View table: CustomBattlegroundsFinisher

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. buildAdded - Integer
  3. frontText - Wikistring
  4. artist - String
  5. artistRefs - List of Wikistring, delimiter: &&
  6. vfxArtist - String
  7. vfxArtistRefs - List of Wikistring, delimiter: &&

This table has 26 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id buildAdded frontText artist artistRefs vfxArtist vfxArtistRefs
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 32 162,867
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 33 162,867
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 34 162,867
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 35 162,867
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 36 162,867
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 37 168,788
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 38 174,258 Earnable on the Battlegrounds Track in Season <i>4</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 39 174,258 Earnable on the Battlegrounds Track in Season <i>4</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 40 174,258 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>4</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 45 174,258 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>4</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 46 174,258 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>4</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 47 175,913 Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 48 179,020 Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 51 183,876 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>5</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 52 185,749 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>4</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 53 187,190 Purchasable when available in the shop.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 58 190,416 Earnable on the Battlegrounds Track in Season <i>6</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 59 190,416 Earnable on the Battlegrounds Track in Season <i>6</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 60 190,416 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>6</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 61 190,416 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>6</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 62 190,416 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>6</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 68 198,037 Earnable on the Battlegrounds Track in Season <i>7</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 69 198,037 Earnable on the Battlegrounds Track in Season <i>7</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 70 198,037 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>7</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 71 198,037 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>7</i>.
Template:CustomBattlegroundsFinisher table/store1 (edit) 72 198,037 Earnable after purchasing the Battlegrounds Season Pass in Season <i>7</i>.