View table: CustomYear

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. renderName - String
  3. formatId - Integer

This table has 12 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name renderName formatId
Classic format (edit) CUSTOM_CLASSIC 3
Standard format (edit) CUSTOM_STANDARD 2
Standard format (edit) PRE_STANDARD 1
Year of the Dragon (edit) DRAGON Dragon 1
Year of the Gryphon (edit) GRYPHON Gryphon 1
Year of the Hydra (edit) HYDRA Hydra 1
Year of the Kraken (edit) KRAKEN Kraken 1
Year of the Mammoth (edit) MAMMOTH Mammoth 1
Year of the Pegasus (edit) PEGASUS Pegasus 2
Year of the Phoenix (edit) PHOENIX Phoenix 1
Year of the Raven (edit) RAVEN Raven 1
Year of the Wolf (edit) WOLF Wolf 2