View table: BountySet

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. noteDesc - String
  3. event - Integer
  4. availableAfterEvent - Integer
  5. name - String
  6. descriptionNormal - String
  7. descriptionHeroic - String
  8. descriptionMythic - String
  9. unlockPopupText - String
  10. sortOrder - Integer
  11. shortGuid - String
  12. isTutorial - Integer
  13. watermarkTexture - String
  14. zoneArtTexture - String
  15. tileArtTexture - String
  16. isComingSoon - Integer
  17. requiredCompletedBountyId - Integer

This table has 11 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id noteDesc event availableAfterEvent name descriptionNormal descriptionHeroic descriptionMythic unlockPopupText sortOrder shortGuid isTutorial watermarkTexture zoneArtTexture tileArtTexture isComingSoon requiredCompletedBountyId
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 3 Prologue 203 -1 Prologue: Deadmines 0 PRO 1 Lettuce_ZoneArt_Barrens.png Lettuce_Lobby_BigButton.png 0 0
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 5 The Barrens 203 -1 The Barrens From rocky deserts to rugged hills, many wild and dangerous creatures roam the Barrens. For our biggest thrill seekers out there, the Barrens (Heroic) offers only the best hunting trips. 2 BAR 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_Barrens.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_Barrens.png 0 0
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 6 Felwood 203 -1 Felwood Once a serene forest, Felwood has become the heart of the Legion's corruption in Kalimdor. Please remember to bring protective footwear when traversing Felwood (Heroic). Recommended Levels 20-25 3 FEL 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_Felwood.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_Felwood.png 0 65
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 7 Winterspring 203 -1 Winterspring This valley is an uninviting land of constant winter and unique wildlife. No matter the season, you can always count on perfect skiing conditions in Winterspring (Heroic). Recommended Level 30 4 WIN 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_Winterspring.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_Winterspring.png 0 72
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 8 Blackrock Mountain 203 -1 Blackrock Mountain Secrets and treasures lie underneath the mountain, guarded by ancient beings. Dwarves! Elementals! AND DRAGONS?! Blackrock Mountain (Heroic) has it all. Insects may be purged. 5 BRM 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_Blackrock.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_Blackrock.png 0 78
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 10 Alterac Valley 203 -1 Alterac Valley A heated struggle in a frozen valley. The Alliance and Horde collide in a battle for the ages. Pull out your pauldrons and blankets and determine which side takes it all in Alterac Valley (Heroic). Frostbitten battlefields await. 6 AV 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_AlteracValley.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_AlteracValley.png 0 78
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 11 Onyxia's Lair 203 -1 Onyxia's Lair Onyxia's stolen the shards of naaru. Traverse the caverns to reclaim them, and hope to escape her wrath. Please don't step on the eggs as you burst your way into Onyxia's Lair (Heroic). Handle it! 7 OL 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_Onyxia.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_Onyxia.png 0 78
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 13 Darkshore 10,000,438 10,000,438 Darkshore Murlocs and Naga are just the beginning of what's been troubling Kalimdor's shores. Something fishy's going on. You'll need a noseplug as you investigate Darkshore (Heroic). What lurks unseen? 8 DRK 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_Darkshore.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_Darkshore.png 0 78
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 14 The Sunken City 203 -1 The Sunken City Zin-Azshari decended beneath the ocean 10,000 years ago. What mysteries will you uncover? Millenia fly by with an Old God by your side. Get ready for a tour of The Sunken City (Heroic). Delve into ancient secrets. 9 TSC 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_TheSunkenCity.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_TheSunkenCity.png 0 78
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 21 The Darkmoon Troupe 203 -1 The Darkmoon Troupe Don't let the excitement of the carnival deceive you. There is more here than meets the eye. Hurry up! The show's about to start. Find your seats to see The Darkmoon Troupe (Heroic). Magical wonders beyond compare. 10 TDT 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_TheDarkmoonTroupe.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_TheDarkmoonTroupe.png 0 72
Template:BountySet table/store1 (edit) 22 Boss Rush 203 -1 Boss Rush Your portal awaits! Step inside, who knows where you’ll end up, or what you'll find... 1 BR 0 Lettuce_ZoneArt_BossRush.png Lettuce_ZoneTile_BossRush.png 0 0