Template:Ogre Ninja strategy

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Most Stealth cards offer two advantages: safe targets for Attack buffs, and the chance to survive regardless of the opponent's minions/weapons and assassinate high-Health enemies. Ogre Ninja is not reliable for either purpose. It trades  Stranglethorn Tiger's dependability for +1/+1 and the odd benefit of forgetful. This is especially useful against  Gazlowe, who may be backed up by  Finicky Cloakfield or  Emergency Coolant, both of which Ogre Ninja "counters".


Main article: Forgetful

The main significance of this minion's triggered effect is that with multiple targets available, the player cannot be sure which target will be hit. This makes its use less advisable when there are high-Attack enemy minions on the board (unless they are desirable targets), as hitting them will cause the player a lot of damage. It adds further unpredictability when playing against minions such as Boom Bots.

This minion can be useful for potentially bypassing Taunt minions. For example, with 1 Taunt minion and 3 non-Taunt minions on the field, attacking the Taunt using the Ninja will have a 50% of hitting the Taunt, and a 12.5% chance of hitting any one of the other targets.

This can be useful for removing protected minions, or even for dealing lethal damage to the opponent themselves. For example, with only 1 Taunt minion on the field, attacking the Taunt using the Ninja will have a 50% chance of bypassing the Taunt and striking the enemy hero. In close games this chance at extra damage can allow players to close the gap.

Because of this possibility, when seeking to prevent an opponent with card such as Ogre Ninja from hitting your hero while behind a taunt, it is effective to summon as many minions onto the field as possible. Each acts to decrease the likelihood of an attack reaching your hero should the minion miss its intended target.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

GVG 088.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.