View table: Booster

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Table structure:

  1. id - Integer
  2. noteDesc - String
  3. cardSetId - Integer
  4. latestExpansionOrder - Integer
  5. listDisplayOrder - Integer
  6. listDisplayOrderCategory - Integer
  7. openPackEvent - Integer
  8. buyWithGoldEvent - Integer
  9. rewardableEvent - Integer
  10. name - String
  11. shortName - String
  12. standardEvent - Integer
  13. showInStore - Integer
  14. rankedRewardInitialSeason - Integer
  15. premium - Integer
  16. isCatchupPack - Integer

This table has 76 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id noteDesc cardSetId latestExpansionOrder listDisplayOrder listDisplayOrderCategory openPackEvent buyWithGoldEvent rewardableEvent name shortName standardEvent showInStore rankedRewardInitialSeason premium isCatchupPack
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 1 Set 1 Expert 3 1 10 500 203 203 10,000,163 Classic 10,000,145 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 3 Draft Hero 0 0 0 0 0 164 0 Draft Hero 203 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 5 Draft common slot 0 0 0 0 0 164 0 Draft Common 203 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 6 Draft rare slot 0 0 0 0 0 164 0 Draft Rare 203 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 9 2015-4.0 GvG Pack 13 40 40 300 203 10,000,215 10,000,216 Goblins vs Gnomes 10,000,138 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 10 2015-5.0 Grand Tournament Pack 15 50 50 300 203 10,000,163 10,000,164 The Grand Tournament 10,000,139 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 11 2016-6.0 Old Gods Pack 21 60 60 300 203 10,000,165 10,000,165 Whispers of the Old Gods 10,000,137 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 17 First Purchase Bundle - Client only placeholder 0 0 0 0 164 164 164 Welcome Bundle 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 18 Create Account Incentive Pack - Client only placeholder 0 0 0 0 164 164 164 Classic 203 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 19 2016-7.0 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Pack 25 70 70 300 203 10,000,169 10,000,169 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan 10,000,137 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 20 2017-8.0 Journey to Un'Goro 27 80 80 300 203 10,000,170 10,000,170 Journey to Un'Goro 10,000,140 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 21 2017-9.0 Knights of the Frozen Throne 1,001 90 90 300 203 307 10,000,171 Knights of the Frozen Throne 10,000,140 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 23 Golden Classic Pack 0 0 11 500 203 164 0 Golden Classic Golden 10,000,145 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 30 2017-10.0 Lootapalooza 1,004 100 100 300 203 10,000,172 10,000,173 Kobolds & Catacombs 10,000,140 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 31 2018-11.0 The Witchwood 1,125 110 110 300 203 10,000,175 10,000,176 The Witchwood 10,000,141 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 37 Draft Hero Power 0 0 0 0 0 164 0 Draft Hero Power 203 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 38 2018-12.0 The Boomsday Project 1,127 120 120 300 203 10,000,181 10,000,182 The Boomsday Project 10,000,141 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 40 2018-13.0 Rastakhan's Rumble 1,129 130 130 300 203 10,000,184 10,000,184 Rastakhan's Rumble 10,000,141 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 41 2017 Mammoth Bundle - Client only placeholder 0 0 0 0 164 164 164 Mammoth Bundle 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 49 2019-14.0 Rise of Shadows 1,130 140 140 300 10,000,191 10,000,191 10,000,191 Rise of Shadows 10,000,145 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 128 2019-15.0 Uldum 1,158 150 150 300 10,000,166 10,000,166 10,000,168 Saviors of Uldum 10,000,145 1 70 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 181 2018 First Purchase Bundle Refresh - Client only placeholder 0 0 0 0 164 164 164 Welcome Bundle 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 347 2019-16.0 Dragons 1,347 160 160 300 10,000,177 10,000,177 10,000,179 Descent of Dragons 10,000,145 1 71 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 423 2019-17.0 Black Temple Training Grounds 1,414 170 170 300 10,000,185 10,000,185 10,000,187 Ashes of Outland 10,000,149 1 78 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 468 2020-18.0 Scholomance 1,443 180 180 300 10,000,188 10,000,188 10,000,190 Scholomance Academy 10,000,149 1 81 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 470 Standard Hunter Pack 0 0 20 700 203 164 164 Hunter Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 498 2019 Year of the Dragon 0 0 165 300 203 164 0 Year of the Dragon 10,000,145 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 545 Standard Mage Pack 0 0 30 700 203 164 164 Mage Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 553 2021-20.0 The Barrens 1,525 200 200 300 10,000,193 10,000,193 10,000,195 Forged in the Barrens 10,000,196 1 89 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 602 2021-21.0 Stormwind 1,578 210 210 300 10,000,096 10,000,096 10,000,096 United in Stormwind 10,000,196 1 93 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 603 2020-18.0 Golden Scholomance 0 0 181 300 10,000,188 164 164 Golden Scholomance Academy 10,000,149 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 616 2020-19.0 Darkmoon Faire 1,466 190 190 300 10,000,198 10,000,198 10,000,200 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire 10,000,149 1 85 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 629 2021-21.4 Mercenaries 0 0 1 100 203 203 0 Mercenaries 203 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 631 Standard Druid Pack 0 0 10 700 203 164 164 Druid Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 632 Standard Paladin Pack 0 0 10 700 203 164 164 Paladin Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 633 Standard Warrior Pack 0 0 90 700 203 164 164 Warrior Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 634 Standard Priest Pack 0 0 50 700 203 164 164 Priest Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 635 Standard Rogue Pack 0 0 60 700 203 164 164 Rogue Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 636 Standard Shaman Pack 0 0 70 700 203 164 164 Shaman Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 637 Standard Warlock Pack 0 0 80 700 203 164 164 Warlock Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 638 Standard Demon Hunter Pack 0 0 100 700 203 164 164 Demon Hunter Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 643 2020-19.0 Golden Darkmoon Faire 0 0 191 300 10,000,198 164 164 Golden Madness at the Darkmoon Faire 10,000,149 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 665 2021-22.0 Alterac Valley 1,626 220 220 300 10,000,098 10,000,098 10,000,098 Fractured in Alterac Valley 10,000,196 1 97 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 686 2021-20.0 Golden The Barrens 0 0 201 300 10,000,193 203 164 Golden Forged in the Barrens 10,000,196 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 688 2020 Year of the Phoenix 0 0 195 300 203 164 0 Year of the Phoenix 10,000,149 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 694 2022-23.0 The Sunken City 1,658 230 230 300 10,000,202 10,000,202 10,000,202 Voyage to the Sunken City Normal 10,000,204 1 102 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 713 Standard Pack 0 0 10 800 203 203 164 Standard Standard 203 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 714 Wild Pack 0 0 10 600 203 203 164 Wild 164 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 716 Golden Standard Pack 0 0 11 800 203 203 164 Golden Standard Golden Standard 203 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 722 Epic Pack 0 0 0 0 203 164 164 Epic Pack 203 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 729 2022-24.0 Revendreth 1,691 240 240 300 10,000,205 10,000,205 10,000,205 Murder at Castle Nathria Normal 10,000,204 1 104 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 737 2021-21.0 Golden Stormwind 0 0 211 300 10,000,096 203 164 Golden United in Stormwind 10,000,196 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 819 2023-27.0 Titans 1,858 270 270 900 10,000,207 10,000,207 10,000,207 TITANS Normal 10,000,209 1 117 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 821 2022-25.0 March of the Lich King 1,776 250 250 300 10,000,210 10,000,210 10,000,210 March of the Lich King Normal 10,000,204 1 109 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 841 2021-22.0 Golden Alterac Valley 0 0 221 300 10,000,098 203 164 Golden Fractured in Alterac Valley 10,000,196 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 850 2022-23.0 Golden The Sunken City 0 0 231 300 10,000,202 203 164 Golden Voyage to the Sunken City Golden 10,000,204 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 854 2023-26.0 Festival of Legends 1,809 260 260 900 10,000,212 10,000,212 10,000,212 Festival of Legends Normal 10,000,209 1 113 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 874 2022-24.0 Golden Revendreth 0 0 241 300 10,000,205 203 164 Golden Murder at Castle Nathria Golden 10,000,204 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 894 2023-27.2 Caverns of Time 1,898 0 77 400 10,000,214 10,000,214 10,000,214 Caverns of Time 164 0 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 904 2022-24.2 Golden Wild Pack 0 0 11 600 203 203 164 Golden Wild 164 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 918 Standard Death Knight Pack 0 0 110 700 10,000,210 164 164 Death Knight Pack 203 1 0 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 921 2022-25.0 Signature March of the Lich King 1,776 0 251 300 10,000,210 203 164 Signature Golden March of the Lich King Signature Golden 10,000,204 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 922 2023-28.0 Showdown in the Badlands 1,892 280 280 900 10,000,217 10,000,217 10,000,217 Showdown in the Badlands Normal 10,000,209 1 120 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 932 2023-26.0 Golden Festival of Legends 1,809 0 261 900 10,000,212 10,000,212 164 Golden Festival of Legends Golden 10,000,209 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 933 2024-29.0 Whizbang's Workshop 1,897 290 290 900 10,000,218 10,000,218 10,000,218 Whizbang's Workshop Normal 10,000,219 1 124 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 937 2023-27.0 Golden Titans 1,858 0 271 900 10,000,207 10,000,207 164 Golden TITANS Golden 10,000,209 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 938 2023-26.6 Golden Year of the Phoenix 0 0 196 300 203 164 164 Golden Year of the Phoenix 10,000,149 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 939 2023-26.6 Golden Black Temple Training Grounds 1,414 0 171 300 10,000,185 10,000,185 10,000,187 Golden Ashes of Outland 10,000,149 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 941 2024-30.0 Perils in Paradise 1,905 300 300 900 10,000,220 10,000,220 10,000,220 Perils in Paradise Normal 10,000,219 1 128 -1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 944 2023-28.0 Showdown in the Badlands Catch-Up Pack 0 0 279 800 10,000,217 164 164 Showdown in the Badlands Catch-up 10,000,204 0 0 0 1
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 945 2023-27.2 Golden Caverns of Time 1,898 0 78 400 10,000,214 10,000,214 164 Golden Caverns of Time 164 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 952 2023-28.0 Golden Showdown in the Badlands 1,892 0 281 900 10,000,217 10,000,217 164 Golden Showdown in the Badlands Golden 10,000,209 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 970 2024-29.0 Golden Whizbang's Workshop 1,897 0 291 900 10,000,218 10,000,218 164 Golden Whizbang's Workshop Golden 10,000,219 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 971 2024-29.0 Whizbang's Workshop Catch-Up Pack 0 0 289 800 10,000,221 164 164 Whizbang's Workshop Catch-up 10,000,209 0 0 0 1
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 977 2024-30.0 Golden Perils in Paradise 1,905 0 301 900 10,000,220 10,000,220 164 Golden Perils in Paradise Golden 10,000,219 0 0 1 0
Template:Booster table/store1 (edit) 978 2024-30.0 Perils in Paradise Catch-Up Pack 0 0 299 800 164 164 164 Whizbang's Workshop Catch-up 10,000,209 0 0 0 1