Laurel D. Austin

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Laurel D. Austin is an artist for the cards listed here.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Austin was the artist chosen to create the original Hearthstone key art, the main artwork used to promote the game prior to Curse of Naxxramas. On her website she comments on the piece, "An illustration created to celebrate the launch of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Little did any of us know at the time how popular the game would become!"[1] She has since gone on to create key art for many of the game's expansions and adventures.


Tavern Brawl cards

This section will list a maximum of 50 cards only.

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Tavern Brawl cards
Tavern Brawl cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TB HeadlessHorseman H1.png
TB TempleOutrunHHorsema.png

Boss cards

This section will list a maximum of 50 cards only.

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Boss cards
Boss cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BOM 07 Scabbs Hogger 003hb.png
TU4a 001.png
TU4f 002.png
Story 07 Ultraxion.png
Story 08 NightmareDemon.png

Battlegrounds[edit source]

Mercenaries[edit source]

Other cards[edit source]

Promotional art[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Laurel D. Austin - Hearthstone. Retrieved on 2015-01-03.

External links