View table: InitCardValue

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. premium - Integer
  3. rarityId - Integer
  4. buy - Integer
  5. sell - Integer
  6. upgrade - Integer

This table has 16 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id premium rarityId buy sell upgrade
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 1 0 1 40 5 360
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 2 1 1 400 50 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 3 0 3 100 20 700
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 4 1 3 800 100 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 5 0 4 400 100 1,200
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 6 1 4 1,600 400 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 7 0 5 1,600 400 1,600
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 8 1 5 3,200 1,600 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 126 3 1 0 50 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 127 3 3 0 100 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 128 3 4 0 400 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 129 3 5 0 1,600 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 130 2 1 0 50 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 131 2 3 0 100 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 132 2 4 0 400 0
Template:InitCardValue table/store1 (edit) 133 2 5 0 1,600 0