View table: CustomCardBackCategory

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Table structure:

  1. sortCategory - Integer
  2. name - String
  3. wikiDescription - String

This table has 14 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page sortCategory name wikiDescription
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 0 Other These card backs are uncategorized by Team 5 developers.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 1 Basic These card backs are available for all players.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 2 Fireside These card backs can be obtained by participating in [[Fireside Gathering]] activities.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 3 Achievements These card backs can be obtained by completing [[Achievement]]s or [[Solo Adventure]]s, or reaching milestones in [[Rewards Track]]s.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 4 Heroes These card backs are associated with [[hero skin]]s and can be obtained either by buying the hero skin or [[expansion]] pre-order bundles.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 5 Seasonal These card backs can be obtained by winning [[Ranked]] games (sorted by newest season).
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 6 Legend This card back can be obtained by reaching the Legend rank.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 7 Esports These card backs can be obtained by participating in Esports events.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 8 Games These card backs promote Blizzard's other games and can be obtained by either playing them or buying associated bundles.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 9 Promotion These card backs promote platforms that support Hearthstone and can be obtained by using their products.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 10 Pre-Purchase These card backs can be obtained by purchasing pre-order bundles.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 11 Blizzard These card backs can only be obtained by participating in BlizzCon events.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 12 Golden These card backs can only be obtained with a high level finish in official Esports events.
Template:CustomCardBackCategory table/store1 (edit) 13 Events These card backs can be obtained by playing special [[Tavern Brawl]]s or participating in other unique events.