View table: Coin

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. enabled - Integer
  3. cardId - Integer
  4. name - String
  5. description - Integer

This table has 12 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id enabled cardId name description
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 1 1 1,746 The Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 2 1 64,827 Darkmoon Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 3 1 64,828 Prize Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 10 1 73,367 Stormwind Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 11 1 73,368 Lordaeron Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 24 1 73,371 Flexsplosion Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 25 1 73,372 EVIL Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 26 1 73,370 Draconic Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 27 1 73,369 Black Temple Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 28 1 80,547 Faction Pride Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 29 1 80,549 Alterac General Coin
Template:Coin table/store1 (edit) 33 1 85,100 Zin-Azshari Coin