View table: EventRewardTrack

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Table structure:

  1. specialEventId - Integer
  2. eventRewardTrackId - Integer
  3. choiceConfirmationText - Wikistring
  4. shortConclusion - Wikistring
  5. longConclusion - Wikistring

This table has 24 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page specialEventId eventRewardTrackId choiceConfirmationText shortConclusion longConclusion
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 2 47 Lose yourself to the best of Paladin, Priest, Mage, and Rogue!<br>Commit to this concert? The shows over but the Festival of Legends is just beginning! Disco Paladins, Pop-Priests, Dance Hall Mages, and Hip-hop Rogues! The Festival of Legends is almost here and these artists and MORE will be back to take the stage in Thousand Needles.
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 2 48 Be moved by the best of Druid, Shaman, and Warlock!<br>Commit to this concert? The shows over but the Festival of Legends is just beginning! Groovy Funk Druids, Jazzy Shamans, and Operatic Warlocks! The Festival of Legends is almost here and these artists and MORE will be back to take the stage in Thousand Needles.
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 2 49 Rock out to the best of Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, and Warrior!<br>Commit to this concert? The shows over but the Festival of Legends is just beginning! Deathmetal Death Knights, Emo Demon Hunters, Rockabilly Hunters, and Warriors of Classic Rock! The Festival of Legends is almost here and these artists and MORE will be back to take the stage in Thousand Needles.
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 3 41 For Northrend! You have served the Scourge well, but a Death's Knight's duties are never done. The Lich King's call echoes ever on, and the war has just begun.
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 4 45 Happy New Year! Silvermoon is safe for now, but the fight isn't over. May you have good fortune and draw your best cards in the New Year!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 5 39 Happy Hallow's End! The Headless Horseman's soul has been laid to rest. But each spirit slain will rise again… and Death Knights know this best of all. Play on, eternal warrior, for Northrend calls!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 6 43 Happy Winter Veil! The Scourge have been driven out, and the hearths have been lit. Thanks to you, Ironforge is safe once more!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 7 52 The Festival of Legends continues... The last notes of this concert might have been played, but the music lives on forever!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 8 55 Mglrmglmglmgl! Mmmrrglllm uuua wrrrlmm mmmml glrlblrmmmm!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 9 56 Epic Legends. Rockin' Duels. You gave it all on that stage, played epic duels, and forged melodies unheard in this or any era. Rock on, musician.
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 10 57 Greatness Never Fades... This New Age lasts for a while longer, and the future holds more exciting TWISTS on our illustrious past.
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 11 58 Happy Fire Festival! The festivities may be over but a full season of HEAT awaits you in the Tavern!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 14 60 You've Proven Your Mettle! The Titans are satisified with your prowess and even greater arenas await you, champion!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 15 61 The Sands Settle Once More.. The past reimagined, much like the future, has infinite possibilities...
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 16 63 In Madness, Reunited! This won't be the last time that Yogg-Saron is in the slammer, but for now chaos reigns!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 17 65 Happy Hallow's End In restless grave the Horseman's soul resides, no longer free to haunt this lawless land.<br><br>Idle long the year but beware:<br>He'll rise again, death's reins in hand!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 18 67 A New Sheriff in these Parts... Whether you intend to be a law-bringer or a scoundrel has yet to be seen!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 19 69 Happy Winter Veil! Although the winter is long and dreary, joyful games and the warmth of camaradarie shall see us through the coming season!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 20 72 Happy Lunar New Year! The festivities are<br>far from over!<br>A year of exciting celebrations await!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 21 73 Hearthstone 10 Year Anniversary Ten amazing years here<br>with you in the Tavern!<br>And many more to go!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 22 76 Games Never-ending! It's a time of wonder and whimsy in the tavern and Whizbang has more mischievous surprises in store!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 23 79 Face off in Traditional Hearthstone<br>Commit to this path? Twilight's Hammer Has Been Vanquished... ...But the Tavern will never be the same! No matter what style of Hearthstone you enjoy, the games will keep on coming!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 23 80 Join up with a friend in Battlegrounds Duos!<br>Commit to this path? Twilight's Hammer Has Been Vanquished... ...But the Tavern will never be the same! No matter what style of Hearthstone you enjoy, the games will keep on coming!
Template:EventRewardTrack table/store1 (edit) 24 81 RECALL ISSUED! Dr. Boom's Mischievous Toyline has been recalled due to EXTREME safety concerns. We thank you for shopping at Whizbang's!