Template:Crystal Lion strategy

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Crystal Lion is comparable to  Sea Giant as a minion that gets discounted for each minion on the board, but is cheaper and only counts Silver Hand Recruits, making it best suited for Silver Hand Paladin as a way to break past bigger bodies without expending large numbers of Recruits. Most cards that summon Recruits will summon 1 Recruit per mana spent (such as  Air Raid,  Muster for Battle, and  Stand Against Darkness), effectively allowing you to play that card for free as this card will be discounted by that card's cost.  Lost in the Jungle summons 2 Recruits for 1 mana, allowing you to cheat this card out for 1 mana less, while  Reinforce will instead effectively increase this card's cost by 1 unless upgraded by  Genn Greymane. Alternatively,  Vinecleaver will summon Recruits on turns after it's played, letting you reinforce them with a discounted 5/5 body.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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