF_ANY Cards from another class 39,698 52,264 69,742 101,135 1 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 26 Combo cards Combo cards 53,627 58,975 90,600 1 220 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 27 Shaman spells Shaman spells 46,998 47,631 48,110 52,409 92,276 1 5 8 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 28 Colossal minions Colossal minions 73,734 75,633 74,907 1 4 2,247 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 30 ANY_TYPE4 Minion cards 1,929 2,793 38,475 47,978 62,085 70,523 1 4 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 31 ANY_TYPE5 Spell cards 62,083 98,124 98,123 62,081 2,683 85,034 97,406 53,442 46,545 73,736 38,505 101,033 105,688 103,180 1 5 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 32 ANY_TYPE7 Weapon cards 41,420 94,860 97,574 62,093 1 7 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 33 3 or less spells Discovered spells that cost 3 or less 52,991 84,752 97,527 1 3 5 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 34 Unpopular Has-Been Unpopular Has-Been minions 91,872 1 5 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 35 DH Weapons Demon Hunter Weapon cards 90,441 1 7 14 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 36 Jungle Jammer Summons Summoned cost-varied Beasts 91,495 1 4 20 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 37 Undead Undead minions 1 4 11 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 38 ANY_TYPE4_RACE14 Murloc minions 54,191 41,498 2,010 51,724 56,443 100,113 1 4 14 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 39 ANY_TYPE4_RACE15 Demon minions 52,263 40,940 41,583 41,619 41,627 1 4 15 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 40 ANY_TYPE4_RACE17 Mech minions 2,085 48,772 56,064 77,017 94,729 1 4 17 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 41 ANY_TYPE4_RACE18 Elemental minions 47,152 49,162 69,731 1 4 18 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 42 ANY_TYPE4_RACE20 Beast minions 38,329 97,376 41,353 61,966 41,360 1,860 1 4 20 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 43 ANY_TYPE4_RACE21 Totem minions 1 4 21 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 44 ANY_TYPE4_RACE23 Pirate minions 55,005 63,359 71,431 74,894 1 4 23 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 45 ANY_TYPE4_RACE24 Dragon minions 42,439 50,602 55,441 57,688 48,106 97,575 102,585 1 4 24 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 46 ANY_TYPE4_RACE92 Naga minions 1 4 92 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 47 1-Cost Elemental 1-Cost Elemental minions 90,738 1 1 4 18 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 48 2-Cost Elemental 2-Cost Elemental minions 90,738 1 2 4 18 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 49 3-Cost Elemental 3-Cost Elemental minions 90,738 1 3 4 18 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 50 Mage Secrets Mage Secrets 78,397 94,732 96,906 101,939 1 5 4 219 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 51 ANY_TYPE4_RARITY5 Legendary minions 97,103 54,839 47,599 46,019 61,229 39,840 48,518 103,177 1 4 5 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 52 ANY_TYPE4_TAUNT Taunt minions 59,410 1 4 190 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 53 THIEF_SECRET Secrets from another class 57,979 77,714 79,607 102,206 1 5 219 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 54 DISCOVER_COST1 Discovered 1-Cost cards 2,895 87,285 102,639 100,296 100,302 1 1 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 55 DISCOVER_SECRET Discovered Secrets 41,139 46,654 61,291 61,292 61,682 61,839 62,750 64,661 87,642 95,967 95,968 1 5 219 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 56 CLASS5_CARDS Paladin cards 2,510 40,474 55,067 78,080 1 5 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 57 THIEF_TYPE5 Spells from another class 52,112 54,317 71,289 86,540 1 5 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 58 SUMMON_COST5 Summoned 5-Cost minions 57,217 59,609 64,355 92,335 1 5 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 59 SUMMON_COST1 Summoned 1-Cost minions 2,283 2,922 39,712 43,528 46,118 55,414 102,689 1 1 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 60 SUMMON_COSTMORE5 Summoned minions that cost 5 or more 72,632 1 5 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 61 CLASS2_TYPE5 Druid spells 51,791 78,509 1 5 2 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 62 ANY_COSTVARIED_TYPE5 Cost-varied spells 59,627 61,187 61,587 64,721 84,736 101,021 1 5 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 63 SUMMON_COST6 Summoned 6-Cost minions 39,714 39,715 40,693 52,420 92,335 97,107 97,375 102,443 1 6 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 64 ANY_TYPE4_DEATHRATTLE Deathrattle minions 42,785 60,570 1 4 217 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 65 DISCOVER_TYPE4_BATTLECRY Discovered Battlecry minions 48,393 49,847 56,094 1 4 218 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 66 SUMMON_COST3 Summoned 3-Cost minions 38,725 43,359 53,889 56,411 63,712 86,573 92,335 96,618 102,189 102,549 102,582 101,968 103,479 1 3 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 67 SUMMON_COST8 Summoned 8-Cost minions 61,604 86,573 1 8 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 68 SUMMON_COSTVARIED Summoned cost-varied minions 2,076 2,541 2,958 38,266 38,434 39,008 40,360 40,694 42,982 42,987 46,303 46,442 46,551 48,195 48,803 49,853 50,054 51,971 52,637 53,162 53,336 56,098 56,413 56,417 58,172 58,976 60,576 61,222 63,070 73,713 76,975 76,981 76,982 76,985 71,294 79,460 91,079 98,253 101,376 100,179 102,158 104,584 1 4 1 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 69 SUMMON_COSTLESS3_RACE17 Summoned 3-Cost or less Mechs 72,931 1 3 4 17 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 70 SUMMON_COST4 Summoned 4-Cost minions 2,073 39,747 56,386 61,283 92,335 102,614 1 4 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 71 School Teacher School Teacher's courses 72,598 1 3 5 1 14
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 72 THIEF_TYPE4_DEATHRATTLE Deathrattle minions from another class 70,202 1 4 217 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 73 DISCOVER_CARDS_CHOOSEONE Discovered Choose One cards 53,596 71,242 1 443 1 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 74 DISCOVER_TYPE4_DIVINESHIELD Discovered Divine Shield minions 64,661 1 4 194 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 75 DISCOVER_CARDS_COSTVARIED Discovered Cost-varied cards 61,967 98,434 1 1 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 76 Keywarden Ivory Keywarden Ivory's spells 61,956 1 1 1 59,394 59,705 59,539 60,016 59,542 58,976 59,213 59,207 59,621 59,402 60,023 59,409 59,602 59,083 58,791 59,223 59,726 59,725 61,962 61,967 61,953 61,943 61,944 61,947
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 77 DISCOVER_TYPE4_RUSH Discovered Rush minions 58,978 1 4 791 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 78 DISCOVER_TYPE4_SPELLDAMAGE Discovered Spell Damage minions 59,213 1 4 192 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 79 SUMMON_STEALTH Summoned Stealth minions 63,359 1 4 191 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 80 DISCOVER_TYPE5_COSTMORE1 Discovered Spells that cost 1 or more 59,164 1 1 5 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 81 CLASS4_TYPE4 Mage minions 51,943 54,408 56,460 1 4 4 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 82 CLASS2_TYPE4 Druid minions 51,781 1 4 2 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 83 SUMMON_COST2 Summoned 2-Cost minions 2,064 39,716 46,082 47,554 53,160 102,564 103,212 98,744 111,367 1 2 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 84 THIEF_TYPE4_RARITY5 Legendary minions from another class 55,095 100,942 1 4 5 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 85 DISCOVER_SUMMON_RACE24 Discovered-summoning Dragons 55,454 71,290 1 4 24 1 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 86 DISCOVER_COST3 Discovered 3-Cost cards 2,901 98,749 100,296 100,305 1 3 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 87 DISCOVER_COST4 Discovered 4-Cost cards 54,264 100,296 100,306 1 4 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 88 THIEF_TYPE7 Weapons from another class 50,749 1 7 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 89 DISCOVER_TYPE5_COSTMORE5 Discovered spells that cost 5 or more 49,171 1 5 5 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 90 DISCOVER_OVERLOAD Discovered Overload cards 40,423 1 215 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 91 CLASS2_CARDS Druid cards 40,742 103,235 1 2 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 92 CLASS3_CARDS Hunter cards 2,484 40,474 102,546 1 3 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 93 CLASS4_CARDS Mage cards 40,496 1 4 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 94 CLASS6_CARDS Priest cards 40,496 1 6 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 95 CLASS7_CARDS Rogue cards 40,742 103,235 1 7 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 96 CLASS8_CARDS Shaman cards 40,742 103,235 1 8 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 97 CLASS9_CARDS Warlock cards 40,496 1 9 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 98 CLASS10_CARDS Warrior cards 40,474 1 10 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 99 ANY_DEATHRATTLE Deathrattle cards 48,035 102,590 1 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 100 Apothecary Helbrim Apothecary Helbrim's Poison 62,895 1 1,623 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 101 ANY_TYPE4_COST4 4-Cost minions 61,676 1 4 4 1
Template:WikiCardPool table/store1 (edit) 102 ANY_TYPE4_COST1 1-Cost minions 46,661 54,013 59,038 1 1 4 1
