An Uninvited Guest

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This content is only for Solo Adventures.
The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
For other uses of Prince Malchezaar, see Prince Malchezaar (disambiguation).

An Uninvited Guest is a boss in the One Night in Karazhan adventure. It is the first and only encounter of the first wing, The Prologue.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Normal and Heroic

Player's hero[edit | edit source]


Special cards[edit | edit source]

Boss[edit | edit source]

LOEA 01.png
LOEA 01H.png
KARA 00 02a.png

Player[edit | edit source]

KARA 00 11.png
KARA 00 07.png
KARA 00 09.png
KARA 00 06.png
KARA 00 08.png
KARA 00 05.png
KARA 00 10.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Boss[edit | edit source]

Normal Heroic
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Looming Presence 2 Boss  Looming Presence 5
Warlock  Mortal Coil 1 Warlock  Mortal Coil 2
 Power Overwhelming 2  Felguard 3
 Voidwalker 2  Hellfire 3
 Hellfire 2  Imp Gang Boss 4
 Imp Gang Boss 2  Sense Demons 3
 Shadow Bolt 2  Shadow Bolt 2
 Siphon Soul 2  Bane of Doom 4
 Voidcaller 2  Pit Lord 3
 Bane of Doom 2  Siphon Soul 2
 Demonheart 2  Voidcaller 4
 Doomguard 2  Demonheart 4
 Dread Infernal 2  Doomguard 4
 Mal'Ganis 1  Dread Infernal 5
 DOOM! 1  Fearsome Doomguard 2
Warrior  Death's Bite 2  Mal'Ganis 1
 Gorehowl 1  DOOM! 2
Warrior  Death's Bite 4
 Gorehowl 2
Neutral  Xavius 1

Player[edit | edit source]

Class Card Quantity
Boss  Guardian’s Evocation 2
Astral Portal (boss) 3
 Mage Armor 2
 Arcane Power 3
 Archmage's Apprentice 3
 Archmage's Insight 2
 Mysterious Rune 2
Mage  Arcane Blast 2
 Arcane Missiles 2
 Arcane Explosion 2
 Frostbolt 2
 Fireball 2
 Polymorph 1
 Flamestrike 1
 Pyroblast 1

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Enchanted Raven
Firelands Portal

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Prince Malchezaar starts with 5 Mana Crystals.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

▶️Moroes, why is there a demon in the ballroom?


Prince Malchezaar
▶️Where's my invite?
▶️Ugh, you again?

Emote Response

Prince Malchezaar
▶️Simple fool!

Hero Power

Prince Malchezaar
▶️All dimensions, all realities are open to me!
▶️Except this party!

Turn 1

Prince Malchezaar
▶️You did not invite me?! I am a prince of the Eredar!
▶️After last time? We're still fixing the hole in the roof!

Turn 2

▶️Moroes, check on the chess set. The real guests will be arriving soon.

Turn 3

▶️Sir, the Medivas are set up. Barnes is rehearsing with them now.

Turn 4

▶️Have you looked outside, sir? There are raid bosses scrambling for an invitation.

Turn 5

▶️Balloons! Moroes, we forgot the balloons!
▶️Sir, balloons terrify murlocs. Remember last week?

Turn 6

Prince Malchezaar
▶️You invited Jaraxxus? The weakling?
▶️Have you heard his karaoke? He's amazing!
▶️*Ahem* And he didn't torch the library...


▶️Back to your home, demon!
Prince Malchezaar
▶️I'm taking you with me!
▶️Well, this isn't good. This isn't good at all.


▶️What? Impossible!

Medivh's emotes[edit | edit source]


▶️What are you doing here?

Well Played

▶️A good try, demon.


▶️You are too kind.


▶️Oh ho ho! That was awesome!


▶️That was your plan?


▶️You never had a chance!

Sorry (unused)

▶️Aw, that didn't work out...

Lore[edit | edit source]

Prince Malchezaar is a corrupted eredar and prince of the Burning Legion. He is encountered by Medivh during the adventure's first wing, The Prologue.

In World of Warcraft[edit | edit source]

"You face not Malchezaar alone, but the legions I command!"
Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Prince Malchezaar is a raid boss located at the very top of Karazhan. He can be encountered after the Chess event and controls all of the trash between the Game Room and Netherspace.
Little is known about Malchezaar, except that he is a man'ari eredar, he claims to be a prince, and he is a member of the Burning Legion. It is unknown how or when he arrived at Karazhan or what his purpose there is. He apparently arrived while some agents of the Violet Eye were still alive inside Karazhan, notably Keanna. It was likely shortly before Karazhan was sealed, as the Violet Eye were aware of Keanna's death.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • During the fight, Medivh mentions that he invited  Lord Jaraxxus to Karazhan due to Jaraxxus's karaoke being "amazing". This may be a reference to MrVoletron's popular remix "You FACE Jaraxxus", which consists of many of Jaraxxus's soundbites from World of Warcraft.
  • Incidentally, Malchezaar's Hero Power works stat-identically to Jaraxxus's  INFERNO!, summoning a 6/6 Demon for 2 mana.
  • Aside from the fairly non-descript  Mine Cart from The League of Explorers'  Temple Escape, this is the first adventure mission to feature a playable hero that is not available in any other game mode or adventure encounter in Hearthstone.
  • When asked whether the  Archmage's Apprentice card featured in this encounter represented a young  Khadgar, Ben Brode replied "perhaps".[1]
  • If  Astral Portal summons  Wilfred Fizzlebang, his ability will work with Medivh's Hero Power. This was likely explicitly designed, as his ability doesn't work with any Tavern Brawl-exclusive Hero Powers that draw cards.


Patch changes

Card changes

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Ben Brode on Twitter (X). (2016-08-13).