Template:Mecha-Jaraxxus (boss) strategy

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Of Fel and hatred that started it all, IT'S MECHA-JARAXXUS! AND HE WILL FALL! Go free Outland from all he's spawned! And claim vengeance for all he's wronged!

The leader of the Rusted Legion himself, the penultimate boss fight! He's empowered by a  Fel Reactor and  Hatred Reactor, whose effects are enhanced each passing turn through his Hero Power when active (by +1 Spell Damage and +1/+1 accordingly). Of course, establishing board control is the highest priority here. Destroy the reactors as soon as possible to stop Mecha-Jaraxxus' benefits, prioritise the  Hatred Reactor if you can only destroy one. If left unchecked, the buff it provides to enemy minions played can make a turn for the worse.

Keeping the reactors in check, you should be able to rush him down fairly easy.

Dialogue[edit source]

Before match

Illidan Stormrage
Cease your moping, our time is nigh! Jaraxxus awaits, come, we fly!


Aranna, Unleashed
Jaraxxus. You're the cause of all this...
Demon hunters? Come take me on! Your doom awaits - OBLIVION!!

Emote Response

Dr. Boom did not build me for small talk. I TALK BIG!

Hero Power (reactors' revival / any spell with  Fel Reactor on the board)

Overflowing with power!
So much... Fel!


Dr. Boom never loved me... And I HATED him!
I am a killing machine of indiscriminate destruction, not a time clock.

Turn 1

Aranna, Unleashed
If we defeat Jaraxxus, all of the monsters he built will be free again.
Karnuk, Demon Hunter
Let's save our home!
Shalja, Demon Hunter
When Jaraxxus falls, Outland will know peace...

Turn 3

Illidan Stormrage
Tear this mechanical fool apart, Aranna!

Boss cards

I'll do this MYSELF!
 The Dark Portal
Come forth - and KILL!
 Endless Legion
You can't STOP US!
 Rusted Fungal Giant

Player's cards

Any demon
How DARE you team up with them, they're DEMON hunters!
 Baduu's Final Gift
Wait wait wait, that's CHEATING! I won!
 Spectral Sight
Stop looking! Just fight ME!
 Sklibb, Demon Hunter
That is... a MUSHROOM! Am I a JOKE to you!?
 Inner Demon
Oooh. Now it's a REAL fight!

Mecha-Jaraxxus at 20 Health

Dr. Boom programmed, calculated: Fury incarnate. Mechanized hatred!
Aranna, Unleashed
Powered by hate? This thing sounds just like Illidan.


Illidan Stormrage
Excellent! Our foe is done. Now his minions – leave not a one.
Aranna, Unleashed
But his Legion's wrecked remains— They're victims here, and live in pain!
Illidan Stormrage
They're monsters, all! And so we fight. I'll purge this wasteland–
Aranna, Unleashed
That's not right!

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