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This article contains information about Drek'Thar exclusively for PvE.


LT22 003P1 05.png
Blood Frenzy {tier}
Give your Orcs and Horde characters +{0} Attack until the end of the turn. Attack a random enemy. If you have Fel Corruption, Attack increases by +{1}.
Tier checkpoint {0}{1}Renown Cost for
each next tier
5 6 1 25
10 11 11 50
15 (+1) 16 (+ 1)21 (+ 2)100 (+ 50)
LT22 003P2 05.png
Spirit Guide {tier}
Taunt. Battlecry: If you have Shamanism, gain Divine Shield and Rush.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
5 0 0
This card has no Mythic upgrades.
LT22 003P3a 05.png
Fel Corruption {tier}
Deal {0} damage to all enemies. Deal {1} damage to your other characters. (After a friendly Orc dies, this transforms into Shamanism 5.)
Tier checkpoint {0}{1}Renown Cost for
each next tier
5 19 5 25
10 39 5 50
15 (+1) 59 (+ 4)5 (+ 0)100 (+ 50)


LT22 003E1 04.png
Glacial Blade {tier}
Passive: +{0} Attack. After this Merc Attacks a character, Freeze them.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
4 6 10
10 12 20
15 (+1) 17 (+ 1)50 (+ 25)
LT22 003E2 04.png
Drek'Thar's Spellbook {tier}
Passive: Your characters have +{0} Arcane Resistance.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
4 5 10
10 23 20
15 (+1) 38 (+ 3)50 (+ 25)
LT22 003E3 04.png
Shimmerweed Potion {tier}
Battlecry: Give your characters +{0} Health.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
4 10 10
10 34 20
15 (+1) 54 (+ 4)50 (+ 25)


These treasures can also be picked in Normal and Heroic bounties.

LETL 963 01.png
Windfury Totem {tier}
Passive: Your characters have +{0} Attack and Windfury.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 1 10
10 10 15
15 (+1) 15 (+ 1)30 (+ 15)
LETL 974 01.png
Feral Spirit {tier}
Start of Game: Summon a {0}/{1} Feral Spirit with Taunt.
Tier checkpoint {0}{1}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 10 11 10
10 19 56 15
15 (+1) 24 (+ 1)81 (+ 5)30 (+ 15)
LETL 936 01.png
Flametongue Totem {tier}
Passive: Deal {0} damage to a random enemy at the start of each turn.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 2 10
10 29 15
15 (+1) 44 (+ 3)30 (+ 15)
LETL 919 01.png
Orgrimmar Tabard {tier}
Start of Game: Give your Orcs +{0}/+{1}.
Tier checkpoint {0}{1}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 1 2 10
10 10 20 15
15 (+1) 15 (+ 1)30 (+ 2)30 (+ 15)
LETL 1141 01.png
Frenzied Spirits {tier}
Passive: Your Spirit Wolves have +{0} Attack and Windfury.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 4 10
10 40 15
15 (+1) 60 (+ 4)30 (+ 15)
LT25 006T1 01.png
Snow Shroud {tier}
Passive: Your characters have +{0} Frost Resistance.
Tier checkpoint {0}Renown Cost for
each next tier
1 5 10
10 32 15
15 (+1) 47 (+ 3)30 (+ 15)