Template:Duplicate notes

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  • This Secret generates two new copies of the triggering minion, and places them into the player's hand.
    • If the player's hand has 9 cards, the Secret will activate but only generate one copy.[1][2]
    • If the player's hand has 10 cards, Duplicate will not activate.[3]
  • When multiple friendly minions are killed simultaneously, Duplicate will copy the minion that was put into play earliest.
  • As with all secrets, Duplicate can only be triggered on the opponent's turn, preventing the player from deliberately activating it.
  • If a friendly  Mad Scientist is killed at the same time as another friendly minion which was summoned later, when the Mad Scientist's Death and Deathrattle is processed and puts Duplicate into play, it will subsequently trigger on processing the death of the younger minion.[4] This is not a bug.
  • Duplicate does not interact with  Chromaggus since the copied cards are not drawn.

This template contains notes for these cards.

FP1 018.png

Usually note templates are only created when the card's note is intended to be recycled in multiple articles, so that when you edit this template, all notes of this card on every page will be updated simultaneously.

  1. Tested by jerodast on 5-2-2015: Tauren Warrior was killed with 9 cards in hand. Duplicate activated, and one Tauren Warrior copy was placed in hand.
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/2ybrrn/secrets_inconsistency_duplicatesnake_trapenoble/
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmOuO5GOD9c Tested in Patch (2015-12-04)
  4. Tested by User:Taohinton 2015-02-07. Tried both Duplicate and  Redemption; in both cases  Mad Scientist will cause the next simultaneous death to trigger the secret, but will not trigger it himself. Simultaneous deaths of earlier minions are resolved before the Scientist, and thus were found not to activate the secret.