Template:Corrosive Sludge strategy

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Corrosive Sludge is basically a bigger and a more expensive  Acidic Swamp Ooze. The mana cost is far more restrictive and the body is slightly understatted for the cost. It also compares unfavourably to  Harrison Jones, who provides a similar body and a powerful effect for the same cost, as well as  Gluttonous Ooze, which is cheaper and has an extra effect. As such, Corrosive Sludge is the weakest form of hard weapon removal should only be considered if the meta is extremely weapon-reliant.

Players with smaller collections can use Corrosive Sludge as a viable replacement for Harrison Jones, since, as a Common, it costs far less to craft than Harrison or Gluttonous Ooze.

Having decent stats for its mana cost of 5, Corrosive Sludge is a good pick for Arena.

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