A.J. Nazzaro

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A.J. Nazzaro is an artist for the cards listed here.



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Collectible Constructed cards
Collectible Constructed cards
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OG 101.png
HERO 02b.png
GDB 469.png
KAR 009.png
REV 356.png
RLK 568.png
RLK 814.png
TOY 510.png
SCH 422.png
CFM 120.png
LOE 115.png
KAR 029.png
BT 142.png
SW 027.png
ETC 394.png
UNG 920.png
BOT 101.png
ICC 056.png
CFM 717.png
CFM 606.png
UNG 034.png
WON 138.png
DMF 517.png
ULD 450.png
BOT 431.png
OG 276.png
DAL 060.png
UNG 946.png
GIL 534.png
SCH 539.png
AV 345.png
VAC 946.png
TSC 960.png
BAR 078.png
GDB 310.png
SC 408.png
DRG 055.png
CFM 643.png
LOOT 018.png
BAR 845.png
NX2 018.png
WW 332.png
AV 223.png
GIL 664.png
VAC 531.png
TOY 820.png
VAC 305.png
TID 709.png
DED 506.png
WW 420.png
ULD 270.png
TTN 085.png
DMF 231.png
YOD 014.png
CFM 648.png
ICC 849.png
DRG 313.png
CFM 312.png
LOOT 415.png
LOOT 203.png
ETC 541.png
OG 173.png
ICC 214.png


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Uncollectible Constructed cards
Uncollectible Constructed cards
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LOE 115b.png
LOE 115a.png
UNG 920t2.png
DRG 238t12t2.png
VAC 464t.png
DMF 517a.png
VAC 305t.png
OG 031a.png
LOE 019t2.png
TID 709t.png
TID 709t3.png
TID 709t2.png
LOOT 203t4.png
UNG 920t1.png
ICC 025t.png
LOOT 415t5.png
LOOT 415t1.png
LOOT 415t4.png
LOOT 415t2.png
LOOT 415t3.png
CFM 648t.png
LOOT 203t3.png
LOOT 203t2.png


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Duels cards
Duels cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
PVPDR Hero Vanndar.png
PVPDR SCH Passive24t.png
PVPDR SCH Active39s1.png
PVPDR SCH Active39s2.png
PVPDR SCH Active39.png

Tavern Brawl cards

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Tavern Brawl cards
Tavern Brawl cards
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Tb Fairytalecard 04.png

Boss cards

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Boss cards
Boss cards
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BTA BOSS 04h.png
LOOTA BOSS 26p8.png
BOM 08 Galvangar 005hb.png
LOOTA BOSS 39h.png
KAR A01 01.png
KAR A01 02.png
KAR A01 02H.png
BOM 04 Samuro 001hb.png
GILA BOSS 33h.png
GILA BOSS 39p.png
BOM 08 Vanndar 001hb.png
BOM 09 Vanndar 007hb.png
LOOTA BOSS 26h.png
GILA BOSS 24t.png
RLK Prologue SCH 422.png
GILA BOSS 33p.png
Story 05 JadeWarlord.png
GILA 821b.png
GILA 821c.png
BOTA UNG 034.png
GILA 821a.png
LOOTA BOSS 26p4.png
LOOTA BOSS 26p3.png
LOOTA BOSS 26p7.png
LOOTA BOSS 26p5.png
LOOTA BOSS 26p6.png
LOOTA BOSS 26p2.png
Story 11 ClockworkGoblinPuzzle.png
GILA 509.png
Story 08 EmeraldExplorer.png
TRLA 190.png

Other cards

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Other cards
Other cards
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CRED 211.png



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Battlegrounds minions
Battlegrounds minions
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BG25 807t3 Battlegrounds.png
BGS 081 Battlegrounds.png
BG31 813 Battlegrounds.png


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Battlegrounds heroes
Battlegrounds heroes
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BG22 HERO 003.png


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Battlegrounds cards
Battlegrounds cards
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BG27 Quest 801.png



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Mercenaries mercenaries
Mercenaries mercenaries
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Babbling Book
All Mercs in play start as Casters.
Obsidian Set Piece
Taunt. Deathrattle: Deal 0 damage to a random enemy.
Twin-fin Fin Twin
At the end of each turn, make a random friend's and enemy's next ability (0) Speed faster.
Vanndar Stormpike
Vanndar Stormpike
After 4 turns, Vanndar will complete his conquest of Alterac Valley! (4 remaining.)


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Mercenaries abilities
Mercenaries abilities
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Arcane Rift {0}
Arcane Rift 1
Arcane Rift 2
Arcane Rift 3
Arcane Rift 4
Hang Six, Brogrgl!!

Other cards

External links