Template:Deck of Chaos strategy

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Similar to  Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Deck of Chaos can give the rest of your deck a significant discount for a turn of tempo loss, while improving the attack of the minions. However, you will need to include cards that can benefit from it.

Many Warlock cards that are already staples in control decks benefit from Deck of Chaos. Warlock Legendaries like  Keli'dan the Breaker,  Valdris Felgorge,  Soulciologist Malicia,  Archwitch Willow, and  Zzeraku the Warped all benefit from significant mana discounts.  Aranasi Broodmother,  Abyssal Summoner, and  Khartut Defender, the backbone of defensive minions, all gain large discounts as well. Deck of Chaos can work in these decks without significant build-arounds as a result.

 Summoning Portal is a noteworthy minion for Deck of Chaos, which turns into a 0-mana 4/4 with a minion cost discount, making it far more effective. Other minions include all Egg сards,  Ruststeed Raider,  Enhanced Dreadlord,  Batterhead,  Malygos, and  Darkmoon Rabbit. Wild format cards include  Mountain Giant,  Molten Giant,  Possessed Lackey,  Voidlord,  Azalina Soulthief,  Lord Godfrey,  Glinda Crowskin,  Shu'ma and  N'Zoth, the Corruptor.

If you do decide to use Deck of Chaos in your deck, don't include too many cards that are only good with swapped stats. If you draw them before playing Deck of Chaos, they'll be stuck with their normal stats.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.