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// UploadMultipleFiles ignore licensing check

mw.config.set('UMFBypassLicenseCheck', true);

// Fix search input suggestions not showing on mobile devices
if ($(window).width() < 1000) {
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				$(this).trigger(jQuery.Event('keypress', { 
					keyCode: e.keyCode,
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//Allow downloading by right-clicking AudioButton
mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function() {
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    menu.innerHTML = '<ul><li><a href="#">Download audio</a></li></ul>';
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//END Allow downloading by right-clicking AudioButton

// Redirect page Discussion to "New subject" by default
$(function() {
    $('#ca-talk a').each(function() {
        $(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href').replace('&redlink=1', '&section=new'))

/* Hearthstone Wiki Card Table Collapse Script *
// Author:  Shawn Bruckner
// Date:    2014-Feb-04
// License: CC-BY 3.0
// Version: beta

var cardtable = cardtable || {
    oldWidth : 0,
    wideWidth : 1052,
    initialize : function() {
        var index = 0;
        var tables = $( "table.cardtable-collapsible" );
        if ( tables.length > 0 ) {
            cardtable.oldWidth = $( window ).width();
            $( window ).resize( cardtable.performLayout );
        $( "table.cardtable-collapsible" ).each( function() {
            var firstRow = $( this ).find( "tr" ).first();
            if ( firstRow.length > 0 ) {
                $( this ).attr( "id", ( $( this ).attr( "id" ) ? $( this ).attr( "id" ) + " " : "" ) + "cardtable-collapsible-" + index );
                var linkHtml = "<div style=\"float: left; font-weight: normal; font-size: 95%;\">" +
                               "[<a href=\"javascript:cardtable.toggleTable( " +
                               index + " );\" class=\"cardtable-collapse-link-" + index + "\">hide</a>]</div>";
                var firstNarrowCell = firstRow.find( "th.narrowonly" ).first();
                var firstWideCell = firstRow.find( "th.wideonly" ).first();
                if ( firstNarrowCell.length > 0 && firstWideCell.length > 0 ) {
                    firstNarrowCell.html( firstNarrowCell.html() + linkHtml );
                    firstWideCell.html( firstWideCell.html() + linkHtml );
                } else {
                    var firstCell = firstRow.find( "th" ).first();
                    if ( firstCell.length > 0 ) {
                        firstCell.html( firstCell.html() + linkHtml );
                if ( $( this ).hasClass( "cardtable-collapsed" ) ) {
                    $( this ).removeClass( "cardtable-collapsed" );
                    cardtable.toggleTable( index );
        } );
    toggleTable : function( index ) {
        var links = $( "a.cardtable-collapse-link-" + index );
        if ( links.length > 0 ) {
            var table = $( "table#cardtable-collapsible-" + index );
            if ( table.hasClass( "cardtable-collapsed" ) ) {
                if ( $( window ).width() >= cardtable.wideWidth ) {
                    table.find( "tr" ).each( function() {
                        if ( !$( this ).hasClass( "narrowonly" ) ) {
                            $( this ).show();
                    } );
                } else {
                    table.find( "tr" ).show();
                links.html( "hide" );
                table.removeClass( "cardtable-collapsed" );
            } else {
                table.find( "tr" ).hide();
                table.find( "tr" ).first().show();
                links.html( "show" );
                table.addClass( "cardtable-collapsed" );
    performLayout : function() {
        var newWidth = $( window ).width();
        if ( cardtable.oldWidth < cardtable.wideWidth && newWidth >= cardtable.wideWidth ) {
             $( "table.cardtable-collapsible" ).each( function() {
                 cardtable.performLayoutOnTable( $( this ), "wideonly", "narrowonly" );
             } );
        } else if ( cardtable.oldWidth >= cardtable.wideWidth && newWidth < cardtable.wideWidth ) {
             $( "table.cardtable-collapsible" ).each( function() {
                 cardtable.performLayoutOnTable( $( this ), "narrowonly", "wideonly" );
             } );
        cardtable.oldWidth = newWidth;
    performLayoutOnTable : function( table, showClass, hideClass ) {
        var elements;
        if ( table.hasClass( "cardtable-collapsed" ) ) {
            elements = table.find( "tr" ).first();
        } else {
            elements = table;
        elements.find( "." + hideClass ).hide();
        elements.find( "." + showClass ).show();

$( document ).ready( cardtable.initialize );

/* End Hearthstone Wiki Card Table Collapse Script *

/* Countdown Timer *
// Author:  Use25
// Date:    2023-09-03

 * Add an element with class countdown-timer and attribute data-timer to add a countdown.
 * - data-timer: Time destination. Preferably in format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
 * - data-expired (optional, default: empty): Html content to render if it reaches data-timer
 * Example: <div class="countdown-timer" data-timer="2023-09-03 17:00:00" data-expired="<b>No longer in Charge :(</b>"></div>

$('.countdown-timer[data-timer]').each(function () {
	var el = this;
	var countDownDate = new Date($(el).attr('data-timer')).getTime();
	// Update countdown every 1 second
	window.setInterval(function() {
		var now = new Date().getTime();
		// Find the distance between now and the count down date
		var distance = countDownDate - now;
		if (distance < 0) {
			// When countdown hits, render data-expired
			var data_expired = $(el).attr('data-expired');
			if (typeof data_expired == 'undefined' && data_expired == false) {
				data_expired = "";
		} else {
			// Otherwise, calculate time then render the time left
			var days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
			var hours = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
			var minutes = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));
			var seconds = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);
			// Output the result
			$(el).html(days + "d " + hours + "h " + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s ");
	}, 1000);

/* End Countdown Timer *

/* Hearthstone Wiki Custom Collapse Script *
// Author:  Shawn Bruckner
// Date:    2017-Feb-13
// License: CC-BY 3.0
// Version: beta

var hwcollapse = hwcollapse || {
    initialize : function() {
        var index = 0;
        $( ".hw-collapsible" ).each( function() {
            $( this ).addClass( "hw-collapsible-" + index );
            if ( $( this ).find( ".hw-collapsible-content" ).length < 1 ) {
                $( this ).html( $( '<div class="hw-collapsible-content"></div>' ).html( $( this ).html() ) );
            if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'hw-collapsed' ) ) {
                $( this ).find( ".hw-collapsible-content" ).hide();
                linkText = hwcollapse.makeLinkText( true, $( this ).data( "text" ) );
            } else {
                linkText = hwcollapse.makeLinkText( false, $( this ).data( "text" ) );
            $( this ).prepend( $ ( '<div class="hw-collapsible-toggle" style="text-align: center;">' +
                                   '<a href="javascript:hwcollapse.toggle( ' + index + ' )">' + linkText + '</a>' +
                                   '</div>' ) );
        } );
    toggle : function( index ) {
        $( ".hw-collapsible-" + index ).each( function() {
            if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'hw-collapsed' ) ) {
                $( this ).find( ".hw-collapsible-toggle a" ).html( hwcollapse.makeLinkText( false, $( this ).data( "text" ) ) );
                $( this ).removeClass( 'hw-collapsed' );
                $( this ).find( ".hw-collapsible-content" ).show();
            } else {
                $( this ).find( ".hw-collapsible-toggle a" ).html( hwcollapse.makeLinkText( true, $( this ).data( "text" ) ) );
                $( this ).addClass( 'hw-collapsed' );
                $( this ).find( ".hw-collapsible-content" ).hide();
        } );
    makeLinkText : function( collapsed, append ) {
        if ( collapsed ) {
            text = "Click to view";
        } else {
            text = "Click to hide";

        if ( typeof append !== "undefined" && append !== "" ) {
            text = text + " " + append;

        return text;

$( document ).ready( hwcollapse.initialize );

/* End Hearthstone Wiki Custom Collapse Script *

/* Card infobox image selector *
// Author:  Shawn Bruckner
// Date:    2019-Dec-07
// License: CC-BY 3.0
// Version: 1.0

// This script enables the mobile collapse features of responsive flex passages
// See Template:RFP block for more information.

var cardInfoboxImageSelector = cardInfoboxImageSelector || {
    initialize : function() {
        $( ".card-infobox-other-versions a" ).each( function() {
            $( this ).removeClass( "to_hasTooltip" );
            $( this ).off( "mouseover", "**" );
            $( this ).off( "mousemove", "**" );
            $( this ).off( "mouseout", "**" );
        } );
        var selectorIndex = 0;
        $( ".card-infobox-image-selector-nojs" ).each( function() {
            $( this ).find( ".card-infobox-image-selected" ).html( $( this ).find( ".card-infobox-image" ).first().html() );
            $( this ).find( ".card-infobox-image" ).first().remove();

            $( this ).attr( "id", "card-infobox-image-selector-" + selectorIndex );

            var links = $( '<div class="card-infobox-image-selector-links">' );
            $( this ).prepend( links );
            var imageIndex = 0;
            $( this ).find( ".card-infobox-image" ).each( function() {
                $( this ).addClass( "card-infobox-image-" + imageIndex );

                var title = $( this ).find( ".card-infobox-image-title" );
                if ( $( this ).hasClass( "card-infobox-image-selected" ) ) {
                    title.addClass( "card-infobox-image-selected" );
                title.addClass( "card-infobox-image-title-" + imageIndex );

                var text = title.html();
                title.html( "" );
                title.append( $( '<span class="card-infobox-image-title-text">' + text + '</span>' ) );
                title.append( $( '<a class="card-infobox-image-title-link" onclick="' + selectorIndex + ', ' + imageIndex + ')">' + text + '</a>' ) );
                links.append( title );
            } );


            $( this ).removeClass( "card-infobox-image-selector-nojs" );
            $( this ).addClass( "card-infobox-image-selector-js" );
        } );
    select : function( selectorIndex, imageIndex ) {
        var selector = $( "#card-infobox-image-selector-" + selectorIndex );
        selector.find( ".card-infobox-image-title" ).each( function() {
            $( this ).removeClass( "card-infobox-image-selected" );
        } );
        selector.find( ".card-infobox-image" ).each( function() {
            $( this ).removeClass( "card-infobox-image-selected" );
        } );
        selector.find( ".card-infobox-image-title-" + imageIndex ).addClass( "card-infobox-image-selected" );
        selector.find( ".card-infobox-image-" + imageIndex ).addClass( "card-infobox-image-selected" );

window.cardInfoboxImageSelector = cardInfoboxImageSelector;

$( document ).ready( cardInfoboxImageSelector.initialize );

/* End Card infobox image selector *

/* Hearthstone Wiki Custom Collapse Toggle and Content Seperated *
// Author:      Use25
// Date:        2020-11-20
// License:     CC-BY 3.0
// Version:     1.0
// Description: This is used to make a collapsible block with toggles and content blocks being seperated and can be put anywhere.

var buttonCollapse = buttonCollapse || {
    initialize : function() {
        var index = 0;
        var index_content = 0;
        $( ".tw-content" ).each( function() {
        	$( this ).addClass( "tw-content-" + index_content );
        } );
        $( ".tw-links" ).each( function() {
        	$( this ).addClass( "tw-links-" + index );
            if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'tw-hide' ) ) {
                linkText = buttonCollapse.makeLinkText( true );
                $( ".tw-content-" + index ).hide();
            } else {
                linkText = buttonCollapse.makeLinkText( false );
                $( ".tw-content-" + index ).show();
            $( this ).prepend( $ ( '<span>[<a href="javascript:buttonCollapse.toggle( ' + index + ' )">' + linkText + '</a>]</span>' ) );
        } );
    toggle : function( index ) {
        $( ".tw-links-" + index ).each( function() {
            if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'tw-hide' ) ) {
                $( this ).find( "a" ).html( buttonCollapse.makeLinkText( false ) );
                $( ".tw-content-" + index ).show();
                $( this ).removeClass( 'tw-hide' );
            } else {
                $( this ).find( "a" ).html( buttonCollapse.makeLinkText( true ) );
                $( ".tw-content-" + index ).hide();
                $( this ).addClass( 'tw-hide' );
        } );
    makeLinkText : function( collapsed ) {
        if ( collapsed ) {
            text = "Show";
        } else {
            text = "Hide";
        return text;

$( document ).ready( buttonCollapse.initialize );

/* End Hearthstone Wiki Custom Collapse Script *

/*** Title tag banner */

function addTagBanner() {
   var parent = $('.mw-page-title-main:first').add('.firstHeading:first').get(0);
   // Relocate it and make it appear 
   if (typeof parent == 'undefined') {
   $('div.tag-banner').each(function() {

/*** Tooltips */
var article = "#bodyContent";

// See [[Help:Tooltips]]
var Tooltips = {hideClasses:[], cache:{}, activeHover: false, enabled: true, activeVersion: ''};
var $tfb, $ttfb, $htt;

function hideTip() {
	if ($(this).data('ahl-id') == Tooltips.activeHover) Tooltips.activeHover = null;
function displayTip(e) {
function moveTip(e) {
	var $ct = $htt.not(":empty");
	var eh = $ct.innerHeight() + 20, wh = $(window).height();
	var newTop = e.clientY + ((e.clientY > (wh/2)) ? -eh : 20);
	var newLeft = e.clientX + ((e.clientX > ($(window).width()/2)) ? -($ct.innerWidth()+20):20);
	newTop = Math.max(105, Math.min(wh - eh, newTop));
	$ct.css({"position":"fixed","top":newTop + "px","left":newLeft + "px"});

// AJAX tooltips
function showTipFromCacheEntry(e, url, tag) {
	var h = Tooltips.cache[url + " " + tag];
	if (!h) {
		h = Tooltips.cache[url].find(tag);
		if (h.length) Tooltips.cache[url + " " + tag] = h;
	if (!h.length) {
		$tfb.html('<div class="tooltip-content"><b>Error</b><br />This target either has no tooltip<br />or was not intended to have one.</div>');
	} else {
		h.css("display", "").addClass("tooltip-content");
function showTip(e) {
	if (!Tooltips.enabled) return;
	var $t = $(this), ks = Tooltips.hideClasses, $p = $t.parent();
	if ($p.hasClass("selflink") == false) {
		for (var j = 0; j < ks.length; j++) {
			if ($t.hasClass(ks[j])) return;
		var tooltipIdentifier = "div.tooltip-content", tooltipTag = $t.attr("class").match(/taggedttlink(-[^\s]+)/);
		if ($t.hasClass("versionsttlink")) tooltipIdentifier += Tooltips.activeVersion;
		else if (tooltipTag) tooltipIdentifier += tooltipTag[1];
		var url = "/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent($"tt"))) + "&action=render " + 'div[class*="tooltip-content"]';
		var tipId = url + " " + tooltipIdentifier;
		Tooltips.activeHover = tipId;
		$'ahl-id', tipId);
		if (Tooltips.cache[url] != null) return showTipFromCacheEntry(e, url, tooltipIdentifier);
		$('<div style="display: none"/>').load(url, function(text) {
			if (!text) return; // Occurs when navigating away from the page cancels the XHR
			Tooltips.cache[url] = $(this);
			if (tipId != Tooltips.activeHover) return;
			showTipFromCacheEntry(e, url, tooltipIdentifier);

Tooltips.toggleTooltipClassDisplay = function(className, setTo) {
	var ci = this.hideClasses.indexOf(className);
	if (setTo === undefined) setTo = ci < 0;
	if (ci < 0 && setTo === false) {
	} else if (ci >= 0 && setTo === true) {
		this.hideClasses.splice(ci, 1);
Tooltips.setActivePageVersion = function(versionName) {
	this.activeVersion = versionName;

// quick tooltips
function hideTemplateTip() {
function showTemplateTip(e) {
	$ttfb.html('<div class="tooltip-content">' + $(this).next().html() + '</div>');

function bindTT() {
	var $t=$(this), $p=$t.parent();
	if ($p.hasClass("selflink") == false) {
		$"tt", $p.attr("title").replace(" (page does not exist)","").replace("?","%3F")).on("mouseenter",showTip).on("mouseleave",hideTip).mousemove(moveTip);
		if ($p.hasClass("new")) {
			els = '<sup><span class="plainlinks">';
		} else {
function tooltipsInit(root) {
	if ($tfb == null) {
		$(article).append('<div id="tfb" class="htt"></div><div id="templatetfb" class="htt"></div>');
		$tfb = $("#tfb");
		$ttfb = $("#templatetfb");
		$htt = $("#tfb,#templatetfb");
	root.find(".ajaxoutertt > a").wrapInner('<span class="ajaxttlink" />');
	root.find(".ajaxoutertt, .ajaxoutertt-soft").each(function() {
		var cn = this.className.replace(/(?:^|\s)ajaxoutertt[^\s]*/, "").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
		if (cn) $(this).find("span.ajaxttlink").addClass(cn);

/* Fade patch changes *

function fadePatchChanges(el) {
  if (!el) {
  var isScrollable = el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight;
  if (!isScrollable) {
    el.classList.remove('is-bottom-overflowing', 'is-top-overflowing');
  var isScrolledToBottom = el.scrollHeight < el.clientHeight + el.scrollTop + 1;
  var isScrolledToTop = isScrolledToBottom ? false : el.scrollTop === 0;
  el.classList.toggle('is-bottom-overflowing', !isScrolledToBottom);
  el.classList.toggle('is-top-overflowing', !isScrolledToTop);

	var patchChangesEl = document.querySelector('.patch-changes-content');
	if (patchChangesEl) {
		patchChangesEl.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) {
        	var el = e.currentTarget;

/* End Fade patch changes *

$(document).ready(function() {
	addTagBanner(); /* line 345 */
	tooltipsInit($(article)); /* line 360 */