Mercenaries/Scabbs Cutterbutter

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For other uses of Scabbs Cutterbutter, see Scabbs Cutterbutter (disambiguation).

Scabbs Cutterbutter is a collectible fighter mercenary card.

Level stats

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Max[?]
Attack 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 13
Health 10 12 14 16 19 21 23 25 28 30 32 35 37 39 41 44 46 48 50 53 55 57 60 62 64 66 69 71 73 76 81


Tactical Strike

Tiers by image
Tactical Strike 1
0 Coins
Tactical Strike 2
50 Coins
Tactical Strike 3
125 Coins
Tactical Strike 4
150 Coins
Tactical Strike {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal 2 damage to it as well. 4 0
2 Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal 5 damage to it as well. 4 50
3 Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal 8 damage to it as well. 4 125
4 Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal 9 damage to it as well. 4 150
5 Attack an enemy. Combo: Deal 10 damage to it as well. 4 150

Wicked Stab

Tiers by image
Wicked Stab 1
0 Coins
Wicked Stab 2
50 Coins
Wicked Stab 3
125 Coins
Wicked Stab 4
150 Coins
Wicked Stab {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Choose to deal 4, 7, or 10 damage. (Casts at different Speeds.) 9 1 0
2 Choose to deal 6, 10, or 14 damage. (Casts at different Speeds.) 9 1 50
3 Choose to deal 8, 13, or 18 damage. (Casts at different Speeds.) 9 1 125
4 Choose to deal 4, 14, or 19 damage. (Casts at different Speeds.) 9 1 150
5 Choose to deal 10, 15, or 20 damage. (Casts at different Speeds.) 9 1 150

Shadow Blade

Tiers by image
Shadow Blade 1
0 Coins
Shadow Blade 2
50 Coins
Shadow Blade 3
125 Coins
Shadow Blade 4
150 Coins
Shadow Blade {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Attack an enemy then gain Stealth. 6 1 0
2 Attack an enemy then gain Stealth. 5 1 50
3 Attack an enemy then gain Stealth. 4 1 125
4 Attack an enemy then gain Stealth. 3 1 150
5 Attack an enemy then gain Stealth. 2 1 150


SI:7 Contract

Tiers by image
SI:7 Contract 1
0 Coins
SI:7 Contract 2
100 Coins
SI:7 Contract 3
150 Coins
SI:7 Contract {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Tactical Strike's Combo effect deals 2 more damage. 0
2 Tactical Strike's Combo effect deals 4 more damage. 100
3 Tactical Strike's Combo effect deals 6 more damage. 150
4 Tactical Strike's Combo effect deals 8 more damage. 175

Paring Knife

Tiers by image
Paring Knife 1
0 Coins
Paring Knife 2
100 Coins
Paring Knife 3
150 Coins
Paring Knife {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Wicked Stab deals 2 more damage. 0
2 Wicked Stab deals 3 more damage. 100
3 Wicked Stab deals 4 more damage. 150
4 Wicked Stab deals 5 more damage. 175

Honing Rod

Tiers by image
Honing Rod 1
0 Coins
Honing Rod 2
100 Coins
Honing Rod 3
150 Coins
Honing Rod {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Shadow Blade gives +4 Attack first. 0
2 Shadow Blade gives +6 Attack first. 100
3 Shadow Blade gives +8 Attack first. 150
4 Shadow Blade gives +10 Attack first. 175



Scabbs has these portraits, each can be obtained by meeting one of the criterias mentioned in the caption of the preview image.

Coin loots

Scabbs Coins can be obtained by opening Mercenaries Packs or completing one of these bounties which have higher chance to drop them.

The Barrens
LETL 823H MercPortrait0.png


Tasks from index 0 to 500
VisitorTask nameDescriptionRewardsQuote
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 1: Secret AgentDeal Combo Damage 15 times.20 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️I'll let you in on something—I'm here on a critical mission for the Alliance.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 2: Tricky OpponentsDeal 70 damage using Wicked Stab.Equipment:  Paring Knife 1▶️Our targets are wily and treacherous. Wait, no, these ones are dumb as rocks.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 3: Right Tool, Right JobDeal 120 damage using Shadow Blade.25 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️Here's my next agenda.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 4: Unconventional TacticsDeal 150 damage.30 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️Trust your instincts when you're fighting these things.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 5: Stealth or StabbingComplete a bounty while at level 30.35 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️This calls for some unconventional tactics!
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 6: Plenty of TargetsDestroy 40 minions.40 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️We'd better pay close attention on this one.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 7: Bigs Ones Take LongerComplete 2 Heroic Bounties.Equipment:  Honing Rod 1▶️Don't look so nervous. I've trained a lot for this!
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 8: Fighters Know BestUse the Boon: Fighter coin 2 times.30 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️This might be an impossible task—if not for me!
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 9: Two plus Two is FiveDeal 180 Combo damage.35 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️It's time to slice and dice!
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 10: Choices for ChoppingDestroy 40 minions.40 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️Give 'em the ol' choppy choppy.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 11: Tricky TargetsDeal 450 damage.45 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️Our targets are wily and treacherous. Wait, no, these ones are dumb as rocks.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 12: Tactical StrikesDeal 180 damage using Tactical Strike.50 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️Here's my next agenda.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 13: SI:7 Warned MeComplete 4 Heroic Bounties.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins, 50 Random coinrandom coins▶️Trust your instincts when you're fighting these things.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 14: Where's my WhetstoneGain 90 Attack using Shadow Blade.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️This calls for some unconventional tactics!
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 15: Coin for the CauseComplete 6 Bounties.75 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️We'd better pay close attention on this one.
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 16: Easy TargetsDeal 900 damage to Casters.CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack, 70 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️Don't look so nervous. I've trained a lot for this!
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 17: Right in the BackDestroy 15 enemies using Wicked Stab.CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack, 75 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins▶️This might be an impossible task—if not for me!
Scabbs CutterbutterTask 18: A High Body CountDeal 450 damage to Heroic bosses.80 Scabbs Cutterbutter Coins, CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack▶️It's time to slice and dice!
(18 results)

External links