Template:Instructor Razuvious strategy

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You start the game with  Mind Control Crystal in hand.

Heroic mode

The main reason why this boss is challenging is his Massive Runeblade, which he has 4 copies of in his deck. The Understudies are given to you to hold until the moment when you can fight back. Freeze effects can also be useful for preventing him from swinging with the Runeblade.

The suggested class for defeating Instructor Razuvious in heroic mode is priest. Your main goal is to steal the Massive Runeblade with  Thoughtsteal or  Mind Vision. To stabilize and survive until then you may run  Divine Spirit and  Inner Fire due to its synergy with the Understudies, and  Acidic Swamp Ooze to destroy the Massive Runeblade, making it less effective. You also want to run any relatively cheap taunts, so you don't take 20 damage if Razuvious kills the Understudies. Note that Razuvious runs  Brawl and  The Black Knight so don't make plays that are weak against these cards. Always remember that Razuvious can deal 24 damage from hand with Massive Runeblade and Hero Power if you have no taunts on the field. If you are able to steal the Massive Runeblade, you probably win, along with extra damage from Inner Fired Understudies,  Mind Blast and  Holy Fire.

 Kobold Stickyfinger allows you to swipe an equipped Massive Runeblade. Three hits will kill Razuvious, which can easily be achieved by using  Hoard Pillager to re-equip your stolen Runeblade.



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