Shadowreaper Anduin (Core)

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You might be looking for one of these cards: Shadowreaper Anduin.

Shadowreaper Anduin is a legendary priest hero card, from the Core reserve set.

Ban lists

Shadowreaper Anduin is in these ban lists:

  • Hero cards - Hero cards cannot be drafted in Arena.

Related cards

ICC 830p.png
Tied Hero Power


Play▶️The Light has betrayed me!
Attack▶️Shadows consume you!
Death▶️<death sound>
Emote: Greetings▶️Total darkness will be my revenge.
Emote: Well Played▶️<VO sound>
Emote: Oops▶️To err is human.
Emote: Threaten▶️Darkness will consume you!
Emote: Thanks▶️Thank you.
Concede▶️No, your victory proves nothing!
Running out of time▶️The shadows grow short!
Thinking▶️Darkness speaks to me...
Thinking▶️Shadowy thoughts...
Almost out of cards▶️I'm almost out of cards!
Out of cards▶️I'm out of cards!
Emote: Wow▶️Uncanny!


Patch changes

Card changes

External links