Template:Bladed Gauntlet strategy

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Bladed Gauntlet can become very powerful in decks with plenty of Armor gain, especially in decks that run  Genn Greymane or  Justicar Trueheart. Despite its potential to one-shot everything, it requires investment in Armor to build up its damage so it's difficult to utilize early game despite its low cost and less reliable than higher cost control weapons like  Gorehowl or  Supercollider.

The player can also use  Bloodsail Raider's or  Phantom Freebooter's Battlecry to gain its stats. Given enough armor, these minions can become extremely deadly, making them a must-remove to your opponents.

 Mayor Noggenfogger can potentially redirect your attack to the enemy hero, which can result in massive lethal damage with enough armor.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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