Mercenaries/King Krush/PvE

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This article contains information about King Krush exclusively for PvE.


LETL 282 05.png
Apex Predator {tier}
Attack the lowest Health enemy. Deathblow: Gain +{0} Health and repeat this.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
5 5 25
10 30 50
15 (+1) 55 (+ 5)100 (+ 50)
LETL 037P2 05.png
Terrify {tier}
Gain +{0} Attack for each of your Beasts. Attack a random enemy.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
5 6 25
10 11 50
15 (+1) 16 (+ 1)100 (+ 50)
LETL 269 05.png
Devilsaur {tier}
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
5 0 0
This card has no Mythic upgrades.


LETL 271 04.png
Flaming Claws {tier}
Passive: +{0} Attack.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
4 8 10
10 20 20
15 (+1) 30 (+ 2)50 (+ 25)
LETL 272 04.png
Rocky Carapace {tier}
Devilsaur has +{0} Health.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
4 10 10
10 34 20
15 (+1) 54 (+ 4)50 (+ 25)
LETL 273 04.png
Fresh Meat {tier}
Terrify gives an additional +{0} Attack.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
4 4 10
10 16 20
15 (+1) 26 (+ 2)50 (+ 25)


These treasures can also be picked in Normal and Heroic bounties.

LETL 953 01.png
Bestial Wrath {tier}
Passive: This Merc has +{0}/+{1} and your Beasts have +{0} Attack.
Tier checkpoint {0}{1}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 1 3 10
10 10 30 15
15 (+1) 15 (+ 1)45 (+ 3)30 (+ 15)
LETL 957 01.png
Survival Training {tier}
Steal {0}/{0} from a character and give it to your Beasts.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 2 10
10 11 15
15 (+1) 16 (+ 1)30 (+ 15)
LETL 1026 01.png
Mark of the Viper {tier}
Passive: Your Night Elves and Beasts have +{0} Attack and their abilities are ({1}) Speed faster.
Tier checkpoint {0}{1}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 3 1 10
10 30 1 15
15 (+1) 45 (+ 3)1 (+ 0)30 (+ 15)
LETL 773 01.png
The Beast Within {tier}
Give your Beasts +{0}/+{1} and they Attack random enemies.
Tier checkpoint {0}{1}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 2 1 10
10 20 19 15
15 (+1) 30 (+ 2)29 (+ 2)30 (+ 15)
LETL 985 01.png
Survival of the Fittest {tier}
Give your characters +{0}/+{1} wherever they are.
Tier checkpoint {0}{1}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 2 8 10
10 20 44 15
15 (+1) 30 (+ 2)64 (+ 4)30 (+ 15)
LT25 143 T1 01.png
Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus {tier}
Battlecry: Gain +{0}/+{1} for each of your other Beast in play.
Tier checkpoint {0}{1}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 5 5 10
10 23 23 15
15 (+1) 33 (+ 2)33 (+ 2)30 (+ 15)