Template:Glinda Crowskin (boss) strategy

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Glinda Crowskin plays a whole lot of minions, and usually plays minions that spawn other minions such as  Voidlord. Houndmaster Shaw can reliably get out minions but watch out for her special card.

She has a 5-mana spell that takes control of one of your minions and turns it into one of her cultists, a 6/3  Crowskin Faithful with a deathrattle that draws her a card and shuffles the 6/3 minion back into her deck. However this can be used against her with the  Companionship passive treasure allowing the hero power to remove them for two mana.

She prefers to play large creatures so she usually plays one per turn which ends up with her burning up her deck. You can use this to eventually fatigue her to death as long as you keep the board under your control, be aware that she has  Twisting Nether and  DOOM! to clear the board. She is fairly challenging but once she is fatigued it's an almost guaranteed win, as long as you have enough cards to deal with three 6/3s each turn.

Be careful that minions with Stealth like  Blood Imp might be generated by  Kabal Trafficker. It is better to hold a random-target card like  Deadly Shot (or AE) to counter it, otherwise no more damage could be dealt to Glinda's face.

 Fiery Bat could be held in reserve for such a purpose since it targets a random enemy.  Blink Fox could turn up a useful spell. Any possible Silence effect to negate the Faithfuls' deathrattle or which can transform them could help.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

GILA BOSS 49h.png

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