View table: CardsOfficial5

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Table structure:

  1. dbfId - Integer
  2. id - String
  3. name - String
  4. cardClass - String
  5. multiclassGroup - String
  6. classes - List of String, delimiter: ,
  7. text - String
  8. flavor - String
  9. cost - Integer
  10. attack - Integer
  11. health - Integer
  12. durability - Integer
  13. armor - Integer
  14. rarity - String
  15. elite - Boolean
  16. sets - String
  17. type - String
  18. race - String
  19. spellSchool - String
  20. artist - String
  21. collectible - Boolean
  22. mechanics - List of String, delimiter: ,
  23. referencedTags - List of String, delimiter: ,
  24. overload - Integer
  25. spellDamage - Integer
  26. targetingArrowText - String
  27. collectionText - String
  28. howToEarn - String
  29. howToEarnGolden - String
  30. hideCost - Boolean
  31. hideStats - Boolean
  32. questReward - String
  33. puzzleType - Integer
  34. techLevel - Integer
  35. battlegroundsHero - Boolean
  36. battlegroundsNormalDbfId - Integer
  37. battlegroundsPremiumDbfId - Integer
  38. battlegroundsDarkmoonPrizeTurn - Integer
  39. battlegroundsSkinParentId - Integer
  40. faction - String
  41. mercenariesRole - Integer
  42. mercenariesAbilityCooldown - Integer
  43. isMiniSet - Boolean
  44. isBattlegroundsBuddy - Boolean
  45. battlegroundsBuddyDbfId - Integer
  46. isBattlegroundsPoolMinion - Boolean

This table has 3,117 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page dbfId id name cardClass multiclassGroup classes text flavor cost attack health durability armor rarity elite sets type race spellSchool artist collectible mechanics referencedTags overload spellDamage targetingArrowText collectionText howToEarn howToEarnGolden hideCost hideStats questReward puzzleType techLevel battlegroundsHero battlegroundsNormalDbfId battlegroundsPremiumDbfId battlegroundsDarkmoonPrizeTurn battlegroundsSkinParentId faction mercenariesRole mercenariesAbilityCooldown isMiniSet isBattlegroundsBuddy battlegroundsBuddyDbfId isBattlegroundsPoolMinion
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) PlaceholderCard 0
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 7 HERO_01 Garrosh Hellscream WARRIOR 30 FREE CORE HERO Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 8 CS1_113 Mind Control PRIEST Take control of an enemy minion. Nominated as "Spell Most Likely to Make Your Opponent Punch the Wall." 10 FREE CORE SPELL Sean O’Daniels Yes Unlocked at Level 10. Unlocked at Level 49.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 9 EX1_350 Prophet Velen PRIEST Double the damage and healing of your spells and Hero Power. He's been exiled from his home, and all his brothers turned evil, but otherwise he doesn't have a lot to complain about. 7 7 7 LEGENDARY Yes EXPERT1 MINION Wei Wang Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 12 EX1_055 Mana Addict NEUTRAL Whenever you cast a spell, gain +2 Attack this turn. She’s trying to kick the habit, but still takes some mana whenever she has a stressful day. 2 1 3 RARE EXPERT1 MINION Hideaki Takamura Yes ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 21 TU4c_003 Barrel NEUTRAL Is something in this barrel? 0 0 2 COMMON MISSIONS MINION DEATHRATTLE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 22 EX1_607 Inner Rage WARRIOR Deal $1 damage to a minion and give it +2 Attack. They're only smiling on the outside. 0 COMMON EXPERT1 SPELL Slawomir Maniak Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 23 EX1_320 Bane of Doom WARLOCK Deal $2 damage to a character. If that kills it, summon a random Demon. My advice to you is to avoid Doom, if possible. 5 EPIC EXPERT1 SPELL Raymond Swanland Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 26 EX1_596e Demonfire WARLOCK This Demon has +2/+2. COMMON EXPERT1 ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 28 NEW1_011 Kor'kron Elite WARRIOR <b>Charge</b> The Kor'kron are the elite forces of Garrosh Hellscream. Let's just say you don't want to run into these guys while wearing a blue tabard. 4 4 3 FREE CORE MINION Alex Horley Orlandelli Yes CHARGE Unlocked at Level 4. Unlocked at Level 44.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 30 EX1_339 Thoughtsteal PRIEST Copy 2 cards in your opponent's deck and add them to your hand. "What do you get when you cast Thoughtsteal on an Orc? Nothing!" - Tauren joke 3 COMMON EXPERT1 SPELL Alex Garner Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 31 HERO_05 Rexxar HUNTER 30 FREE CORE HERO Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 32 NEW1_010 Al'Akir the Windlord SHAMAN <b>Windfury, Charge, Divine Shield, Taunt</b> He is the weakest of the four Elemental Lords. And the other three don't let him forget it. 8 3 5 LEGENDARY Yes EXPERT1 MINION ELEMENTAL Raymond Swanland Yes CHARGE DIVINE_SHIELD TAUNT WINDFURY
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 34 EX1_023 Silvermoon Guardian NEUTRAL <b>Divine Shield</b> The first time they tried to guard Silvermoon against the scourge, it didn’t go so well… 4 3 3 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION Phroilan Gardner Yes DIVINE_SHIELD HORDE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 36 EX1_573 Cenarius DRUID <b>Choose One -</b> Give your other minions +2/+2; or Summon two 2/2 Treants with <b>Taunt</b>. Yes, he's a demigod. No, he doesn't need to wear a shirt. 9 5 8 LEGENDARY Yes EXPERT1 MINION Alex Horley Orlandelli Yes CHOOSE_ONE TAUNT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 37 EX1_076 Pint-Sized Summoner NEUTRAL The first minion you play each turn costs (1) less. She's quite jealous of the Gallon-Sized Summoner. 2 2 2 RARE EXPERT1 MINION Ron Spears Yes AURA ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 41 CS2_121 Frostwolf Grunt NEUTRAL <b>Taunt</b> Grunting is what his father did and his father before that. It's more than just a job. 2 2 2 FREE CORE MINION Richie Marella Yes TAUNT Unlocked at Shaman Level 57.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 42 EX1_044e Level Up! NEUTRAL Increased Attack and Health. EXPERT1 ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 45 EX1_390 Tauren Warrior NEUTRAL <b>Taunt</b><br><b>Enrage:</b> +3 Attack. Tauren Warrior: Champion of Mulgore, Slayer of Quilboar, Rider of Thunderbluff Elevators. 3 2 3 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION Paul Warzecha Yes ENRAGED TAUNT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 48 CS2_065 Voidwalker WARLOCK <b>Taunt</b> No relation to "The Voidsteppers", the popular Void-based dance troupe. 1 1 3 FREE CORE MINION DEMON Alex Horley Orlandelli Yes TAUNT Unlocked at Level 1. Unlocked at Level 36.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 51 CS2_039 Windfury SHAMAN Give a minion <b>Windfury</b>. Windfury is like Earthfury and Firefury, but more light and airy. 2 FREE CORE SPELL Justin Sweet Yes WINDFURY Unlocked at Level 1. Unlocked at Level 23.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 52 Mekka3 Emboldener 3000 NEUTRAL At the end of your turn, give a random minion +1/+1. 1 0 4 COMMON HOF MINION MECHANICAL ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 54 ds1_whelptoken Whelp NEUTRAL 1 1 1 EXPERT1 MINION DRAGON
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 59 EX1_025t Mechanical Dragonling NEUTRAL 1 2 1 COMMON CORE MINION MECHANICAL
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 60 EX1_160a Summon a Panther DRUID Summon a 3/2 Panther. 0 EXPERT1 SPELL
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 61 CS2_221 Spiteful Smith NEUTRAL <b>Enrage:</b> Your weapon has +2 Attack. She'll craft you a sword, but you'll need to bring her 5 Steel Ingots, 3 Motes of Earth, and the scalp of her last customer. 5 4 6 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION Justin Sweet Yes ENRAGED HORDE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 63 EX1_165a Cat Form DRUID <b>Charge</b> 0 COMMON EXPERT1 SPELL
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 64 CS2_012 Swipe DRUID Deal $4 damage to an enemy and $1 damage to all other enemies. When a bear rears back and extends his arms, he's about to Swipe! ... or hug. 4 FREE CORE SPELL Sean O’Daniels Yes Unlocked at Level 8. Unlocked at Level 47.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 65 CS2_005o Claw DRUID +2 Attack this turn. CORE ENCHANTMENT TAG_ONE_TURN_EFFECT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 67 CS2_127 Silverback Patriarch NEUTRAL <b>Taunt</b> He likes to act like he's in charge, but the silverback matriarch actually runs things. 3 1 4 FREE CORE MINION BEAST Daren Bader Yes TAUNT Unlocked at Warrior Level 53. HORDE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 68 EX1_028 Stranglethorn Tiger NEUTRAL <b>Stealth</b> The wonderful thing about tigers is tigers are wonderful things! 5 5 5 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION BEAST Alex Horley Orlandelli Yes STEALTH ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 69 CS2_151 Silver Hand Knight NEUTRAL <b>Battlecry:</b> Summon a 2/2 Squire. It's good to be a knight. Less so to be one's squire. 5 4 4 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION Matt Starbuck Yes BATTLECRY ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 70 CS2_087 Blessing of Might PALADIN Give a minion +3 Attack. "As in, you MIGHT want to get out of my way." - Toad Mackle, recently buffed. 1 FREE CORE SPELL Zoltan Boros Yes Unlocked at Level 1. Unlocked at Level 45.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 75 EX1_407 Brawl WARRIOR Destroy all minions except one. <i>(chosen randomly)</i> Do you know the first rule of Brawl Club? 5 EPIC EXPERT1 SPELL Wayne Reynolds Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 76 EX1_598 Imp NEUTRAL 1 1 1 EXPERT1 MINION DEMON
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 77 CS2_022 Polymorph MAGE Transform a minion<br>into a 1/1 Sheep. There was going to be a pun in this flavor text, but it just came out baa-d. 4 FREE CORE SPELL Vance Kovacs Yes Unlocked at Level 1. Unlocked at Level 47.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 78 CS2_105e Heroic Strike WARRIOR +4 Attack this turn. CORE ENCHANTMENT TAG_ONE_TURN_EFFECT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 86 NEW1_007 Starfall DRUID <b>Choose One -</b> Deal $5 damage to a minion; or $2 damage to all enemy minions. Is the sky falling? Yes. Yes it is. 5 RARE EXPERT1 SPELL Richard Wright Yes CHOOSE_ONE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 90 CS2_182 Chillwind Yeti NEUTRAL He always dreamed of coming down from the mountains and opening a noodle shop, but he never got the nerve. 4 4 5 FREE CORE MINION Mauro Cascioli Yes Unlocked at Warrior Level 55.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 95 EX1_164 Nourish DRUID <b>Choose One -</b> Gain 2 Mana Crystals; or Draw 3 cards. Druids take nourishment from many things: the power of nature, the songbird's chirp, a chocolate cake. 5 RARE EXPERT1 SPELL Terese Nielsen Yes CHOOSE_ONE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 99 EX1_165b Bear Form DRUID +2 Health and <b>Taunt</b>. 0 COMMON EXPERT1 SPELL
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 100 NEW1_034 Huffer HUNTER <b>Charge</b> 3 4 2 COMMON CORE MINION BEAST CHARGE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 102 EX1_130a Defender PALADIN 1 2 1 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 113 EX1_287 Counterspell MAGE <b>Secret:</b> When your opponent casts a spell, <b>Counter</b> it. What's the difference between a mage playing with Counterspell and a mage who isn't? The mage who isn't is getting Pyroblasted in the face. 3 RARE EXPERT1 SPELL Jason Chan Yes SECRET COUNTER
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 122 NEW1_017e Full Belly NEUTRAL +2/+2. Full of Murloc. EXPERT1 ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 130 CS2_022e Polymorph MAGE This minion has been transformed into a 1/1 Sheep. COMMON CORE ENCHANTMENT MORPH
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 132 EX1_011 Voodoo Doctor NEUTRAL <b>Battlecry:</b> Restore 2 Health. Voodoo is an oft-misunderstood art. But it <i>is</i> art. 1 2 1 FREE CORE MINION Karl Richardson Yes BATTLECRY Restore 2 Health. Unlocked at Rogue Level 55. HORDE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 134 CS2_161 Ravenholdt Assassin NEUTRAL <b>Stealth</b> Just mail him a package with a name and 10,000 gold. He'll take care of the rest. 7 7 5 RARE EXPERT1 MINION Ralph Horsley Yes STEALTH ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 137 EX1_154b Wrath DRUID Deal $1 damage to a minion. Draw a card. 0 EXPERT1 SPELL
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 138 NEW1_021 Doomsayer NEUTRAL At the start of your turn, destroy ALL minions. He's almost been right so many times. He was <i>sure</i> it was coming during the Cataclysm. 2 0 7 EPIC EXPERT1 MINION Alex Horley Orlandelli Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 140 EX1_136 Redemption PALADIN <b>Secret:</b> When a friendly minion dies, return it to life with 1 Health. I am not sure how you get demptioned the first time. It’s a mystery! 1 COMMON EXPERT1 SPELL Ittoku Yes SECRET
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 141 CS2_084 Hunter's Mark HUNTER Change a minion's Health to 1. Never play 'Hide and Go Seek' with a Hunter. 1 FREE CORE SPELL Jimmy Lo Yes Unlocked at Level 6. Unlocked at Level 40.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 143 NEW1_033o Eye In The Sky HUNTER Leokk is granting this minion +1 Attack. CORE ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 145 EX1_345 Mindgames PRIEST Put a copy of<br>a random minion from<br>your opponent's deck into the battlefield. Sometimes it feels like this is all a game. 4 EPIC EXPERT1 SPELL Zoltan & Gabor Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 146 Mekka4 Poultryizer NEUTRAL At the start of your turn, transform a random minion into a 1/1 Chicken. 1 0 3 COMMON HOF MINION MECHANICAL ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 147 EX1_303 Shadowflame WARLOCK Destroy a friendly minion and deal its Attack damage to all enemy minions. Start with a powerful minion and stir in Shadowflame and you have a good time! 4 RARE EXPERT1 SPELL Dave Kendall Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 149 CS2_041 Ancestral Healing SHAMAN Restore a minion<br>to full Health and<br>give it <b>Taunt</b>. I personally prefer some non-ancestral right-the-heck-now healing, but maybe that is just me. 0 FREE CORE SPELL Dan Scott Yes TAUNT Unlocked at Level 1. Unlocked at Level 15.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 151 EX1_155 Mark of Nature DRUID <b>Choose One -</b> Give a minion +4 Attack; or +4 Health and <b>Taunt</b>. Druids call it the "Mark of Nature." Everyone else calls it "needing a bath." 3 COMMON EXPERT1 SPELL Clint Langley Yes CHOOSE_ONE TAUNT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 153 EX1_178ae Rooted DRUID +5 Health and <b>Taunt</b>. EXPERT1 ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 157 CS2_162 Lord of the Arena NEUTRAL <b>Taunt</b> He used to be a 2100+ rated arena player, but that was years ago and nobody can get him to shut up about it. 6 6 5 FREE CORE MINION E.M. Gist Yes TAUNT Unlocked at Priest Level 59. ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 158 EX1_080 Secretkeeper NEUTRAL Whenever a <b>Secret</b> is played, gain +1/+1. She promises not to tell anyone about that thing you did last night with that one person. 1 1 2 RARE EXPERT1 MINION Gonzalo Ordonez Yes SECRET ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 163 NEW1_003 Sacrificial Pact WARLOCK Destroy a Demon. Restore #5 Health to your hero. This is the reason that Demons never really become friends with Warlocks. 0 FREE CORE SPELL Jim Nelson Yes Unlocked at Level 8. Unlocked at Level 15.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 169 EX1_379e Repentance PALADIN Health reduced to 1. EXPERT1 ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 172 CS2_031 Ice Lance MAGE <b>Freeze</b> a character. If it was already <b>Frozen</b>, deal $4 damage instead. The trick is not to break the lance. Otherwise, you have "Ice Pieces." Ice Pieces aren't as effective. 1 COMMON HOF SPELL Alex Horley Orlandelli Yes FREEZE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 175 EX1_582 Dalaran Mage NEUTRAL <b>Spell Damage +1</b> You don't see a lot of Dalaran warriors. 3 1 4 FREE CORE MINION Jim Nelson Yes 1 Unlocked at Mage Level 59.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 178 EX1_587 Windspeaker SHAMAN <b>Battlecry:</b> Give a friendly minion <b>Windfury</b>. Is there anything worse than a Windspeaker with halitosis? 4 3 3 FREE CORE MINION Vance Kovacs Yes BATTLECRY WINDFURY Give <b>Windfury</b>. Unlocked at Level 8. Unlocked at Level 45.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 179 CS2_231 Wisp NEUTRAL If you hit an Eredar Lord with enough Wisps, it will explode. But why? 0 1 1 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION Malcolm Davis Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 180 CS2_072 Backstab ROGUE Deal $2 damage to an undamaged minion. It's funny how often yelling "Look over there!" gets your opponent to turn around. 0 FREE CORE SPELL Michael Sutfin Yes Unlocked at Level 1. Unlocked at Level 36.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 182 EX1_178b Uproot DRUID +5 Attack. 0 EXPERT1 SPELL
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 185 CS2_059o Blood Pact WARLOCK Increased Health. EXPERT1 ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 186 EX1_057 Ancient Brewmaster NEUTRAL <b>Battlecry:</b> Return a friendly minion from the battlefield to your hand. Most pandaren say his brew tastes like yak. But apparently that's a compliment. 4 5 4 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION Bernie Kang Yes BATTLECRY Return a minion to your hand. ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 189 CS2_042 Fire Elemental SHAMAN <b>Battlecry:</b> Deal 3 damage. He can never take a bath. Ewww. 6 6 5 FREE CORE MINION ELEMENTAL Ralph Horsley Yes BATTLECRY Deal 3 damage. Unlocked at Level 10. Unlocked at Level 49.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 191 CS2_168 Murloc Raider NEUTRAL Mrrraggglhlhghghlgh, mrgaaag blarrghlgaahahl mrgggg glhalhah a bghhll graggmgmg Garrosh mglhlhlh mrghlhlhl!! 1 2 1 FREE CORE MINION MURLOC Dan Scott Yes Unlocked at Priest Level 51. ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 192 EX1_295 Ice Block MAGE <b>Secret:</b> When your hero takes fatal damage, prevent it and become <b>Immune</b> this turn. Ice is nice, and will suffice! 3 EPIC EXPERT1 SPELL Carl Frank Yes SECRET IMMUNE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 195 EX1_294 Mirror Entity MAGE <b>Secret:</b> After your opponent plays a minion, summon a copy of it. "You go first." - Krush'gor the Behemoth, to his pet boar. 3 COMMON EXPERT1 SPELL Raven Mimura Yes SECRET
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 196 NEW1_004 Vanish ROGUE Return all minions to their owner's hand. 6 FREE CORE SPELL Sean O’Daniels Yes Unlocked at Level 8. Unlocked at Level 23.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 201 EX1_131 Defias Ringleader ROGUE <b>Combo:</b> Summon a 2/1 Defias Bandit. He stole the deed to town years ago, so technically the town <i>is</i> his. He just calls people Scrub to be mean. 2 2 2 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION Dany Orizio Yes COMBO
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 204 EX1_554t Snake HUNTER 1 1 1 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION BEAST
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 205 CS2_232 Ironbark Protector DRUID <b>Taunt</b> I <i>dare</i> you to attack Darnassus. 8 8 8 FREE CORE MINION Dave Allsop Yes TAUNT Unlocked at Level 10. Unlocked at Level 49.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 207 CS2_009e Mark of the Wild DRUID +2/+2 and <b>Taunt</b>. CORE ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 208 DREAM_05e Nightmare NEUTRAL This minion has +5/+5, but will be destroyed soon. EXPERT1 ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 209 NEW1_008b Ancient Secrets DRUID Restore 5 Health. 0 EXPERT1 SPELL
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 211 EX1_586 Sea Giant NEUTRAL Costs (1) less for each other minion on the battlefield. See? Giant. 10 8 8 EPIC EXPERT1 MINION Svetlin Velinov Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 213 CS2_009 Mark of the Wild DRUID Give a minion <b>Taunt</b> and +2/+2.<i><br>(+2 Attack/+2 Health)</i> Not to be confused with Jim of the Wild. 2 FREE CORE SPELL Brad Vancata Yes TAUNT Unlocked at Level 1. Unlocked at Level 28.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 216 CS2_172 Bloodfen Raptor NEUTRAL "Kill 30 raptors." - Hemet Nesingwary 2 3 2 FREE CORE MINION BEAST Dan Brereton Yes Unlocked at Hunter Level 57. HORDE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 217 DREAM_05 Nightmare DREAM Give a minion +5/+5. At the start of your next turn, destroy it. 0 EXPERT1 SPELL
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 220 EX1_334 Shadow Madness PRIEST Gain control of an enemy minion with 3 or less Attack until end of turn. You can rationalize it all you want, it's still a mean thing to do. 4 RARE EXPERT1 SPELL Mark Gibbons Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 226 NEW1_033 Leokk HUNTER Your other minions have +1 Attack. 3 2 4 COMMON CORE MINION BEAST
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 227 Mekka1 Homing Chicken NEUTRAL At the start of your turn, destroy this minion and draw 3 cards. 1 0 1 COMMON HOF MINION MECHANICAL ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 229 DS1h_292 Steady Shot HUNTER <b>Hero Power</b><br>Deal $2 damage to the enemy hero. 2 FREE CORE HERO_POWER
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 232 EX1_379 Repentance PALADIN <b>Secret:</b> After your opponent plays a minion, reduce its Health to 1. Repentance often comes in the moment before obliteration. Curious. 1 COMMON EXPERT1 SPELL Gonzalo Ordonez Yes SECRET
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 233 EX1_161 Naturalize DRUID Destroy a minion.<br>Your opponent draws 2 cards. Another one bites the dust. 1 COMMON EXPERT1 SPELL Leo Che Yes
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 237 EX1_591 Auchenai Soulpriest PRIEST Your cards and powers that restore Health now deal damage instead. The Auchenai know the end is coming, but they're not sure when. 4 3 5 RARE EXPERT1 MINION Doug Alexander Yes AURA
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 238 EX1_248 Feral Spirit SHAMAN Summon two 2/3 Spirit Wolves with <b>Taunt</b>. <b>Overload:</b> (2) Spirit wolves are like regular wolves with pom-poms. 3 RARE EXPERT1 SPELL Clint Langley Yes TAUNT 2
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 239 CS2_045 Rockbiter Weapon SHAMAN Give a friendly character +3 Attack this turn. This would be real handy if your enemy is made of rock. 2 FREE CORE SPELL Alex Horley Orlandelli Yes Unlocked at Level 1. Unlocked at Level 36.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 240 CS2_222o Might of Stormwind NEUTRAL Has +1/+1. CORE ENCHANTMENT
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 242 CS2_188 Abusive Sergeant NEUTRAL <b>Battlecry:</b> Give a minion +2 Attack this turn. ADD ME TO YOUR DECK, MAGGOT! 1 1 1 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION Luca Zontini Yes BATTLECRY Grant +2 Attack. ALLIANCE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 250 CS2_094 Hammer of Wrath PALADIN Deal $3 damage.<br>Draw a card. A good paladin has many tools. Hammer of Wrath, Pliers of Vengeance, Hacksaw of Justice, etc. 4 FREE CORE SPELL Efrem Palacios Yes Unlocked at Level 1. Unlocked at Level 32.
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 251 EX1_096 Loot Hoarder NEUTRAL <b>Deathrattle:</b> Draw a card. Always roll need. 2 2 1 COMMON EXPERT1 MINION Jim Nelson Yes DEATHRATTLE
Template:CardsOfficial5 table/store1 (edit) 253 EX1_154a Wrath DRUID Deal $3 damage to a minion. 0 EXPERT1 SPELL
