Hearthstone Wiki:Project 14

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Project #14: Adding types to some AudioTexts
Not yet completed
Author: Use25
Working: No one

Add types to some unique AudioTexts for the table in Sounds section of Card articles

As Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13 is nearly completed, I also want to talk about implementing types to sound files. We will still be able to clarify types of sound files in the card articles; however, I want to implement types as data, so that whenever card articles are under serious revamp which may even lose information, these types won't be lost in vain. In short, you will also be able to add type of sound files in Template:AudioText table's storing pages.

You don't have to clarify type to all sound files. You will only need to do so to some of them such as:

  • Hero meeting with other heroes at the start of game.
  • Hero saying something when the player plays a card.
  • Minions like  Headmaster Kel'Thuzad that have a very unique trigger.

Sound files that have common triggers (like Emotes, Play, Death, Attack),... won't need to be treated carefully, the card template will be able to see the pattern and give them a default type.

What to do

  • Define |type= to {{AudioText table}} in AudioText table's storing pages.
  • Examples

  • {{AudioText table|file=VO_BGBAR_19_Male_Dragon_Deathwing_01.wav|text=What... wait! Father?!|type=Start as {{Bl|Deathwing}}}}