Template:Halazzi, the Lynx strategy

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Halazzi is a mid-game value-oriented card. While each Lynx is weak, they are cheap and have Rush, which can be used for a constant stream of removal. Because Halazzi has very low stats, it's preferable to wait until you are running low on cards in your hand for a second wind to maximize the amount of Lynxes you get. Halazzi should be played when you have at least 6 mana to prevent yourself from getting milled next turn.

Halazzi has good synergy with his own spirit, giving each Lynx summoned +1/+1. Along with the spirit, the many Lynxes generated by Halazzi could be traded into enemy minions to power up a  Scavenging Hyena and afterwards revived by  Revenge of the Wild, giving you a sticky board presence. He also has strong synergy with  Arcane Fletcher, turning your entire hand into random spells. With  Toxmonger, all your Lynxes turn from 1 damage pings into hard removal.

Since the Lynxes are 1 mana minions, they can quickly complete  The Marsh Queen quest by being played. It also add a lot of minions to help complete  Unseal the Vault, as well as turning them into potent removal once  Pharaoh's Warmask is unlocked.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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