Template:Dread Raven strategy

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Similarly to  Pogo-Hopper, Dread Raven's main gimmick involves becoming stronger by creating multiple copies of it. However, Dread Raven needs to have all of its copies on the field in order to work. This is best achieved by the hunter or rogue classes, with the former having many Beast-centric copying cards such as  Dire Frenzy,  Hunting Party and  Ramkahen Wildtamer, while Rogue can use  Gang Up,  Lab Recruiter or  Togwaggle's Scheme in a similar fashion to how a Pogo-Hopper deck would play, but  Shadow of Death is compatible unlike Pogo-Hopper since Dread Raven's ability is an ongoing effect instead of a Battlecry. However, they are vulnerable to  Flik Skyshiv and area of effect removals such as  Flamestrike.  Scarlet Webweaver and  Tundra Rhino will allow you to summon multiple Dread Ravens and deal damage with them at the same time.

The formula that the total amount of Attack that a group of unbuffed Dread Ravens will have is calculated as 3 × number of friendly Dread Ravens², since all Dread Ravens will receive the Attack buff simultaneously, squaring the number.

  • 2 Dread Ravens: 3 × 2² = 12
  • 3 Dread Ravens: 3 × 3² = 27
  • 4 Dread Ravens: 3 × 4² = 48
  • 5 Dread Ravens: 3 × 5² = 75
  • 6 Dread Ravens: 3 × 6² = 108
  • 7 Dread Ravens: 3 × 7² = 147

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

DRG 088.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.