View table: VisitorTask

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. mercenaryVisitorId - Integer
  3. mercenaryOverrideId - Integer
  4. taskTitle - String
  5. taskDescription - Wikistring
  6. mercenaryQuote - Wikistring
  7. mercenaryTaskBarkVo - String
  8. onAssignedDialogId - Integer
  9. onCompleteDialogId - Integer
  10. quota - Integer
  11. tutorialEventType - Integer
  12. tutorialEventValue - Integer
  13. rewardListId - Integer

This table has 2,500 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id mercenaryVisitorId mercenaryOverrideId taskTitle taskDescription mercenaryQuote mercenaryTaskBarkVo onAssignedDialogId onCompleteDialogId quota tutorialEventType tutorialEventValue rewardListId
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,759 1,836 0 The Blood Curse Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 0). I must always be one step ahead of my enemies. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_01.wav 0 0 55 0 0 581
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,760 1,836 0 Dual Fury Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 1). These foes have earned my ire. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_02.wav 0 0 50 0 0 386
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,761 1,836 0 For the Horde Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 2). Nothing ever changes. We must always fight to survive. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_03.wav 0 0 120 0 0 582
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,762 1,836 0 Face my Wrath Deal $q damage. Our enemies must be punished before it is too late. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_04.wav 0 0 150 0 0 583
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,763 1,836 0 Clear the Way Complete a bounty while at level 30. I will rest easier once this is done. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_05.wav 0 0 1 0 0 584
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,764 1,836 0 Gorehowl's Edge Destroy $q minions. Enemies may underestimate me, but my allies will not. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_06.wav 0 0 40 0 0 585
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,765 1,836 0 Gorehowl's Glory Complete $q Heroic Bounties. Let me show that fire flows through my veins! VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_07.wav 0 0 2 0 0 390
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,766 1,836 0 Are they Worthy? Use the Boon: Protector coin $q times. I will not fail. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_08.wav 0 0 2 0 0 586
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,767 1,836 0 Respite from Pain Complete $q battles with 40 or more Attack. I almost envy my opponents… VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_09.wav 0 0 5 0 0 587
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,768 1,836 0 Strength Within Gain $q Attack using $ability(0, 0). Even this task will not be too much for me. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_10.wav 0 0 150 0 0 588
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,769 1,836 0 The Inner Fire Deal $q damage. Let me show that fire flows through my veins! VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_07.wav 0 0 450 0 0 589
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,770 1,836 0 Glory for the Warsong Deathblow with $ability(0, 0) $q times. Nothing ever changes. We must always fight to survive. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_03.wav 0 0 25 0 0 590
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,771 1,836 0 Practice Complete $q Heroic Bounties. I will rest easier once this is done. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_05.wav 0 0 4 0 0 591
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,772 1,836 0 Mannoroth's Promise Destroy two enemies in one turn using $ability(0, 2) $q times. These foes have earned my ire. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_02.wav 0 0 5 0 0 592
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,773 1,836 0 Furious Wrath Complete $q Bounties. I must always be one step ahead of my enemies. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_01.wav 0 0 6 0 0 593
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,774 1,836 0 The Curse Calls Deal $q damage to Fighters. Even this task will not be too much for me. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_10.wav 0 0 900 0 0 594
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,775 1,836 0 Test My Axe Gain $q Attack using $ability(0, 0). Enemies may underestimate me, but my allies will not. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_06.wav 0 0 450 0 0 595
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,776 1,836 0 A True Challenge Deal $q damage to Heroic bosses. I almost envy my opponents… VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_09.wav 0 0 450 0 0 596
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,777 1,836 0 My Task is Complete Complete <specific> Legendary bounty. Our enemies must be punished before it is too late. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_04.wav 0 0 1 0 0 0
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,778 1,836 0 The Final Step Deal $q damage. I have no equals left on the battlefield. Perhaps one day, a worthy fight will come again. VO_GrommashHellscream_Male_Orc_Bark_11.wav 0 0 1,350 0 0 0
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,779 1,867 0 Elune's Blessed Arrow Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 0). It falls to me to set things right here. Would you be willing to help? VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_01.wav 0 0 70 0 0 581
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,780 1,867 0 Let My Aim be True Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 1). Ishnu-alah. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_02.wav 0 0 95 0 0 388
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,781 1,867 0 Elune Give me Strength Deal $q damage. The goddess calls. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_03.wav 0 0 190 0 0 582
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,782 1,867 0 A Swift Death Deal $q damage. It gladdens my heart to see you. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_04.wav 0 0 150 0 0 583
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,783 1,867 0 Make Haste Complete a bounty while at level 30. Let us make haste. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_05.wav 0 0 1 0 0 584
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,784 1,867 0 Show our True Strength Destroy $q minions. Raw power is no substitute for true strength. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_06.wav 0 0 40 0 0 585
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,785 1,867 0 A Foul Enemy Complete $q Heroic Bounties. Your aid is needed. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_07.wav 0 0 2 0 0 389
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,786 1,867 0 Elune Calls Use the Spirit Healer coin $q times. I heed the voice of Elune. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_08.wav 0 0 4 0 0 586
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,787 1,867 0 Protect our Brethren Increase the speed of friendly abilities by a total of $q. We must protect Kalimdor. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_09.wav 0 0 55 0 0 587
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,788 1,867 0 Arcane Powers Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 0). May Elune light your path. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_10.wav 0 0 180 0 0 588
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,789 1,867 0 Remember the Sentinels Deal $q damage. Ishnu-alah. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_02.wav 0 0 450 0 0 589
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,790 1,867 0 For Elune Destroy two enemies in one turn using $ability(0, 1) $q times. The goddess calls. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_03.wav 0 0 15 0 0 590
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,791 1,867 0 Empty your Quiver Complete $q Heroic Bounties. It gladdens my heart to see you. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_04.wav 0 0 4 0 0 591
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,792 1,867 0 Trust my Aim Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 0). Raw power is no substitute for true strength. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_06.wav 0 0 980 0 0 592
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,793 1,867 0 Ash'alah's Might Complete $q Bounties. Let us make haste. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_05.wav 0 0 6 0 0 593
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,794 1,867 0 A Hail of Arrows Deal $q damage to Casters. Your aid is needed. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_07.wav 0 0 900 0 0 594
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,795 1,867 0 A Simple Trick Shot Destroy two enemies in one turn using $ability(0, 1) $q times. We must protect Kalimdor. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_09.wav 0 0 20 0 0 595
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,796 1,867 0 Foes of Elune Deal $q damage to Heroic bosses. I heed the voice of Elune. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_08.wav 0 0 450 0 0 596
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,797 1,867 0 High Priestess of Elune Complete <specific> Legendary bounty. May Elune light your path. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_10.wav 0 0 1 0 0 0
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,798 1,867 0 Blessings Upon You Deal $q damage. Blessings upon you, mercenary. I will treasure the help you have given for all of my days. VO_TyrandeWhisperwind_Female_NightElf_Bark_11.wav 0 0 1,350 0 0 0
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,799 1,832 0 Silver Hand Training Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 0). Delivering justice can be quite the heavy task, but it is mine to carry. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_01.wav 0 0 55 0 0 581
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,800 1,832 0 Protecting the Weak Use $ability(0, 1) $q times. I am here to keep the peace. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_02.wav 0 0 10 0 0 392
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,801 1,832 0 Invoking the Light Restore $q Health using $ability(0, 0). They will answer to me. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_03.wav 0 0 120 0 0 582
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,802 1,832 0 Where is my Sister? Deal $q damage. I won't get distracted from my purpose. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_04.wav 0 0 150 0 0 583
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,803 1,832 0 Becoming a Paladin Complete a bounty while at level 30. When this is done, the world might be just a little bit better. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_07.wav 0 0 1 0 0 584
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,804 1,832 0 Smite Evil as it Grows Destroy $q minions. We've got to face the facts and do what's necessary. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_05.wav 0 0 40 0 0 585
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,805 1,832 0 Righteous Fury Complete $q Heroic Bounties. These ones must pay a heavy price. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_06.wav 0 0 2 0 0 393
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,806 1,832 0 Rest in the Light Use the Spirit Healer coin $q times. Justice demands retribution. Especially in this case. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_08.wav 0 0 4 0 0 586
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,807 1,832 0 Rally for Stormwind Deal $q damage with Humans with a team that includes this Mercenary. Nothing can change what already happened, but I can make this right. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_09.wav 0 0 450 0 0 587
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,808 1,832 0 A Glorious Restoration Restore $q Health using $ability(0, 0). I won't stop until everything is atoned for. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_10.wav 0 0 285 0 0 588
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,809 1,832 0 A Hammer finds Nails Deal $q damage. We've got to face the facts and do what's necessary. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_05.wav 0 0 450 0 0 589
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,810 1,832 0 Protecting my Friends Deal $q damage. I am here to keep the peace. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_02.wav 0 0 100 0 0 590
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,811 1,832 0 Redemption for Tamsin Complete $q Heroic Bounties. We've got to face the facts and do what's necessary. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_05.wav 0 0 4 0 0 591
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,812 1,832 0 Blessings of Faith Deal $q damage with Humans with a team that includes this Mercenary. When this is done, the world might be just a little bit better. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_07.wav 0 0 900 0 0 592
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,813 1,832 0 Friends Bolster Faith Complete $q Bounties. I won't get distracted from my purpose. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_04.wav 0 0 6 0 0 593
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,814 1,832 0 Bulwark of Light Deal $q damage to Fighters. These ones must pay a heavy price. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_06.wav 0 0 900 0 0 594
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,815 1,832 0 Reinforce the Faith Deal $q Holy Damage with a team that includes this Mercenary. Justice demands retribution. Especially in this case. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_08.wav 0 0 900 0 0 595
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,816 1,832 0 A Quest Realized Deal $q damage to Heroic bosses. Delivering justice can be quite the heavy task, but it is mine to carry. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_01.wav 0 0 450 0 0 596
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,817 1,832 0 ***OUT FOR LAUNCH**** Complete <specific> Legendary bounty. They will answer to me. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_03.wav 0 0 1 0 0 0
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,818 1,832 0 ***OUT FOR LAUNCH**** Deal $q damage. Not everyone will understand why I did all this, but that's all right. VO_CarielRoame_Female_Human_Bark_11.wav 0 0 1,350 0 0 0
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,819 1,849 0 Explosions! Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 0). Hey, I need some help over here! And trust me, you don't wanna get on my bad side! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_01.wav 0 0 100 0 0 581
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,820 1,849 0 Everyone gets a Bolt! Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 1). Only really smart types listen to the mighty Millhouse Manastorm! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_02.wav 0 0 60 0 0 396
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,821 1,849 0 Millhouse Missiles! Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 2). Whoa, you're actually taking my orders? I mean, of course you are! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_03.wav 0 0 175 0 0 582
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,822 1,849 0 Working off my Debt Deal $q damage. Let's go do this too, okay? VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_04.wav 0 0 150 0 0 583
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,823 1,849 0 I'm Better than Them! Complete a bounty while at level 30. Gotta defeat these impudent imbeciles! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_05.wav 0 0 1 0 0 584
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,824 1,849 0 Arcane Powers Destroy $q minions. Yeah, I'm gonna need some top people to jump in on this one. Wait, that's me. I'm the top people! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_06.wav 0 0 40 0 0 585
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,825 1,849 0 Blast Everything! Complete $q Heroic Bounties. This seems really hard, but it's just like shooting cockroaches in a barrel. VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_07.wav 0 0 2 0 0 395
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,826 1,849 0 More Power! Use the Boon: Caster coin $q times. I gotta do that thing to my enemies again. You know, like wham, boom, MILLHOUSED! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_08.wav 0 0 2 0 0 586
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,827 1,849 0 Even More Power! Deal $q Arcane Damage with a team that includes this Mercenary. These ones need to be obliterated, disintegrated, exterminated! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_09.wav 0 0 450 0 0 587
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,828 1,849 0 Millhouse Math! Deal 20 or more damage in one turn using $ability(0, 0) $q times. Hey, let's just talk for a bit. Haha, just kidding, I've got more giant problems to fix. VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_10.wav 0 0 10 0 0 588
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,829 1,849 0 A Whole lot of Energy! Deal $q damage. Let's go do this too, okay? VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_04.wav 0 0 450 0 0 589
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,830 1,849 0 Zap and Pow! Destroy three enemies in one turn using $ability(0, 0) $q times. Yeah, I'm gonna need some top people to jump in on this one. Wait, that's me. I'm the top people! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_06.wav 0 0 15 0 0 590
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,831 1,849 0 Bigger they are… Complete $q Heroic Bounties. Hey, I need some help over here! And trust me, you don't wanna get on my bad side! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_01.wav 0 0 4 0 0 591
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,832 1,849 0 Pew, pew, pew! Deal $q Arcane Damage with a team that includes this Mercenary. Only really smart types listen to the mighty Millhouse Manastorm! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_02.wav 0 0 900 0 0 592
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,833 1,849 0 Wait, What? Complete $q Bounties. Whoa, you're actually taking my orders? I mean, of course you are! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_03.wav 0 0 6 0 0 593
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,834 1,849 0 Impudent Imbeciles Deal $q damage to Protectors. Gotta defeat these impudent imbeciles! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_05.wav 0 0 900 0 0 594
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,835 1,849 0 Bigger, Better Bolt Deal 20 or more damage in one turn using $ability(0, 1) $q times. These ones need to be obliterated, disintegrated, exterminated! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_09.wav 0 0 25 0 0 595
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,836 1,849 0 Zap them all! Deal $q damage to Heroic bosses. I gotta do that thing to my enemies again. You know, like wham, boom, MILLHOUSED! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_08.wav 0 0 450 0 0 596
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,837 1,849 0 ***OUT FOR LAUNCH**** Complete <specific> Legendary bounty. This seems really hard, but it's just like shooting cockroaches in a barrel. VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_07.wav 0 0 1 0 0 0
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,838 1,849 0 ***OUT FOR LAUNCH**** Deal $q damage. My dream came true! I finally have reached the highest level of MILLHOUSE! AHAHAHA! VO_MillhouseManastorm_Male_Gnome_Bark_11.wav 0 0 1,350 0 0 0
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,839 1,859 0 Servant of the Horde Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 0). Me? I am always ready to serve the Horde. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_01.wav 0 0 40 0 0 581
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,840 1,859 0 Helping Good Friends Gain $q Attack using $ability(0, 1). Yeah, anything can happen in these parts. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_02.wav 0 0 25 0 0 397
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,841 1,859 0 Surprise! Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 2). I should make sure these ones settle down. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_03.wav 0 0 170 0 0 582
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,842 1,859 0 Busy, busy, busy Deal $q damage. At least I can always count on being busy… VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_04.wav 0 0 150 0 0 583
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,843 1,859 0 What an Adventure Complete a bounty while at level 30. I had some adventures before, but not like this. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_05.wav 0 0 1 0 0 584
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,844 1,859 0 Strength and Honor Destroy $q minions. I need to show them I've got strength and honor to spare. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_06.wav 0 0 40 0 0 585
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,845 1,859 0 Whoa! They're Big! Complete $q Heroic Bounties. Yes! This one might get exciting… VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_07.wav 0 0 2 0 0 398
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,846 1,859 0 Stories for the Fire Use the Boon: Fighter coin $q times. Listen! If this goes well, I'll have some new stories to tell back home. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_08.wav 0 0 2 0 0 586
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,847 1,859 0 A New Quest Gain $q Attack using $ability(0, 0). Whoo! Good thing I never get tired of questing! VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_09.wav 0 0 45 0 0 587
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,848 1,859 0 Learn from the Tribes Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 0). This one might take a while… VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_10.wav 0 0 195 0 0 588
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,849 1,859 0 Anything can Happen Deal $q damage. Yeah, anything can happen in these parts. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_02.wav 0 0 450 0 0 589
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,850 1,859 0 Risky Strategy Deal $q damage with Orcs with a team that includes this Mercenary. At least I can always count on being busy… VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_04.wav 0 0 450 0 0 590
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,851 1,859 0 More Big Ones! Complete $q Heroic Bounties. I should make sure these ones settle down. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_03.wav 0 0 4 0 0 591
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,852 1,859 0 Rally for the Horde Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 2). I need to show them I've got strength and honor to spare. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_06.wav 0 0 600 0 0 592
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,853 1,859 0 The Champion's Path Complete $q Bounties. I had some adventures before, but not like this. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_05.wav 0 0 6 0 0 593
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,854 1,859 0 Magic vs. Axe Deal $q damage to Casters. Yes! This one might get exciting… VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_07.wav 0 0 900 0 0 594
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,855 1,859 0 Tribal Fortitude Deal $q damage using $ability(0, 0). Whoo! Good thing I never get tired of questing! VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_09.wav 0 0 320 0 0 595
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,856 1,859 0 Am I the Champion? Deal $q damage to Heroic bosses. This one might take a while… VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_10.wav 0 0 450 0 0 596
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,857 1,859 0 ***OUT FOR LAUNCH**** Complete <specific> Legendary bounty. Listen! If this goes well, I'll have some new stories to tell back home. VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_08.wav 0 0 1 0 0 0
Template:VisitorTask table/store1 (edit) 26,858 1,859 0 ***OUT FOR LAUNCH**** Deal $q damage. Becoming a hero of the Horde wasn't exactly what I expected… VO_Rokara_Female_Orc_Bark_11.wav 0 0 1,470 0 0 0
