View table: GuestHero

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. cardId - Integer
  3. name - String
  4. shortName - String
  5. flavorText - Wikistring
  6. unlockEvent - Integer

This table has 192 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id cardId name shortName flavorText unlockEvent
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 1 47,787 Cannoneer Position your field artillery to dominate the battlefield. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 2 48,420 Houndmaster Harass your foes with rushing bloodhounds. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 3 48,486 Tracker Scavenge for spells to turn a monster's power against itself. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 4 48,554 Time-Tinker Don't like the results of a turn? Manipulate the timeline! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 14 53,959 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 15 54,056 Mage 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 16 54,057 Druid 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 17 54,058 Hunter 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 18 54,059 Paladin 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 19 54,060 Priest 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 20 54,061 Rogue 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 21 54,064 Warrior 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 22 54,065 Shaman 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 23 54,067 Warlock 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 27 54,546 Warrior This black-market bodyguard is the new muscle for E.V.I.L. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 28 54,547 Shaman Hagatha’s shamanic serpentine sidekick slithers sinisterly. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 29 54,548 Rogue This fleet-footed vulpera pirate captain has gone freelance. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 30 54,549 Paladin A vengeful paladin who’s breaking vows and faces alike. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 31 54,550 Hunter Who gave a high-powered sniper<br>rifle to a gnoll? 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 32 54,551 Druid A Druid of the Rat, known for her turtle and hedgehog forms. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 33 54,552 Warlock This tol’vir prince is forged of hate and stone. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 34 54,553 Mage The mischievous fire elemental from Togwaggle’s lantern. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 35 54,554 Priest Lazul promised this shadowy arakkoa that she would fly. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 36 637 Jaina 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 37 671 Uther 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 38 7 Garrosh 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 39 813 Anduin 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 40 893 Gul'dan 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 41 930 Valeera 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 42 1,066 Thrall 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 43 274 Malfurion 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 44 31 Rexxar 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 45 52,239 Mage Deal 1 damage. If this kills a minion, summon a Water Elemental. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 46 2,829 Mage PH I'm Medivh. I do not boogie. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 47 39,117 Mage PH I'm Khadgar. I do boogie. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 48 55,867 Mr. Chu A "personal safety specialist." 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 49 46,317 Candlebeard Candle and Eyepatch enthusiast. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 50 55,904 Myra Rotspring Scientifically proven to be deadly. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 51 55,866 George the Fallen Lost without Karl. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 52 48,182 Manhunter Ivan Hunting without a permit! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 53 47,001 Voodoomaster Vex Who do? You do! Do what? Remind me of Vex. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 54 47,365 Russell the Bard Here to write an E.V.I.L. anthem! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 55 48,996 Sephira Dusktalon She's got claws that catch! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 56 48,942 Raeth Ghostsong Just darn creepy! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 57 56,193 Tol Barad Play a minion and get a random spell of the same cost, but for free! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 58 56,194 Yellow-Brick Start the game with Dorothee! She grants Charge on her left and Taunt on her right. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 59 56,195 Catacombs Play minions to complete your quest and get an awesome treasure! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 60 56,196 Clones Attack! Every minion you play will generate a 1/1 clone! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 61 56,197 Masked Ball Summoned minions have, "Deathrattle: Summon a minion that costs (2) less." 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 62 56,198 Singularity All of your minions become crushed into a single powerful entity of light! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 63 56,199 Cloneball! Your deck is made of random Legendary minions, each cloned four times. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 64 56,200 Randomonium Each turn your cards' cost are randomized! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 65 56,201 Burgled Spells Your spells summon a random minion of the same cost! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 67 57,252 Dr. Boom Steal a city they said, it'll be fun they said. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 68 57,254 Lazul She should have seen it coming! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 69 57,256 Togwaggle "Why are we stuck in giant candle!?" 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 70 57,261 Hagatha "A curse upon you! A curse upon this mountain!" 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 71 57,267 Rafaam "This is everyone's fault but mine!" 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 72 57,633 Garrosh 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 73 57,635 Thrall 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 79 637 Jaina 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 81 57,580 Mage / Rogue The dashing treasure hunter is now dabbling in magic. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 82 57,581 Paladin / Shaman A dapper gentleman-explorer with a taste for fish. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 83 57,582 Druid / Priest The book-smart explorer has proven formidable in the field. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 84 57,583 Hunter / Warrior A fearless hunter of relics and lover of dinosaurs. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 85 56,768 Elise Part Druid, Part Priest, All Explorer! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 86 59,385 Reno Jackson The hardest part of his journey is getting started. Then the middle part. And also, the end. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 88 59,386 Sir Finley He'll go wherever adventure takes him! But kindly provide good directions. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 89 59,387 Elise Starseeker Reno's never gotten into a scrape that she couldn't get him out of. Except that one time… 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 90 59,388 Brann Bronzebeard His bags are packed, and he's ready to explore the frozen north! No coat needed. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 91 59,533 Dr. Boom More like Boom in the tomb, am I right? 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 92 59,536 Lazul Enthusiast of ancient deities speaking softly. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 93 59,537 Togwaggle Only grins when he is smelling treasure. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 94 59,535 Hagatha Hates every tomb except for her enemy's. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 95 59,538 Rafaam "Nothing in here could be as evil as I am!" 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 96 60,009 Reno Jackson He's trying to cast a spell on you! Is it working? 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 97 59,933 Sir Finley A bold murloc fears nothing--except running out of sunscreen. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 98 59,998 Elise Starseeker Don't worry, she has a plan! And a backup plan! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 99 60,010 Brann Bronzebeard He's never seen a musty old ruin he wouldn't explore. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 100 59,533 Dr. Boom More like Boom in the tomb, am I right? 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 101 59,536 Lazul Enthusiast of ancient deities speaking softly. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 102 59,537 Togwaggle Only grins when he is smelling treasure. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 103 59,535 Hagatha Hates every tomb except for her enemy's. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 104 59,538 Rafaam "Nothing in here could be as evil as I am!" 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 107 62,419 Aranna A natural leader always comes out on top! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 108 62,421 Illidan The Lord of Outland is looking forward to a rematch! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 109 60,791 Elise Has some serious questions about her sister's recent activities. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 110 62,424 Karnuk As a priest turned demon hunter, he's basically capable of anything. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 111 62,425 Kriziki Sought peace and quiet in Outland, but instead found demon hunters. LOTS of demon hunters. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 112 62,420 Mecha-Jaraxxus With rage and rust, he has been rebuilt! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 113 62,423 Shalja Even in the middle of a desert, she'll ensure her foes are all washed up. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 114 62,422 Sklibb He's proof that in Zangarmarsh, the mushrooms hunt YOU! 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 115 63,196 Jaina The daughter of the sea rises to become one of the greatest mages on Azeroth. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 116 63,196 Jaina Proudmoore 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 117 63,197 Jaina Proudmoore 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 119 63,475 Instructor Fireheart Fireheart Overload Exploits<br>Totems<br>Devolving other players' treasures into Desk Imps. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 120 63,480 Headless Horseman Headless Horseman 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 121 63,466 Turalyon, the Tenured Turalyon Stat Increases<br>Resurrection<br>To punt is human; to shield, divine. 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 122 63,470 Mindrender Illucia Illucia Resource Generation<br>Board Control<br>Dirty Rotten Thievery 164
Template:GuestHero table/store1 (edit) 123 63,471 Archwitch Willow Willow Card Draw<br>Soul Fragments<br>Demons? Demons. 164
