Template:Djinni of Zephyrs notes

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  • While this is in play, whenever the controlling player casts a spell on a friendly minion, a second copy of the spell will be cast on this minion. This counts as a full second cast, including secondary effects such as the card draw in  Power Word: Shield.[1]
  • Targeting conditions of spells (such as  Demonfuse requiring a Demon target, or  Shadow Word: Pain requiring a 3 or less Attack target) are only checked when the player targets a spell. Djinni of Zephyrs does not require the targeting condition to be true for itself to copy the spell.
  • However, spells that have a conditional effect that does not restrict targeting (such as  Ice Lance and  Demonfire) check the condition while resolving. For example, if you cast  Demonfire on your demon, the demon will get +2/+2, then Djinni of Zephyrs copies the spell and takes 2 damage.
  • Copies of Combo cards retain their original comboed or uncomboed status.
  • Djinni of Zephyrs is a trigger in the After Spell Phase, which begins only after death processing from the Spell Text Phase (where the spell itself resolves) finishes. That means that all your Djinni of Zephyrs, Flamewakers and Wild Pyromancers will resolve before Hearthstone checks for deaths. (In addition, Djinni of Zephyrs has a special priority that makes it trigger last in the After Spell Phase, regardless of order of play).[2] This leads to the following consequences:
    • If the spell is Countered by  Counterspell, or if the target of the spell is an enemy minion by the time the After Spell Phase begins (such as due to  Spellbender), Djinni of Zephyrs will not trigger. Conversely, if the targeted minion is friendly by the time the After Spell Phase begins (such as due to  Shadow Madness or  Mind Control), Djinni of Zephyrs WILL trigger.
    • If a Djinni of Zephyrs is brought into play or taken control of by the time the After Spell Phase begins (such as due to  Deathlord or  Sylvanas Windrunner), it will trigger. Conversely, if Djinni of Zephyrs leaves play (including due to death) or leaves your control, it will not trigger.
  • The targeted minion does not have to be in play or even alive, so long as it is friendly - It can be in the Graveyard, Hand, Setaside or Deck Zones. This means that Djinni of Zephyrs will copy  Shadowstep,  Naturalize,  Entomb and  Hex, for example.
  •  Shadow Madness or  Potion of Madness will grant Djinni of Zephyrs Charge. This is because these spells cause the minion to become friendly first, and then give it Charge so it can attack. Since Djinni checks to see if a minion a friendly after the spell is resolved, it will gain Charge as well.
  •  Mind Control will affect Djinni of Zephyrs in the same way, giving it summoning sickness instead of Charge.
  • For similar reasons, Djinni of Zephyrs will trigger when  Entomb is played on an enemy minion. Entomb causes the minion to become friendly first, and then shuffles it into the deck. Since Djinni checks to see if a minion is friendly after the spell is resolved, Entomb will shuffle Djinni into the deck as well, alongside the Entombed minion.
  •  Shadow Madness,  Potion of Madness and  Mind Control will attempt to move Djinni of Zephyrs from your side of the battlefield to the same side of the battlefield. This means that your board contains 7 minions, it sees the destination is full and dies. Since Djinni of Zephyrs triggers in the After Spell Phase, the minion from both  Mind Control and  Shadow Madness will count towards the check for 7 minions.
  • Djinni of Zephyrs copying a spell with Overload will not give you more Overload.[3]
  • If you cast a spell on an enemy  Weasel Tunneler causing it to die, and have a Djinni of Zephyrs, the Djinni will trigger and copy the spell, as the target of the spell is now friendly.
  • While many of the less obvious interactions with the Djinni are confirmed as working correctly, Ben Brode has stated that he would like to change the rules to prevent some of these "eventually".[4]
  • If  Adaptation is cast on a friendly minion, and one Djinni is out, the player chooses the adaptation independently for both the first minion and the Djinni. However, if the player has multiple Djinnis, the player can only choose the adaptation for one Djinni while the rest are each adapted randomly.

This template contains notes for these cards.

LOE 053.png

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