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You might be looking for one of these cards: Mercenaries/Bwonsamdi (93409), Mercenaries/Bwonsamdi (93410).

Bwonsamdi is a collectible fighter mercenary card.

Level stats

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Max[?]
Attack 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3
Health 8 10 13 15 18 21 23 26 28 31 34 36 39 42 44 47 49 52 55 57 60 63 65 68 70 73 76 78 81 84 89


Soul Subjugation

Tiers by image
Soul Subjugation 1
0 Coins
Soul Subjugation 2
50 Coins
Soul Subjugation 3
125 Coins
Soul Subjugation 4
150 Coins
Soul Subjugation {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Deal 12 damage. Deals 3 less damage for each time this was damaged this turn. 9 0
2 Deal 20 damage. Deals 3 less damage for each time this was damaged this turn. 9 50
3 Deal 26 damage. Deals 3 less damage for each time this was damaged this turn. 9 125
4 Deal 27 damage. Deals 3 less damage for each time this was damaged this turn. 9 150
5 Deal 28 damage. Deals 3 less damage for each time this was damaged this turn. 9 150

Irrefusable Deal

Tiers by image
Irrefusable Deal 1
0 Coins
Irrefusable Deal 2
50 Coins
Irrefusable Deal 3
125 Coins
Irrefusable Deal 4
150 Coins
Irrefusable Deal {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Choose one of Bwonsamdi's Deals. Increase the Cooldown of this ability by 5. 1 0
2 Choose one of Bwonsamdi's Deals. Increase the Cooldown of this ability by 4. 1 50
3 Choose one of Bwonsamdi's Deals. Increase the Cooldown of this ability by 3. 1 125
4 Choose one of Bwonsamdi's Deals. Increase the Cooldown of this ability by 2. 1 150
5 Choose one of Bwonsamdi's Deals. Increase the Cooldown of this ability by 1. 1 150

Binding Contract

Tiers by image
Binding Contract 1
0 Coins
Binding Contract 2
50 Coins
Binding Contract 3
125 Coins
Binding Contract 4
150 Coins
Binding Contract {0}
150 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextSpeedCooldownAttackHealthCoins to upgrade
1 Deal 8 damage to an enemy. If this dies this turn, deal 40 more. 2 2 0
2 Deal 10 damage to an enemy. If this dies this turn, deal 60 more. 2 2 50
3 Deal 12 damage to an enemy. If this dies this turn, deal 88 more. 2 2 125
4 Deal 12 damage to an enemy. If this dies this turn, deal 89 more. 2 2 150
5 Deal 12 damage to an enemy. If this dies this turn, deal 90 more. 2 2 150


Arena Contender

Tiers by image
Arena Contender 3
0 Coins
Arena Contender {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
3 Battlecry: This Merc's abilities Refresh: (1). Deathrattle: Your abilities Refresh: (1). 0
4 Battlecry: This Merc's abilities Refresh: (2). Deathrattle: Your abilities Refresh: (2). 175

New Client

Tiers by image
New Client 1
0 Coins
New Client 2
100 Coins
New Client 3
150 Coins
New Client {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Deathrattle: Resurrect another one of your Mercs that died this game with up to 21 Health. 0
2 Deathrattle: Resurrect another one of your Mercs that died this game with up to 22 Health. 100
3 Deathrattle: Resurrect another one of your Mercs that died this game with up to 23 Health. 150
4 Deathrattle: Resurrect another one of your Mercs that died this game with up to 24 Health. 175

Spirit Of The Dead

Tiers by image
Spirit Of The Dead 1
0 Coins
Spirit Of The Dead 2
100 Coins
Spirit Of The Dead 3
150 Coins
Spirit Of The Dead {0}
175 Coins

Tiers by table
TierTextCoins to upgrade
1 Passive: After one of your characters dies, restore 4 Health to your Trolls. 0
2 Passive: After one of your characters dies, restore 5 Health to your Trolls. 100
3 Passive: After one of your characters dies, restore 6 Health to your Trolls. 150
4 Passive: After one of your characters dies, restore 7 Health to your Trolls. 175



Bwonsamdi has these portraits, each can be obtained by meeting one of the criterias mentioned in the caption of the preview image.

Coin loots

Bwonsamdi Coins can be obtained by opening Mercenaries Packs or completing one of these bounties which have higher chance to drop them.

The Darkmoon Troupe
LT23 818H MercPortrait0.png
The Darkmoon Troupe
LT24 812H MercPortrait0.png
The Darkmoon Troupe
LT24 815H MercPortrait0.png


Tasks from index 0 to 500
VisitorTask nameDescriptionRewardsQuote
BwonsamdiTask 1: Let's Make a DealUse Soul Subjugation 5 times.20 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️Ah, my favorite Mercenary. What brings you to the Other Side?
BwonsamdiTask 2: Care to Gamble on it?Use Irrefusable Deal 5 times.Equipment:  New Client 1▶️I got some souls that need collecting.
BwonsamdiTask 3: What's the Most You've Ever Lost on a Coin Toss?Deal 100 damage with Trolls with a team that includes this Mercenary.25 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️Hey there, Mercenary! Nobodies around, how about we play a game?
BwonsamdiTask 4: Trust Me!Deal 150 damage.30 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️I need you to do a little, how you say, "butchery."
BwonsamdiTask 5: I'm Very Trustworthy.Complete a bounty while at level 30.35 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️Tick, tock, Mortal. I'm a busy Loa.
BwonsamdiTask 6: Yes! Yes! Yes!Destroy 20 minions.40 Random coinrandom coins, 50 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️I got some souls that need collecting.
BwonsamdiTask 7: Call it, Friendo.Complete 2 Heroic Bounties.35 Random coinrandom coins, 55 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️Hey there, Mercenary! Nobodies around, how about we play a game?
BwonsamdiTask 8: Tricky LoaUse Soul Subjugation 7 times.30 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️I need you to do a little, how you say, "butchery."
BwonsamdiTask 9: Make an Offer They Can't RefuseUse Irrefusable Deal 7 times.35 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️Tick, tock, Mortal. I'm a busy Loa.
BwonsamdiTask 10: Double DownDeal 250 damage with Trolls with a team that includes this Mercenary.40 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️I got some souls that need collecting.
BwonsamdiTask 11: Soul CollectorDeal 450 damage.45 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️Hey there, Mercenary! Nobodies around, how about we play a game?
BwonsamdiTask 12: Untold RichesVisit a Mystery Node, Boon, or Spirit Healer 2 times50 Random coinrandom coins, 60 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️I need you to do a little, how you say, "butchery."
BwonsamdiTask 13: Just for One SoulComplete 4 Heroic Bounties.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Bwonsamdi Coins, 50 Random coinrandom coins▶️Tick, tock, Mortal. I'm a busy Loa.
BwonsamdiTask 14: Time for a New DealDeal 450 damage.50 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Bwonsamdi Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️I got some souls that need collecting.
BwonsamdiTask 15: Soul RouletteComplete 6 Bounties.75 Random coinrandom coins, 70 Bwonsamdi Coins, 75 Random coinrandom coins▶️Hey there, Mercenary! Nobodies around, how about we play a game?
BwonsamdiTask 16: No! No! No!Destroy 40 minions.CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack, 70 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️I need you to do a little, how you say, "butchery."
BwonsamdiTask 17: Papa BwonswamdiComplete 5 Heroic Bounties.CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack, 75 Bwonsamdi Coins▶️Tick, tock, Mortal. I'm a busy Loa.
BwonsamdiTask 18: Loa, AscendedDeal 450 damage to Heroic bosses.80 Bwonsamdi Coins, CardPack629.pngMercenaries pack▶️Don't think I forgot our bargain. I have one little thing left for you to do.
(18 results)

External links