Template:The Scarecrow strategy

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At the beginning of the game (prior to his first turn: the 3-mana weapon does not use up any of his 1/1 mana), The Scarecrow equips a 1:1 scythe with "Doesn't lose Durability" allowing it to attack indefinitely. If The Scarecrow kills a minion with his scythe, his scythe gains 1 attack. Normally this does not include his own minions, he instead uses "Harvest" on them, which despite having a Scythe icon does not actually require the Scythe to be equipped to use.

It is best to play minions with high health at the beginning of the game and having the entrenchment passive treasure (+2 health) will help greatly.

If a minion's Health is low enough that Scarecrow can kill them with the next blow, it's generally a good idea to kill them off somehow if they can't be healed, like trading them with an enemy minion.

It should be kept in mind that even if he can't directly kill them in one blow on a turn, he could soften them up with one of his minion attacks or the  Zap! spell and use the scythe to finish the job.

1-Health minions like  Swamp Leech who aren't Stealthed and can't Rush or Charge to a trade-death with one of Scarecrow's minions (like a Bloodhound) generally should not be played unless there is a Taunt minion that Scarecrow must attack prior to them. In cases like that, Scarecrow might opt to murder the Taunt minion via  Bouncing Blade and then follow up to kill the minion behind the high-HP taunt with his scythe.

 Spiteful Smith should only be damaged if you can kill him quickly to prevent it boosting the Scythe damage. "Zap!" can target your own minions so he could do that to boost his weapon damage as a surprise. If you can't kill the Smith then it could be advantageous to heal them.

Darius Crowley

Pray to the heavens for an  Acidic Swamp Ooze or weapon removal.

Houndmaster Shaw

Be wary of using your hero power without trading the minion.  Unpowered Steambot is a serious problem here since it can survive even a 3/1 boosted hound attack yet doesn't inflict damage in return, leaving the hound alive to be culled.

Too many cheap minions will lead to the boss' Scythe becoming very large and he will start ignoring clearing away minions in favor of aiming it at your face.

Toki, Time-Tinker

Blingtron starts in your deck so try to get that out quickly (And use your hero power to make sure his weapon isn't too good from the Blingtron). Save some powerful removal like Polymorph for his bigger mechs such as Foe-Reaper 4000 and Sneed's Old Shredder. Once his weapon is removed it gets much easier. He has few removal spells, so if you can keep his minions away from your starter Water Elemental, it will ensure he's frozen for the rest of the game.

Tess Greymane

The best possible out is the card  Sabotage. Once the weapon is removed it is a walk in the park to clear this boss.

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GILA BOSS 33h.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.