Template:Cruel Dinomancer strategy

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This card acts as a way to "resurrect" minions that have been lost due to Discards. It can potentially summon minions like  Doomguard, and will ignore the negative Battlecry. This minion becomes far less valuable when you discard worse minions like  Flame Imp or  Kabal Courier, and is worthless if you've only managed to discard spells.

This minion fits well with  Lakkari Sacrifice. While it doesn't discard anything itself, a Lakkari deck highly encourages discarding, making this a perfect fit. Just be wary that it can conflict with cards that are desirable to discard such as  Silverware Golem and  Clutchmother Zavas, which have great effects upon being discarded but aren't desirable targets for Cruel Dinomancer.

If the only minion a player has discarded in the current game was another Cruel Dinomancer,it creates an infinite loop where each time this dies, it spawns another Cruel Dinomancer.

Much like  Dreadsteed, the only way to stop this is to Transform or Silence the minion, or to remove it from the game. Using  Spiritsinger Umbra with another Dinomancer, you can set off the loop all at once and fill your board with Cruel Dinomancers.[1] The easiest method of doing this is to use targeted discard effects such as  Expired Merchant and  Nightshade Matron.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.