Ryan Masterson

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Ryan "Realz" Masterson is a Blizzard employee and Associate Game Designer on the Team 5 Hearthstone development team.

Masterson announced he would be joining Team 5 on August 27, 2014.[1]

Credits card[edit | edit source]

Ryan Masterson

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Having been a successful competitor in Hearthstone tournaments and member of teams such as ManaGrind North America, as well as a noted streamer, in August 2014 Realz announced that he would be joining Team 5 as an Associate Game Designer.[1] Realz is also known as a former World of Warcraft Arena professional player, and for playing Magic: The Gathering.[2]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Realz profile.jpg
Credits card artwork

Patch changes[edit | edit source]

  • Blackrock Mountain logo.png Patch (2015-06-15): Added to the game's credits with the 2015 update. Credits card added.
  • (2014-08-27): Announced he is joining Team 5 as an Associate Game Designer.

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]