Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Combo Druid

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Her "winged children" include a mogu, a dragon, a loa, a fat kobold, and an astronomer.

Combo Druid (and its variants Malygos Druid, Togwaggle Druid, Star Aligner Druid, and Gonk Druid) is a combo-based Druid deck type.

The various versions of Combo Druid use different win conditions.  Malygos Druid is a traditional combo deck that uses Malygos with cheap spells to deal lethal damage, often multiplying Malygos in the process as well. On the other hand, Togwaggle Druid relies on the opponent's win condition and fatigue damage. After drawing out most or all of their deck, they switch their depleted deck for their opponent's while also copying their hand while stalling out and let fatigue damage kill the opponent. Star Aligner Druid uses  Star Aligner and an 8-mana minion with 7 Health so  Juicy Psychmelon can draw a majority of the combo pieces as well as cards that can reuse Star Aligner's Battlecry to burst down the opponent. Gonk Druid uses multiple copies of  Gonk, the Raptor to build up attacks by using your hero to kill several enemy minions, aiming to OTK the opponent with multiple direct attacks.

The archetype contains lots of card draw and Armor, AoE removal, and stall cards like  Spreading Plague and  Poison Seeds to buy time.

These combos normally cost too much mana to achieve on their own but there are multiple ways to cheat out their costs.  Dreampetal Florist is used to greatly discount one of their combo pieces, while  Flobbidinous Floop lets you play a 4-mana Malygos the turn after. In Wild,  Aviana followed by  Kun the Forgotten King are used to refill your mana and turn your expensive minions into 1-cost minions. Less reliable supplementary options include  Twig of the World Tree and  Jungle Giants.

While Combo Druid decks are possible in Standard, they are most powerful in Wild, making it an iconic Wild archetype with fringe Standard play.

Common cards[edit | edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit | edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Ferocious Howl
Branching Paths
Juicy Psychmelon
Poison Seeds
Emperor Thaurissan
Spreading Plague
Kael'thas Sunstrider
Malfurion the Pestilent
Kun the Forgotten King
Ultimate Infestation

Malygos Druid[edit | edit source]

Biology Project
Ysiel Windsinger

Gonk Druid[edit | edit source]

Secure the Deck
Flobbidinous Floop
Faceless Manipulator
Mad Summoner
Gonk, the Raptor

Togwaggle Druid[edit | edit source]

Azalina Soulthief
King Togwaggle

Star Aligner Druid[edit | edit source]

Youthful Brewmaster
Brann Bronzebeard
Ancient Brewmaster
Star Aligner

Optional cards[edit | edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Lesser Jasper Spellstone
Floop's Glorious Gloop
Bloodmage Thalnos
Crystal Merchant
Ironwood Golem
Archmage Vargoth
Oaken Summons
Twig of the World Tree
Anubisath Defender
Ixlid, Fungal Lord
Elise the Enlightened
Dreampetal Florist
Gloop Sprayer
Jepetto Joybuzz
Hakkar, the Soulflayer