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  4. description - String

This table has 1,679 rows altogether.

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Page id noteName name description
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,055 DT_Paladin_Dragon_Kara Dragons of Justice Keep your opponent's board clear and finish the job with your high cost dragons.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,056 DT_Hunter_LockLoad_KARA Deathtrap Set traps to protect yourself as you control the pace with other spells. End the game with some of your bigger minions or a flurry of damage to your opponent’s hero.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,057 DT_Hunter_OG_KARA Whispers of Death Do not fear death, hero; your minions are useful to you both alive and dead. Keep trading your minions for theirs; you will eventually overwhelm them.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,058 DT_Druid_Tokens_KARA Overwhelming Numbers What is better than three minions? Seven, of course! Summon an army of smaller minions, and grow them into huge monsters.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,059 DT_Mage_OG_KARA Madness and Magic Cast as many spells as possible: Each one will fuel the reawakening of Yogg-Saron.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,060 DT_Mage_Dragon_TGT_KARA Dragonfire The ancient dragons will crush all opposition, assuming you live long enough to summon them. Nefarian told me to tell you not to embarrass him by dying.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,061 DT_Priest_ShadowP_TGT_KARA Strike With the Shadows Take matters into your own hands. Trade in some healing spells for deadly shadow magic and aggressive minions!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,122 DT_Warrior_MSG The Goons’ Empire Use every trick in the Grimy Goons' playbook to get one up on your opponent. Finish them off with a huge minion you’ve empowered in your hand.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,123 DT_Shaman_MSG Murloc Association One of Gadgetzan’s fishier districts plays home to roving groups of Murlocs. Once you get enough of them together, they can overrun the enemy with a well-timed spell.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,124 DT_Paladin_MSG The Mean Market The Goons have helped you procure a few… implements. Power up the minions in your hand before sending them out on a job.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,125 DT_Druid_MSG The Lotus’ Golems Channel the power of the Jade Golems. These minions get stronger for each one you play, so play as many as you can!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,126 DT_Warlock_MSG Demons of the Kabal The Kabal traffic in some dark magics. Unleash your darker side and summon some of the most evil demons this side of Azeroth.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,127 DT_Warlock_MSG[PH] Ancient Hordes Bolster your armies with the innumerable minions of the Old Gods. Swarm the board with smaller minions to overwhelm your opponent.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,128 DT_Rogue_MSG Gadgetzan Dockside The pirates are the closest thing to legitimate trade you’ll get in Gadgetzan. Dock your ship and let loose a tide of piracy to rush down your opponent!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,129 DT_Priest_MSG Hidden Dragon Kazakus has always had a soft spot for Dragons. Combine his potions and their fiery might to overwhelm your opponents!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,130 DT_Hunter_MSG Band of Beasts Those of you not scared of beasts have clearly never seen one with tons of weapons attached. Suit up your beasts and get ‘em out there!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,131 DT_Mage_MSG Kabalist Mixology The greatest leaders in the Kabal combine their powers into a mixture of fury! Your deck has only one of each card so your leaders can unleash their full power!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,257 DT_Warrior_UNG Guarding the Shard Shields up! You are forging Sulfuras but need more time. Use Taunt minions to protect your hero until you seize the legendary hammer and SWAT SOME INSECTS!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,258 DT_Shaman_UNG Storm, Earth, and Fire The elements have come to your aid! Call upon hordes of elementals, create mighty storms, and crush all who stand in your path…
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,259 DT_Rogue_UNG The Dig Pirates are searching the ice caverns of Un’goro for hidden treasure. Play the same minion multiple times and unearth the Crystal Core to empower the rest of your scoundrels!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,260 DT_Paladin_UNG Primordial Blessings Who really wants small minions? Make them mighty and dinosized! Cast spells on your small minions to power the crystals and unleash the mighty Galvadon.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,261 DT_Priest_UNG Awakenings Summon forth a glorious host of Deathrattle minions to receive the Light’s ultimate boon.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,262 DT_Druid_UNG Might of the Dino King Dragons and tigers and dinos, oh my! Grow quickly and summon big dinosaurs to draw out Barnabus to stomp your opponent.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,263 DT_Mage_UNG Flames of the Phoenix The chaotic fire elementals hunger for destruction! Harness their power to melt your opponent’s minions away.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,264 DT_Hunter_UNG Dinomancer Set down your bow, and claim the Dinomancer title. Summon beasts and then supersize them using your new hero power!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,265 DT_Warlock_UNG Feed the Void Discard your cards into the volatile Nether Portal. Tear open the rift and unlock a limitless legion of imps!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,423 FB_TagTeam_Warrior The Rock Control your opponent... with Weapons
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,424 FB_TagTeam_Druid Fierce Forest Fast and fierce, this deck hates weapons!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,425 FB_TagTeam_Hunter Spy Stalker Don't mess with the master of secrets.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,426 FB_TagTeam_Mage Secret Magus No one can unravel your secrets. Except the Hunter.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,427 FB_TagTeam_Paladin Mysterious e-SCALE-ation Fast. Secrets. Dragons. Good luck!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,428 FB_TagTeam_Priest Unbreakable Inspiration Slow to start, but inspirational to behold.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,429 FB_TagTeam_Rogue The Saint Fast miracle rogue. Loves weapons and Yogg-Saron.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,430 FB_TagTeam_Shaman Totems Hate Secrets Blast away your opponent's secrets!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,431 FB_TagTeam_Warlock Death Becomes Your Foes You love death and sort of hate weapons.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,478 DT_Warlock_ICC Merciless Sacrifice True power comes at a price. Sacrifice your own minions to feed your others and embrace the darkness of the San'layn.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,479 DT_Warrior_ICC No Pain, No Gain Your minions are ready and willing to do your bidding and whatever it takes to succeed. Deal damage to your own minions and finish the job as Scourgelord Garrosh, cleaving a path to victory with Shadowmourne.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,480 DT_Druid_ICC Pestilence Corrupt the wilds and disrupt the natural order! Control a swarm of poisonous spiders, scarabs, and big Taunt minions to whittle your opponent down and show them that none can withstand the might of the Scourge.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,481 DT_Priest_ICC Shadowreaper's Revenge The Void shall burn you! Use the power of the Light to accumulate fuel with Lyra the Sunshard. Then unleash the dark power of Shadowreaper Anduin and your army of spell damage minions and spells.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,482 DT_Paladin_ICC Shields of the Light Take the fight to the Lich King and go offensive with your Divine Shield minions! Wield the power of the divine to bolster your minions and weapons in the fight against evil.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,483 DT_Rogue_ICC Jades of Death Valeera and Aya Blackpaw team up to wreak havoc on their foes. Command your army of Deathrattle and Jade minions to gain early tempo and finish off your opponent with Valeera the Hollow and N'Zoth, the Corruptor.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,484 DT_Shaman_ICC Remorseless Winter Control the elements of the frost and stop your opponent cold in their tracks. Freeze the blood in your enemies' veins and use ice to bolster your own minions!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,485 DT_Mage_ICC Fire and Ice Frost Lich Jaina is summoning elementals to do her bidding and is adding a frosty touch. Mix the power of fiery and frosty elementals to burn and freeze your foes.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,486 DT_Hunter_ICC The Eternal Hunt Deathstalker Rexxar commands a horde of Deathrattle minions. Send your minions to die and raise them from their graves. Finish off your foe by stitching together beasts and forming grotesque Zombeasts.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,518 FBLK_Warlock_ICC
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,519 FBLK_Warrior_ICC
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,520 FBLK_Druid_ICC
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,521 FBLK_Priest_ICC
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,522 FBLK_Paladin_ICC
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,523 FBLK_Rogue_ICC
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,524 FBLK_Shaman_ICC
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,525 FBLK_Mage_ICC
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,526 FBLK_Hunter_ICC
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,585 FB_TagTeam_Druid 2 Rumble in the Jungle In this jungle lurks giant beasts and even darker things...
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,586 FB_TagTeam_Hunter 2 Unleash the Beasts Release a stampede of beasts while hunting for the Marsh Queen!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,587 FB_TagTeam_Mage 2 Elemental Secrets Guard your secrets and unleash elemental fury!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,588 FB_TagTeam_Paladin 2 Dark Light Bend the Light to your will, while you unleash the Apocalypse!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,589 FB_TagTeam_Warrior 2 The Rock Bash your opponent with weapons
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,590 FB_TagTeam_Priest 2 Unbreakable Inspiration Slow to start, but inspirational to behold.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,591 FB_TagTeam_Rogue 2 The Acolyte Fast miracle rogue who worships Yogg-Saron.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,592 FB_TagTeam_Shaman 2 Totems Hate Secrets Blast away your opponent's secrets!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,593 FB_TagTeam_Warlock 2 Death Becomes Your Foes Summon monstrous demons and burn away the enemy's weapons
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,605 DT_Paladin_LOOT Call to Arms Your Silver Hand Recruits are ready for action! Call upon the power of your eager recruits. They've been training heavily and are ready to prove their worth and Level Up! on the battlefield.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,606 DT_Druid_Boomsday_1 Out of the Woods Recruit the mighty creatures of the dungeon to your cause! Clone your party and overwhelm your foes with powerful Deathrattle effects.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,607 DT_Hunter_Trolls_2 I Hunt Alone Even though your deck has no minions, you'll never truly be alone. Set deadly traps and summon animal allies until you're ready to finish off your foes with Rhok'delar!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,609 DT_Mage_Boomsday_2 Spells are fun, SO FUN! Mage is all about big, flashy spells. But what kind of minions do you want in a deck like that? Ones that give you MORE spells! Once you've had your fill of slinging magic, use Dragoncaller Alanna to summon the fury of the mighty Red Dragonflight!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,610 DT_Priest_LOOT Dragon's Call Harness the power of the Dragon Soul to strike fear into your opponent’s heart. Unleash the twilight dragons upon your foes, leaving you and your hoard of loot alone.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,611 DT_Rogue_LOOT Shrouded in Secrecy Sonya Shadowdancer has signed a secret pact with the Fal'dorei. Help your new allies swarm the battlefield again and again until your enemy is no more.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,612 DT_Shaman_LOOT Totemic Call Winds, obey my command! Bless your simple totems with enchantments to keep them alive. Once the ritual is complete, summon Al'Akir the Windlord to crush your foes!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,613 DT_Warlock_LOOT The Dark Pact Bloodreaver Gul'dan has acquired a weapon of insurmountable power and entered into a dark pact to wield it. Do you dare unlock the power of the Skull of the Man'ari and the demons that serve it?
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,615 DT_Warrior_LOOT Armor Up! Outlast your opponents in this war of attrition. Why just wear armor when you can fight with it?! Keep your armor high and finish the game with an army of Mithril Golems.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,751 DT_Druid_Witchwood Victory at Hand Take advantage of card advantage with effects that become more powerful with lots of cards in hand. Overwhelm enemies with a constant stream of minions!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,752 DT_Hunter_Witchwood Dragons of the Swamp The denizens of the marsh love to be in the presence of death. Join their hunt and your opponents will fall prey to the monsters of the Witchwood!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,753 DT_Mage_Witchwood Book of Specters The Book of Specters contains tales of many monsters. None are more terrifying than the heartless Elementals, ready to devour any who cross their path.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,754 DT_Paladin_Boomsday_2 Greymane's Alliance Genn Greymane joins forces with the Silver Hand, using only even-Cost cards to purge Gilneas of the Witchwood's encroaching evils.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,755 DT_Priest_Witchwood Moonlight Vigil Baku's presence infuses your Hero Power with moonlight in this deck of only odd-Cost cards. Keep your minions healthy, then empower them!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,756 DT_Rogue_Witchwood Ghostly Echoes The Witchwood is no place to travel alone... echoes of past tragedies linger in the air, threatening to drive mad any who overstay their welcome.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,757 DT_Shaman_Witchwood Witchwood Awoken The Witchwood stirs, awoken by the magics of Hagatha herself! Build up powerful Battlecry effects, then repeat them with the horrifying Shudderwock.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,758 DT_Warlock_Witchwood Witch's Bargain Power may come at a price, but seeing your enemies cower before you is worth any cost. Unleash the very darkness of the Witchwood!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,759 DT_Warrior_Witchwood_1 Rush In! Your minions are looking for a fight, and they know how to win. Punish your opponent's every move and smash your way to an overwhelming victory!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,760 DT_Warrior_Boomsday_1 The Gilneas Armory Tank Up with this deck of all odd-Cost cards, Taunt your opponents as they run out of resources, then blast them with the power of Ragnaros himself!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,781 FB_Druid_WitchwoodMeta
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,782 FB_Hunter_WitchwoodMeta
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,783 FB_Mage_WitchwoodMeta
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,784 FB_Paladin_WitchwoodMeta
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,785 FB_Priest_WitchwoodMeta
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,786 FB_Rogue_WitchwoodMeta
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,787 FB_Shaman_WitchwoodMeta
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,788 FB_Warlock_WitchwoodMeta
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,789 FB_Warrior_WitchwoodMeta
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,793 TB_Firefest2_Ahune_Bossdeck
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,817 DT_Warrior_Boomsday_2 The Boomsday Project Dr. Boom's Mech factory is developing DEADLY technology. <i>(Dr. Boom's Guarantee: Probably more deadly for your opponent!)</i>
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,818 DT_Warlock_Boomsday_2 Demonology Lab The scientific field of study favored by Warlocks is all about experimenting on Demons and ghosts. Don't worry, they won't mind... probably.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,819 DT_Warlock_Boomsday_1 The Omega Project The clock is ticking. Reach 10 Mana Crystals to unlock the power of the Omega Project and bring doom to any who stand in your way!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,820 DT_Rogue_Boomsday_1 Stolen Research "Borrow" ideas from your opponent by generating cards from their class, then use them for profit. Who knew being a scientist was so easy?!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,821 DT_Rogue_Trolls_2 The Necrium Trials Myra Rotspring is studying the effects of Necrium and has nicknamed it "Artificial Death." Test subjects say it feels just like the real thing!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,825 DT_Paladin_TROLLS_2 Kangor's Endless Army Build a custom Mech army! Magnetic Mechs combine to create all new ways to smash your opponent.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,826 DT_Shaman_Trolls_2 Witchwood Awoken The Witchwood stirs, awoken by the magics of Hagatha herself! Your powerful spells and minions assure you maintain complete control of the battlefield.
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,827 DT_Shaman_Boomsday_2 The Storm Bringer The Netherstorm is home to fearsome Elementals. Harness their power and bring destruction to your foes at lightning speed!
Template:Deck table/store1 (edit) 1,828 DT_Hunter_Boomsday_1 Flark's Fireworks Have a bomb? Want to attach another bomb, strap on some rockets, then watch everything explode? Then Boommaster Flark has a deck for you!
