The Dalaran Heist

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The subject of this article is part of Rise of Shadows's The Dalaran Heist.

The Dalaran Heist is a single-player mission added with the Rise of Shadows expansion. The mode released on May 16, 2019, 5 weeks after the expansion's launch.

The Dalaran Heist uses a format like the previous single-player campaigns, but with some elements from Adventures as well. The game mode includes five chapters containing eight bosses each. The first chapter is free to play. Additional chapters cost 700 gold or 700 Runestones each, or players can unlock the entire adventure for 2300 Gold or 2000 Runestones.[1]

Reaching the fifth boss of each chapter gives the player 3 Rise of Shadows card packs, and completing all five wings grants a Golden Classic pack, a total of 16 card packs. Players also earn a collectible golden  Zayle, Shadow Cloak and two unique card backs for completing all five chapters on both normal or Heroic difficulties.[2]

Rules[edit | edit source]

  • The objective of the Dalaran Heist is to defeat eight bosses of increasing difficulty to win the run.
  • The player plays as one of nine heroes, starting with a deck of ten cards, which differs for each hero.
  • When selecting a hero, the player can choose a Hero Power and starting deck for the hero. New Hero Powers are unlocked by fulfilling certain conditions between games, and additional starting decks are unlocked by defeating a specified number of bosses.
    • Unlocks are kept separate between regular and Heroic modes.
  • The player starts with 10 Health, and gains an additional 5 Health per defeated boss, up to 45 Health for the eighth, and final boss.
  • The player always goes first. The enemy also does not get  The Coin. On round 6, the boss starts with 1 mana crystal, on round 7 the boss starts with 2 mana crystals, and on round 8 the boss starts with 3.
  • After each round, the player is offered three bundles of three cards each. (listed below) The player can only select one of these three bundles. This allows the player to increase their deck size in tandem with the boss' decks increasing in size.
  • Should a game end in a tie, the player will be given the chance to try the round again instead of restarting the run.
  • Each chapter starts with a Twist, adding a special condition to every battle. In Anomaly Mode, a random Twist will be used.
  • After rounds 1 and 5, the player receives a Passive buff, selected from one of three random passive buffs from the pool of Passives. (listed below)
  • These passives give a permanent effect to the player for the rest of the run. These are applied at the start of the match, meaning some buffs that affect cards will not affect cards added to your hand or deck later in the game.
  • After rounds 3 and 7, the player receives a Treasure card, selected from one of three random cards from the pool of Treasure cards. (listed below) These are very powerful cards, and often have low mana costs.
  • Between rounds 3-4 and 5-6, the player will enter a Friendly Encounter. During this section, the player can spend "gold" to modify their deck in various ways offered, such as adding or removing minions from your deck or giving them a permanent buff.

Twists[edit | edit source]

Each chapter of the adventure has a unique Twist that affects the game.

Twist - The Coffers
Twist - The Prisons
Twist - The Carts
Twist - The Stench
Twist - The Finale
  • Coin-Filled Coffers: (Chapter 1) The enemy always starts with a 0/3  Cache of Cash in play. When destroyed, two Coins will be added to both players' hands.
  • Imprisoned Minions: (Chapter 2) Each player always starts with a  Violet Prison in play. The prisons are dormant, and they each contain a random minion. The prison will be replaced with the aforementioned minion after a number of turns equal to the minion's mana cost. The minion cannot attack on the turn it is summoned unless it has Rush or Charge.
  • Crowded Streets: (Chapter 3) Each player always starts with three random Carts in play, they can either be a  Dessert Cart, a  Fish Cart, a  Meat Cart, or a  Fruit Cart. They are dormant and cannot be removed. Their primary purpose is to take up space on the board so that both players can only have up to four minions in play at any time.
  • Swapped Attack and Health: (Chapter 4) The Health and Attack of all minions are swapped.
  • Four Additional Encounters: (Chapter 5) There are four additional bosses in the fifth chapter, for a total of twelve bosses. The last four bosses are always the same for every run. The player picks a Treasure card after rounds 8-11.

Anomaly Mode[edit | edit source]

Anomaly Mode is unlocked when the player has all five chapters of The Dalaran Heist unlocked. It can be activated by clicking the button above the "Start" button before each chapter. Anomaly Mode adds an additional Twist to the selected chapter. The Twist is rolled before chapter selection and can be seen when selecting it.

Anomaly - Arcane
Anomaly - Crying
Anomaly - Dragon Soul
Anomaly - Explosive
Anomaly - Fishy
Anomaly - Glittering
Anomaly - Gorged
Anomaly - Growing
Anomaly - Hallucinating
Anomaly - Infused
Anomaly - Nesting
Anomaly - Ogreish
Anomaly - Rattling
Anomaly - Reductive
Anomaly - Refreshing
Anomaly - Rejuvenating
Anomaly - Summons
Anomaly - Wild Magic

Friendly Encounter[edit | edit source]

Main article:  Bartender Bob
"Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!"

Between rounds 3 and 4 and rounds 5 and 6, the player will enter a Friendly Encounter with  Bartender Bob in one of his many taverns (or on rare occasions,  Bartendotron). Inside his tavern, 4 minions from the player's deck will be placed on the board, and 4 random minions will be placed on Bob's side of the board. The player will receive 3-5 cards from Bob that can modify the player's Adventure Deck, with effects such as adding or removing minions on the board or permanently buffing a specific card. Each of Bob's cards costs 0 or 1 "Gold" (mana), and the player has 2 Gold to spend in the tavern.

You're All Fired!
Good Food
Recruit a Veteran
Right Hand Man
Round of Drinks
Take a Chance
Tall Tales
Tell a Story
The Gang's All Here!
The Upper Hand

Heroes[edit | edit source]

Hero Unlocks at Alternate Hero Powers

Icon Mage 48.png Mage
Available at start
Burning Wit

Unlock: Summon 25 Elementals

Unlock: Freeze 25 Minions

Icon Shaman 48.png Shaman
Chapter 2

Unlock: Summon 25 Totems

Unlock: Overload 25 Mana
Ol' Barkeye

Icon Hunter 48.png Hunter
Chapter 2

Unlock: Play 15 Secrets
Pet Training

Unlock: Summon 50 Beasts

Icon Priest 48.png Priest
Chapter 3

Unlock: Restore 50 Health

Unlock: Cast 50 Spells
Captain Eudora

Icon Rogue 48.png Rogue
Chapter 3

Unlock: Summon 25 Pirates

Unlock: Draw 100 cards
Mr. Chu

Icon Warrior 48.png Warrior
Chapter 4
Invigorating Brew

Unlock: Damage 100 Minions

Unlock: Gain 50 Armor

Icon Druid 48.png Druid
Chapter 4

Unlock: Play 15 Choose One Cards
Touch of Bark

Unlock: Gain Attack 25 times

Icon Warlock 48.png Warlock
Chapter 5
Pain Split

Unlock: Use Hero Power 25 times
The Pact

Unlock: Summon 50 Demons
George the Fallen

Icon Paladin 48.png Paladin
Chapter 5

Unlock: Equip 10 Weapons
Boon of Light

Unlock: Lose Divine Shield 25 times

Starting Cards[edit | edit source]

Hero Available at start Unlock: Defeat 5 Bosses Unlock: Defeat 10 Bosses

Icon Mage 48.png Mage

Kindling Apprentice The Elements BURN!
 Arcane Anomaly  Fire Fly  Kabal Lackey
 Magic Trick  Amani Berserker  Saronite Taskmaster
 Faerie Dragon  Frostbolt  Flame Juggler
 Flame Geyser  Magic Dart Frog  Kobold Geomancer
 Earthen Ring Farseer  Blackwald Pixie  Explosive Runes
 Messenger Raven  Igneous Elemental  Mirror Entity
 Polymorph  Kobold Apprentice  Twilight Flamecaller
 Water Elemental  Dark Iron Dwarf  Unexpected Results
 Sorcerer's Apprentice  Primordial Glyph  Cinderstorm
 Rotten Applebaum  Scorch  Cosmic Anomaly

Icon Shaman 48.png Shaman

Carve and Curse Primal Storms The Swamp
 Air Elemental  Fire Fly  Mutate
 Earth Shock  Lightning Bolt  Dire Mole
 Knife Juggler  Likkim  Sludge Slurper
 Loot Hoarder  Totem Golem  Ghost Light Angler
 Rockbiter Weapon  Whirling Zap-o-matic  Underbelly Angler
 Stormforged Axe  Witch's Brew  Flesheating Ghoul
 Earthen Ring Farseer  Hot Spring Guardian  Spirit Echo
 Feral Spirit  Lightning Storm  Infested Tauren
 Flametongue Totem  Unbound Elemental  Tidal Surge
 Windspeaker  Lifedrinker  Hagatha's Scheme
Ol' Barkeye

Icon Hunter 48.png Hunter

Beast Within Locked and Loaded Tech and Death
 Arcane Shot  On the Hunt  Clockwork Gnome
 Springpaw  Rapid Fire  Mecharoo
 Explosive Trap  Shimmerfly  Webspinner
 Scavenging Hyena  Hunting Mastiff  Fireworks Tech
 Animal Companion  Lock and Load  Glaivezooka
 Cave Hydra  Spellzerker  Plated Beetle
 Eaglehorn Bow  Banana Buffoon  Nightmare Amalgam
 Ironfur Grizzly  Carrion Grub  Nine Lives
 Houndmaster  Flanking Strike  Spider Bomb
 Multi-Shot  Marked Shot  Infested Wolf

Icon Priest 48.png Priest

Disciplined Shadows Visions
 Arcane Anomaly  Crystallizer  Forbidden Shaping
 Inner Fire  Potion of Madness  Forbidden Words
 Northshire Cleric  Shadow Ascendant  Leper Gnome
 Divine Spirit  Shadow Visions  EVIL Conscripter
 Squashling  Spirit Lash  Museum Curator
 Extra Arms  Sand Drudge  Resurrect
 Kabal Talonpriest  Shadow Word: Death  Acolyte of Agony
 Nightmare Amalgam  Shadowfiend  Dark Cultist
 Shifting Shade  Twilight Drake  Chillwind Yeti
 Holy Nova  Faceless Manipulator  Convincing Infiltrator
Captain Eudora

Icon Rogue 48.png Rogue

Skulker Dead Man's Tale Kobold's Desire
 Backstab  Buccaneer  Pogo-Hopper
 Pit Snake  Journey Below  Swashburglar
 Southsea Deckhand  Pilfer  Togwaggle's Scheme
 Defias Ringleader  Serrated Tooth  Cutpurse
 Eviscerate  Goblin Auto-Barber  Lab Recruiter
 Gilblin Stalker  Underbelly Fence  Augmented Elekk
 Deadly Fork  Blink Fox  Beneath the Grounds
 Fan of Knives  Violet Illusionist  EVIL Miscreant
 Shade of Naxxramas  Hench-Clan Burglar  Waggle Pick
 Shadow Sensei  Tomb Pillager  Dark Iron Skulker
Mr. Chu

Icon Warrior 48.png Warrior

Tough Crowd Burning Fury Boomin'
 Improve Morale  Lowly Squire  Eternium Rover
 N'Zoth's First Mate  Town Crier  Omega Assembly
 Amani Berserker  Dragon Roar  Mad Bomber
 Rampage  Faerie Dragon  Slam
 Bash  Woodcutter's Axe  Vicious Scraphound
 Bloodsail Cultist  Blackwald Pixie  Clockwork Goblin
 Fiery War Axe  Rabid Worgen  Dark Iron Dwarf
 Axe Flinger  Hoarding Dragon  Piloted Shredder
 Bloodhoof Brave  Militia Commander  Wrenchcalibur
 Brawl  Mortal Strike  Bomb Squad

Icon Druid 48.png Druid

Ferocity Two Paths Nature's Boon
 Acornbearer  Dire Mole  Claw
 Earthen Scales  Raven Idol  Enchanted Raven
 Feral Gibberer  Anodized Robo Cub  Dendrologist
 Dreamway Guardians  Power of the Wild  Gadgetzan Socialite
 Plated Beetle  Greedy Sprite  Healing Touch
 Tortollan Forager  Mark of Nature  Landscaping
 Addled Grizzly  Shade of Naxxramas  Lifeweaver
 Blessing of the Ancients  Mire Keeper  Poison Seeds
 Astral Tiger  Portal Keeper  Savage Combatant
 Oaken Summons  Starfall  Crystal Stag

Icon Warlock 48.png Warlock

Sacrificial Seeker Imp-ressive
 Possessed Villager  Fire Fly  Flame Imp
 Spirit Bomb  Kobold Librarian  Witchwood Imp
 Voidwalker  Mortal Coil  Curse of Rafaam
 Defile  Dark Peddler  Queen of Pain
 Gnomeferatu  Sunfury Protector  Darkshire Councilman
 Plated Beetle  Reckless Diretroll  Demonwrath
 Duskbat  Shadow Bolt  Imp Master
 Earthen Ring Farseer  Portal Keeper  Impferno
 Eager Underling  Bane of Doom  Rafaam's Scheme
 Hellfire  Floating Watcher  Despicable Dreadlord
George the Fallen

Icon Paladin 48.png Paladin

Old Hero Adventure Holy Flames
 Blessing of Might  Avenge  Desperate Measures
 Noble Sacrifice  Lost in the Jungle  Never Surrender!
 Selfless Hero  Dark Conviction  Faerie Dragon
 Hydrologist  Immortal Prelate  Mysterious Blade
 Shielded Minibot  Stonesplinter Trogg  Sunreaver Spy
 Sound the Bells!  Call to Adventure  Benevolent Djinn
 Lone Champion  Paragon of Light  Bronze Herald
 Annoy-o-Module  Unidentified Maul  Consecration
 Hammer of Wrath  Defender of Argus  Twilight Drake
 Truesilver Champion  Grimestreet Enforcer  Dragon Speaker

Loot Cards[edit | edit source]

Passives[edit | edit source]

New[edit | edit source]

A Prince's Ring
Book of Wonders
Dr. Boom's Remote
Elixir of Vigor
Elixir of Vile
Elixir of Vim
Emerald Goggles
Hagatha's Embrace
Robes of Gaudiness
Rocket Backpacks
The Hand of Rafaam
Togwaggle's Dice
Wondrous Wisdomball

Returning[edit | edit source]

Battle Totem
Captured Flag
Cloak of Invisibility
Crystal Gem
First Aid Kit
Glyph of Warding
Mysterious Tome
Robe of the Magi
Potion of Vitality
Scepter of Summoning
Small Backpacks
Totem of the Dead

Treasures[edit | edit source]

The Box
Case Study
Loyal Henchman
Untold Splendor
Banana Split
Big Boomba
Swampqueen's Call
Dagwik Stickytoe
Elder Taggawag
Elistra the Immortal
Grimmer Patron
Master Scheme
THE... Candles?
Continuum Collider
Golden Candle
Orb of the Untold
The Muscle
Gnomish Army Knife
Soulreaper's Scythe
Sow the Seeds
Super Simian Sphere
Annoy-o Horn
Dreamgrove Ring
EVIL Propaganda

Card Bundles[edit | edit source]

After each win, the player gets to choose three cards to add to their deck. The three cards chosen belong to the same bundle, being selected from it randomly; the player then chooses one selection of three cards from three options. Each selection may contain multiple copies of the same card.

Rakanishu (Mage)[edit | edit source]

BURN! Coldsnap Elements Fate's Hand Go Big Inspired Legends Multi-Cast Powered Up Summoning Technology Trade Secrets
 Forbidden Flame  Breath of Sindragosa  Elemental Evocation  Shifting Scroll  Polymorph  Daring Fire-Eater  Archmage Arugal  Babbling Book  Arcane Blast  Mirror Image  Clockwork Gnome  Kabal Lackey
 Fire Fly  Glacial Shard  Arcane Artificer  Arcane Missiles  Cabalist's Tome  Lowly Squire  Stargazer Luna  Magic Trick  Bloodmage Thalnos  Khadgar  Annoy-o-Tron  Secretkeeper
 Flame Geyser  Ray of Frost  Fire Fly  Babbling Book  Dragon's Fury  Fallen Hero  Archmage Vargoth  Ray of Frost  Celestial Emissary  Conjurer's Calling  Flamecannon  Arcanologist
 Flamecannon  Frostbolt  Flame Geyser  Open the Waygate  Luna's Pocket Galaxy  Garrison Commander  Nexus-Champion Saraad  Tome of Intellect  Sorcerer's Apprentice  Effigy  Galvanizer  Mad Scientist
 Pyros  Snap Freeze  Lesser Ruby Spellstone  Astral Rift  Sunreaver Warmage  Spirit of the Dragonhawk  Emperor Thaurissan  Bloodmage Thalnos  Spellbook Binder  Messenger Raven  Mechwarper  Medivh's Valet
 Cinderstorm  Snowchugger  Pyros  Mana Cyclone  Arcane Dynamo  Waterboy  Sylvanas Windrunner  Magic Dart Frog  Tuskarr Fisherman  Mirror Entity  Snowchugger  Counterspell
 Explosive Runes  Coldwraith  Cosmic Anomaly  Primordial Glyph  Blizzard  Auctionmaster Beardo  Toki, Time-Tinker  Mana Cyclone  Arcane Watcher  Splitting Image  Soot Spewer  Duplicate
 Flamewaker  Frost Nova  Scorch  Shimmering Tempest  Meteor  Blackwald Pixie  Archmage Antonidas  Primordial Glyph  Soot Spewer  Unexpected Results  Goblin Blastmage  Ice Barrier
 Forgotten Torch  Frozen Clone  Steam Surger  Unstable Portal  Meteorologist  Fencing Coach  Baron Geddon  Research Project  Unexpected Results  Molten Reflection  Piloted Shredder  Ice Block
 Soot Spewer  Ice Barrier  Water Elemental  Spellslinger  Astromancer  Pyromaniac  Dr. Boom  Arcane Intellect  Ancient Mage  Vex Crow  Replicating Menace  Illuminator
 Vaporize  Ice Block  Azerite Elemental  Unexpected Results  Firelands Portal  Dalaran Aspirant  Hex Lord Malacrass  Coldlight Oracle  Cosmic Anomaly  Faceless Summoner  Mimiron's Head  Kirin Tor Mage
 Volcanic Potion  Cone of Cold  Bonfire Elemental  Griftah  Flamestrike  Maiden of the Lake  Medivh, the Guardian  Conjurer's Calling  Dalaran Aspirant  Astromancer  Wargear  Mana Bind
 Fireball  Demented Frostcaller  Servant of Kalimos  Leyline Manipulator  Greater Arcane Missiles  Kvaldir Raider  Ragnaros the Firelord  Stargazer Luna  Kirin Tor Tricaster  Firelands Portal  Zilliax  Masked Contender
 Molten Reflection  Water Elemental  Arcanosaur  Cabalist's Tome  Spiteful Summoner  Mukla's Champion  Rhonin  Curio Collector  Azerite Elemental  Power of Creation  Gazlowe  Mirror Entity
 Blast Wave  Blizzard  Baron Geddon  Deck of Wonders  Grand Archivist  Nexus-Champion Saraad  Sindragosa  Ethereal Conjurer  Azure Drake  Sneed's Old Shredder  Mechanical Whelp  Spellbender
 Meteor  Frost Elemental  Blazecaller  Toki, Time-Tinker  Power of Creation  Kodorider  Sneed's Old Shredder  Aluneth  Aluneth  Mekgineer Thermaplugg  Piloted Sky Golem  Arcane Keysmith
 Archmage Antonidas  Frost Lich Jaina  Anomalus  Archmage Antonidas  Dragoncaller Alanna  Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk  The Lich King  Archmage Antonidas  Violet Warden  Big Bad Archmage  Flame Leviathan  Ethereal Arcanist
 Flamestrike  Ragnaros the Firelord  Firelands Portal  Kalecgos  Frost Giant  Malygos  Hex Lord Malacrass  Malygos  Giggling Inventor  Subject 9
 Pyroblast  Ozruk  Greater Arcane Missiles  Pyroblast  Ysera  Kalecgos  Sneed's Old Shredder  Kabal Crystal Runner
 Big Bad Archmage  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
 Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

Vessina (Shaman)[edit | edit source]

Battlecry Big Shaman Carvings Elemental Wrath Fishy Flood Legends Overload Regeneration Shifting Scales Spirits Sssspells
 Blazing Invocation Windfury  Primal Fusion  Fire Fly  Toxfin  Totemic Smash  Electra Stormsurge  Finders Keepers  Mistress of Mixtures  Mutate  Ancestral Spirit  Earth Shock
 Brrrloc  Corpsetaker  Totemic Smash  Elementary Reaction  Unite the Murlocs  Voltaic Burst  Zentimo  Sludge Slurper  Potion Vendor  Evolve  Loot Hoarder  Lightning Bolt
 Murmuring Elemental  Muckmorpher  Kobold Hermit  Fire Plume Harbinger  Ghost Light Angler  Maelstrom Portal  Barista Lynchen  Tunnel Trogg  Witch's Brew  Shifter Zerus  Nerubian Egg  Witch's Apprentice
 Brann Bronzebeard  White Eyes  Primalfin Totem  Menacing Nimbus  Ice Fishing  Primalfin Totem  Hallazeal the Ascended  Ancestral Knowledge  Earthen Ring Farseer  Unstable Evolution  Reincarnate  Crackle
 Zola the Gorgon  Zilliax  Totem Golem  Sandbinder  Murloc Tidehunter  Feral Spirit  White Eyes  Crushing Hand  Healing Rain  Big Bad Voodoo  Shallow Gravedigger  Maelstrom Portal
 Rumbling Elemental  Eureka!  Flametongue Totem  Tol'vir Stoneshaper  Primalfin Totem  Flametongue Totem  Zilliax  Eternal Sentinel  Healing Wave  Devolve  Spirit Echo  Electra Stormsurge
 Saronite Chain Gang  Al'Akir the Windlord  Mana Tide Totem  Earth Elemental  Rockpool Hunter  Spirit Echo  Emperor Thaurissan  Lava Shock  Hot Spring Guardian  Spirit Echo  Arfus  Haunting Visions
 Barista Lynchen  Ragnaros the Firelord  Nightmare Amalgam  Servant of Kalimos  Soul of the Murloc  Tuskarr Totemic  Grumble, Worldshaker  Likkim  Jinyu Waterspeaker  Tinkmaster Overspark  Baron Rivendare  Lava Burst
 Corpse Raiser  Splitting Festeroot  Primal Talismans  Fire Elemental  Underbelly Angler  Call in the Finishers  Krag'wa, the Frog  Stormforged Axe  Lifedrinker  Zentimo  Piloted Shredder  Lightning Storm
 Doppelgangster  The Lich King  Tuskarr Totemic  Baron Geddon  Coldlight Seer  Bloodlust  Sylvanas Windrunner  Drakkari Defender  Shroom Brewer  Hex  Spiritsinger Umbra  Wicked Witchdoctor
 Fungalmancer  Walking Fountain  Totem Cruncher  Blazecaller  Murloc Warleader  Fungalmancer  The Mistcaller  Elemental Destruction  Tidal Surge  Lotus Illusionist  Abomination  Azure Drake
 Loatheb  Malygos  Draenei Totemcarver  Stone Sentinel  Primalfin Lookout  Eccentric Scribe  Swampqueen Hagatha  Feral Spirit  Antique Healbot  Djinni of Zephyrs  Carnivorous Cube  Hagatha's Scheme
 Grumble, Worldshaker  Ysera  Wicked Witchdoctor  Al'Akir the Windlord  Call in the Finishers  Necrotic Geist  Kel'Thuzad  Unbound Elemental  Hallazeal the Ascended  Doppelgangster  Corpse Raiser  Bogshaper
 The Mistcaller  Big Bad Archmage  Thunder Bluff Valiant  Kalimos, Primal Lord  Gentle Megasaur  Rain of Toads  Marin the Fox  Flamewreathed Faceless  Rotten Applebaum  Faceless Manipulator  Feugen  Hagatha the Witch
 Swampqueen Hagatha  Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound  Windshear Stormcaller  Ragnaros the Firelord  Murloc Tastyfin  Spark Drill  Medivh, the Guardian  Volcano  Deranged Doctor  Muckmorpher  Stalagg  The Runespear
 Primordial Drake  Thing from Below  Walking Fountain  Old Murk-Eye  Wobbling Runts  Ragnaros the Firelord  Lesser Sapphire Spellstone  Thrall, Deathseer  White Eyes  Malygos
 Shudderwock  Ozruk  Scargil  Sated Threshadon  The Lich King  Snowfury Giant  Azalina Soulthief  Cairne Bloodhoof  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
 Siltfin Spiritwalker  Stormwind Champion  Ysera  Swampqueen Hagatha  Sylvanas Windrunner
 Finja, the Flying Star  Onyxia  Da Undatakah
 Corrupted Seer  N'Zoth, the Corruptor
 Everyfin is Awesome

Ol' Barkeye (Hunter)[edit | edit source]

Aggression Battlecry Big Beasts Deathrattle Empowering Legends Overwhelm Professional Secretive Spells Technological Tiny Trouble
 Springpaw  Alleycat  Dire Frenzy  Leper Gnome  Crackling Razormaw  Dreadscale  Alleycat  Candleshot  Secret Plan  Rapid Fire  Faithful Lumi  Acherus Veteran
 The Beast Within  Jeweled Macaw  Hunting Party  Play Dead  Explorer's Hat  Houndmaster Shaw  Springpaw  Doomsayer  Secretkeeper  Shimmerfly  Bomb Toss  Alleycat
 Glaivezooka  Springpaw  Knuckles  Explorer's Hat  Headhunter's Hatchet  Knuckles  Haunted Creeper  Flare  Bear Trap  Tracking  Cybertech Chip  Dire Mole
 Goblin Prank  Crackling Razormaw  Deathstalker Rexxar  Feign Death  Scavenging Hyena  Emperor Thaurissan  Scavenging Hyena  Glaivezooka  Cat Trick  Grievous Bite  Explosive Sheep  Fiery Bat
 Hunting Mastiff  King's Elekk  Savannah Highmane  Forlorn Stalker  Trogg Beastrager  The Beast  Snake Trap  Bloodscalp Strategist  Explosive Trap  Lock and Load  Fireworks Tech  Fire Fly
 Vicious Scalehide  Trogg Beastrager  Abominable Bowman  Infest  Kill Command  Azalina Soulthief  Moroes  Deadly Shot  Freezing Trap  Quick Shot  Galvanizer  Helpless Hatchling
 Unleash the Hounds  Brann Bronzebeard  Amani War Bear  Nine Lives  Master's Call  Gahz'rilla  Rat Pack  Eaglehorn Bow  Mad Scientist  Animal Companion  Mechwarper  Jeweled Macaw
 Houndmaster Shaw  Stitched Tracker  Gahz'rilla  Rat Pack  Stablemaster  Swamp King Dred  Spirit of the Lynx  Spider Bomb  Misdirection  Deadly Shot  Venomizer  On the Hunt
 Halazzi, the Lynx  Stonehill Defender  Grotesque Dragonhawk  Exploding Bloatbat  Stoneskin Basilisk  Troggzor the Earthinator  Unleash the Hounds  Baited Arrow  Rat Trap  Arcane Fletcher  Metaltooth Leaper  Shimmerfly
 Leeroy Jenkins  Dispatch Kodo  Swamp King Dred  Infested Wolf  Vicious Fledgling  Vereesa Windrunner  Infested Wolf  Big Game Hunter  Snipe  Flanking Strike  Spider Bomb  Springpaw
 Tundra Rhino  Barista Lynchen  Flark's Boom-Zooka  Necromechanic  Arfus  Kel'Thuzad  Halazzi, the Lynx  Blingtron 3000  Sunreaver Spy  Marked Shot  Ursatron  Stampede
 Vilebrood Skitterer  Carrion Drake  Giant Sand Worm  Spiritsinger Umbra  Dire Frenzy  Ragnaros the Firelord  Piranha Launcher  Explosive Shot  Wandering Monster  Multi-Shot  Piloted Shredder  The Marsh Queen
 Spark Drill  Fungalmancer  Kathrena Winterwisp  Carnivorous Cube  Dispatch Kodo  Sneed's Old Shredder  Sightless Ranger  Piranha Launcher  Cloaked Huntress  Baited Arrow  Wargear  Timber Wolf
 Unleash the Beast  Loatheb  Violet Wurm  Corpse Widow  Houndmaster  The Lich King  Starving Buzzard  The Black Knight  Eaglehorn Bow  Unleash the Beast  Zilliax  Webspinner
 Amani War Bear  Ram Wrangler  King Krush  Princess Huhuran  Night Prowler  King Krush  Ball of Spiders  Acidmaw  Illuminator  Rhok'delar  Mechanical Whelp  Snake Trap
 Batterhead  Don Han'Cho  North Sea Kraken  Savannah Highmane  Tomb Spider  Malygos  Eccentric Scribe  Crushing Walls  Masked Contender  Vereesa Windrunner  Oblivitron  Arcane Fletcher
 Charged Devilsaur  Bonemare  Oondasta  Seeping Oozeling  Mukla's Champion  Oondasta  Mad Summoner  Gladiator's Longbow  Professor Putricide  Call of the Wild  Boommaster Flark  Toxmonger
 King Krush  Kathrena Winterwisp  Emeriss  Da Undatakah  Ram Wrangler  Ysera  Violet Wurm  Subject 9  Zul'jin  Sneed's Old Shredder  Halazzi, the Lynx
 Oondasta  Primordial Drake  Kathrena Winterwisp  Abominable Bowman  Emeriss  Lesser Emerald Spellstone  Arcane Giant  Tol'vir Warden
 Emeriss  N'Zoth, the Corruptor  N'Zoth, the Corruptor

Kriziki (Priest)[edit | edit source]

Afterlife Curatives Dragonfire From the Graves Legends Miracles Old God Pint-Sized Shadows Strength Within Twisted What's Mind is Mine
 Awaken the Makers  Circle of Healing  Circle of Healing  Resurrect  Bloodmage Thalnos  Power Word: Shield  Beckoner of Evil  Fire Fly  Forbidden Shaping  Inner Fire Silence  Chameleos
 Dead Ringer  Regenerate  Twilight Whelp  Shadow Visions  Brann Bronzebeard  Test Subject  Twilight Geomancer  Potion Vendor  Forbidden Words  Test Subject  Pint-Size Potion  Cloning Device
EVIl Conscripter  Binding Heal  Wyrmrest Agent  Eternal Servitude  Zola the Gorgon  Extra Arms  Disciple of C'Thun  Spirit of the Dead  Lazul's Scheme  Divine Spirit  Ancient Watcher  Crystalline Oracle
 Museum Curator  Light of the Naaru  Dragon Soul  Unsleeping Soul  Arfus  Mana Addict  Twilight Elder  Zombie Chow  Potion of Madness  Extra Arms  Confuse  Mind Vision
 Shadowy Figure  Mistress of Mixtures  Twilight Acolyte  Lyra the Sunshard  Harrison Jones  Radiant Elemental  C'Thun's Chosen  Shadowy Figure  Shadowbomber  Fallen Sun Cleric  Dalaran Librarian  Psionic Probe
 Gilded Gargoyle  Northshire Cleric  Duskbreaker  Onyx Bishop  Loatheb  Shadow Visions  Hooded Acolyte  Magic Carpet  Auchenai Phantasm  Shadow Ascendant  Purify  Seance
 Shallow Gravedigger  Power Word: Glory  Dragonmaw Scorcher  Shadow Essence  Lyra the Sunshard  Spirit Lash  Crazed Worshipper  Mirage Caller  Mind Blast  Dark Cultist  Radiant Elemental Madame Lazul
 Twilight's Call  Divine Hymn  Drakonid Operative  Confessor Paletress  Cairne Bloodhoof  Wild Pyromancer  Twilight Darkmender  Ravencaller  Shadow Ascendant  Fjola Lightbane  Shrinkmeister  Thoughtsteal
 Hench-Clan Shadequill  Mana Geode  Dragonfire Potion  Lesser Diamond Spellstone  Emperor Thaurissan  Dragon Soul  Skeram Cultist  Sand Drudge  Shadow Visions  Kabal Talonpriest  Arcane Watcher  Mindgames
 Spiritsinger Umbra  Shadowboxer  Lightbomb  Prophet Velen  Xavius  Questing Adventurer  Twin Emperor Vek'lor  Shrieking Shroom  Shadow Word: Pain  Spawn of N'Zoth  Humongous Razorleaf  Shadow Madness
 Tortollan Shellraiser  Soup Vendor  Crowd Roaster  Catrina Muerte  Mojomaster Zihi  Sand Drudge  Doomcaller  Unidentified Elixir  Shadowy Figure  Surrender to Madness  Eerie Statue  Shifting Shade
 Convincing Infiltrator  Earthen Ring Farseer  Nightscale Matriarch  Kel'Thuzad  The Black Knight  Unidentified Elixir  C'Thun  Vivid Nightmare  Acolyte of Agony  Unidentified Elixir  Mass Dispel  Devour Mind
 Reckless Experimenter  Omega Medic  Temporus  Ragnaros the Firelord  Confessor Paletress  Priest of the Feast  Barnes  Shadow Word: Death  Velen's Chosen  Spellbreaker  Holy Water
 Coffin Crasher  Greater Healing Potion  Chromaggus  The Lich King  Prophet Velen  Violet Teacher  Violet Teacher  Shadowfiend  Dragonkin Sorcerer  Excavated Evil  Cabal Shadow Priest
 Sylvanas Windrunner  Holy Champion  Primordial Drake  Malygos  Troggzor the Earthinator  Lyra the Sunshard  Dollmaster Dorian  Surrender to Madness  Tortollan Shellraiser  Kabal Songstealer  Sylvanas Windrunner
 Tunnel Blaster  Darkshire Alchemist  Dragonhatcher  Mass Resurrection  Gruul  Power Word: Replicate  Herald Volazj  Auchenai Soulpriest  Power Word: Tentacles  Mass Hysteria  Archbishop Benedictus
 Da Undatakah  Holy Nova  Malygos  Obsidian Statue  Marin the Fox  Gadgetzan Auctioneer  Bwonsamdi, the Dead  Shadow Madness  Lady in White  Vol'jin  Princess Talanji
 Sneed's Old Shredder  Quartz Elemental  Nefarian  Zerek's Cloning Gallery  Medivh, the Guardian  Zerek, Master Cloner  Dr. Boom  Shadow Essence  Zerek, Master Cloner  Entomb  Mind Control
 Obsidian Statue  Holy Fire  Sleepy Dragon  Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound  Ragnaros the Firelord  Grave Horror  Zerek's Cloning Gallery  Shadowreaper Anduin  Bonemare  Psychic Scream
 N'Zoth, the Corruptor  Ysera  Arch-Thief Rafaam
 Hakkar, the Soulflayer

Captain Eudora (Rogue)[edit | edit source]

Battlecry Cogs and Gears Combo Cutthroat Deathrattle Draw! Kingslayer Legends Scallywags Spellslinger Thief Trickery
 Shadowstep  Pogo-Hopper  Bladed Cultist  Abusive Sergeant  Journey Below  Preparation  Deadly Poison  Edwin VanCleef  Serrated Tooth  Backstab  Spore Hallucination  Togwaggle's Scheme
 Daring Escape  Galvanizer  Cold Blood  Argent Squire  Jade Swarmer  Bloodmage Thalnos  Doomerang  Face Collector  Southsea Deckhand  Preparation  Swashburglar  EVIL Cable Rat
 Pogo-Hopper  Mechwarper  Defias Ringleader  Cold Blood  Violet Haze  Loot Hoarder  Kingsbane  Leeroy Jenkins  Swashburglar  Bloodmage Thalnos  Underbelly Fence  Lab Recruiter
 Togwaggle's Scheme  Harvest Golem  Eviscerate  Dire Wolf Alpha  Necrium Blade  Shiv  Leeching Poison  Loatheb  Bloodsail Howler  Cheap Shot  Undercity Huckster  Sap
 Blink Fox  Iron Sensei  Jade Shuriken  Eviscerate  Unearthed Raptor  Acolyte of Pain  Bloodsail Raider  Myra Rotspring  Ship's Cannon  Eviscerate  Blink Fox  Augmented Elekk
 Brann Bronzebeard  Blightnozzle Crawler  Edwin VanCleef  Argent Horserider  Baron Rivendare  Coldlight Oracle  Cavern Shinyfinder  Cairne Bloodhoof  Shady Dealer  Jade Shuriken  Face Collector  Beneath the Grounds
 Sonya Shadowdancer  Mechanical Yeti  EVIL Miscreant  Vicious Fledgling  Tomb Pillager  Fan of Knives  Goblin Auto-Barber  Emperor Thaurissan  Southsea Captain  Razorpetal Lasher  Shaku, the Collector  EVIL Miscreant
 Enhance-o Mechano  Piloted Shredder  SI:7 Agent  Dark Iron Dwarf  Lesser Onyx Spellstone  Mimic Pod  Toxicologist  Maexxna  Raiding Party  Shiv  Hench-Clan Burglar  Sonya Shadowdancer
 Fal'dorei Strider  Zilliax  Elven Minstrel  Tinker's Sharpsword Oil  Myra Rotspring  Elven Minstrel  Envenom Weapon  Sylvanas Windrunner  Southsea Squidface  Fan of Knives  Lilian Voss  Academic Espionage
 Hench-Clan Burglar  Mechanical Whelp  Spirit of the Shark  Cobalt Scalebane  Necrium Vial  Portal Keeper  Hench-Clan Thug  Dr. Boom  Ticket Scalper  Questing Adventurer  Spectral Cutlass  Fal'dorei Strider
 Spirit of the Shark  Sneed's Old Shredder  Vilespine Slayer  Leeroy Jenkins  Recurring Villain  Myra's Unstable Element  Blade Flurry  Marin the Fox  Walk the Plank  Shadow Strike  Vendetta  Kobold Illusionist
 Xaril, Poisoned Mind  Mekgineer Thermaplugg  Cursed Castaway  Recurring Villain  Tunnel Blaster  Portal Overfiend  Tinker's Sharpsword Oil  Ragnaros the Firelord  WANTED!  Violet Spellsword  Ethereal Peddler  Waggle Pick
 Corpse Raiser  Mecha'thun  Batterhead  Da Undatakah  Thistle Tea  Captain Greenskin  Sneed's Old Shredder  Captain Greenskin  Violet Teacher  Trade Prince Gallywix  Heistbaron Togwaggle
 Gral, the Shark  Anub'arak  Sprint  The Lich King  Cannon Barrage  Azure Drake  Tess Greymane  Thistle Tea
 Shadowcaster  N'Zoth, the Corruptor  Chromaggus  Anub'arak  Skycap'n Kragg  Gadgetzan Auctioneer  Nefarian  Unidentified Contract
 Vanish  Malygos  Captain Hooktusk  Malygos  Tak Nozwhisker
 Gurubashi Hypemon  Ysera  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End  Valeera the Hollow
 Bonemare  Hakkar, the Soulflayer
 Primordial Drake

Mr. Chu (Warrior)[edit | edit source]

All Might Armored Up Arsenal Big Minions Bombs Away! Damaged Dragon Iron and Steel Legends Mercenaries Rush Taunt
 Devastate  Crystallizer  Molten Blade  Gather Your Party  Baleful Banker  Inner Rage  Alexstrasza's Champion  Omega Assembly  Darius Crowley  N'Zoth's First Mate  Spirit of the Rhino  Fire Plume's Heart
 Cleave  Eternium Rover  Southsea Deckhand  Obsidian Destroyer  Dead Man's Hand Blood to Ichor  Dragon Roar  Warbot  Loatheb  Patches the Pirate  Town Crier  I Know a Guy
 Doomsayer  Shield Slam  Upgrade!  Tar Lord  Mad Bomber  Improve Morale  Smolderthorn Lancer  Annoy-o-Tron  Emperor Thaurissan  Southsea Deckhand  Commanding Shout  Bolster
 Execute  Armorsmith  Bloodsail Raider  Grommash Hellscream  Whirliglider  Whirlwind  War Master Voone  Galvanizer  Iron Juggernaut  Bloodsail Raider  Heroic Strike  Dirty Rat
 Rampage  Bring It On!  Hobart Grapplehammer  Ragnaros the Firelord  Augmented Elekk  Armorsmith  Azure Drake  Mechwarper  Sylvanas Windrunner  Sharkfin Fan  Redband Wasp  Sparring Partner
 Slam  Drywhisker Armorer  Toxicologist  Rotface  Brann Bronzebeard  Battle Rage  Blackwing Corruptor  Vicious Scraphound  Baron Geddon  Ship's Cannon  Sweeping Strikes  Stubborn Gastropod
 Sleep with the Fishes  Plated Beetle  Grimestreet Pawnbroker  Splitting Festeroot  Clockwork Goblin  Cruel Taskmaster  Cobalt Scalebane  Bouncing Blade  Dr. Boom  Bloodsail Cultist  Woodcutter's Axe  Fierce Monkey
 Ogre Warmaul  Vicious Scraphound  Orgrimmar Aspirant  The Lich King  Coldlight Oracle  Execute  Emberscale Drake  Clockwork Goblin  Malkorok  Fiery War Axe  Rabid Worgen  King's Defender
 Brawl  Weapons Project  Arathi Weaponsmith  Violet Wurm  Explodinator  Warpath  Bone Drake  Omega Devastator  Troggzor the Earthinator  Nightmare Amalgam  Kor'kron Elite  Phantom Militia
 Stampeding Kodo  Bash  Blood Razor  Woecleaver  Wrenchcalibur  Frothing Berserker  Chillmaw  Replicating Menace  Foe Reaper 4000  Southsea Captain  Militia Commander  Stonehill Defender
 Mossy Horror  Mountainfire Armor  Brass Knuckles  Blood of The Ancient One  Bomb Lobber  Overlord's Whip  Crowd Roaster  Dyn-o-matic  Grommash Hellscream  Brass Knuckles  Darius Crowley  Tar Creeper
 Sea Reaver  Reckless Flurry  Death's Bite  Bull Dozer  Bomb Squad  Ravaging Ghoul  Wyrmguard  Supercollider  Kel'Thuzad  Death's Bite  Leeroy Jenkins  Alley Armorsmith
 The Black Knight  Shield Block  Arcanite Reaper  The Boomship  Madder Bomber  Val'kyr Soulclaimer  Chromaggus  Wargear  Ragnaros the Firelord  Dread Corsair  Argent Commander  Direhorn Hatchling
 Crush  Dr. Boom's Scheme  Captain Greenskin  Dimensional Ripper  Seaforium Bomber  Axe Flinger  Primordial Drake  Zilliax  Rotface  Naga Corsair  Amani War Bear  Rotten Applebaum
 King Mosh  Alley Armorsmith  Supercollider  The Boom Reaver  Iron Juggernaut  Bloodhoof Brave  Dragonhatcher  Iron Juggernaut  The Lich King  Ticket Scalper  Akali, the Rhino  Sludge Belcher
 Deathwing  Ironforge Portal  Deadly Arsenal  Varian Wrynn  Blastmaster Boom  Death's Bite  Malygos  Missile Launcher  King Mosh  Arcanite Reaper  Gilnean Royal Guard  Zilliax
 Mecha'thun  Gemstudded Golem  Sul'thraze  Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound  Dr. Boom  Sudden Genesis  Onyxia  Security Rover  Nefarian  Captain Greenskin  Grommash Hellscream  Ornery Direhorn
 Shieldmaiden  Gorehowl  Molten Giant  Security Rover  Sleepy Dragon  Beryllium Nullifier  Ysera  Fool's Bane  The Boomship  Safeguard
 Unidentified Shield  Lesser Mithril Spellstone  Blackhowl Gunspire  Ysera  Dr. Boom, Mad Genius  Hakkar, the Soulflayer  Salty Dog  The Boom Reaver  Tar Lord
 Geosculptor Yip  Malkorok  Rotface  Deathwing  Sneed's Old Shredder  Varian Wrynn  Skycap'n Kragg  Primordial Drake
 Scourgelord Garrosh  Deathwing, Dragonlord  The Boom Reaver  Soggoth the Slitherer

Squeamlish (Druid)[edit | edit source]

All Bark Beasts and Buffs Big Friends Choices, Choices Feral Bite Legends Nature's Wrath Nurture and Grow Protectors Recovery Roar! Swarm
 Dendrologist  Dire Mole  Jungle Giants  Crystal Power  Pounce  Wardruid Loti  Living Roots  Biology Project  Mark of the Wild  Crystal Power  Witching Hour  Abusive Sergeant
 Witchwood Apple  Enchanted Raven  Tortollan Forager  Jade Idol  Claw  Flobbidinous Floop  Naturalize  Floop's Glorious Gloop  Stonehill Defender  Mistress of Mixtures  Predatory Instincts  Acornbearer
 Landscaping  Helpless Hatchling  Elder Longneck  Living Roots  Earthen Scales  Ixlid, Fungal Lord  Bloodmage Thalnos  Darnassus Aspirant  Defender of Argus  Potion Vendor  Bittertide Hydra  Living Roots
 Mulch  Swamp Leech  Cursed Disciple  Raven Idol  Lesser Jasper Spellstone  Loatheb  Crystalsong Portal  Loot Hoarder  Saronite Chain Gang  Dreamway Guardians  Druid of the Fang  Mark of the Lotus
 Poison Seeds  Haunted Creeper  Ancient of Lore  Druid of the Saber  Spirit of the Raptor  Aya Blackpaw  Dreamway Guardians  Coldlight Oracle  Strongshell Scavenger  Earthen Ring Farseer  Menagerie Magician  Dreamway Guardians
 Soul of the Forest  Jeweled Scarab  Ancient of War  Druid of the Swarm  Savage Striker  Cairne Bloodhoof  Wrath  Greedy Sprite  Sludge Belcher  Fungal Enchanter  Witchwood Grizzly  Echoing Ooze
 Twig of the World Tree  Mark of the Wild  Giant Anaconda  Keeper Stalladris  Feral Rage  Emperor Thaurissan  Swipe  Grove Tender  Witchwood Grizzly  Healing Touch  Stampeding Roar  Haunted Creeper
 Force of Nature  Mark of Y'Shaarj  Gloop Sprayer  Wrath  Ferocious Howl  Sylvanas Windrunner  Azure Drake  Jade Blossom  Hungry Ettin  Lifeweaver  Amani War Bear  Power of the Wild
 Living Mana  Vicious Scalehide  Ironhide Direhorn  Druid of the Scythe  Bite  Dr. Boom  Nexus-Champion Saraad  Forest Guide  Jade Behemoth  Lifedrinker  Dreampetal Florist  Addled Grizzly
 Treespeaker  Addled Grizzly  Linecracker  Wardruid Loti  Branching Paths  Malorne  Starfall  Mire Keeper  Spreading Plague  Antique Healbot  Giant Anaconda  Blessing of the Ancients
 Tending Tauren  Mark of Nature  Star Aligner  Fandral Staghelm  Ironwood Golem  Troggzor the Earthinator  Gadgetzan Auctioneer  Azure Drake  Heroic Innkeeper  Crystal Stag  Ironhide Direhorn  Crypt Lord
 Ancient of Lore  Mounted Raptor  Bonemare  Druid of the Claw  Savage Combatant  Kel'Thuzad  Starfire  Nourish  Lucentbark  Rotten Applebaum  Malorne  Hobgoblin
 Ancient of War  Vicious Fledgling  Chromaggus  Dark Wispers  Swipe  Ragnaros the Firelord  Exotic Mountseller  Ancient of Lore  Primordial Drake  Moonglade Portal  Charged Devilsaur  Imp Master
 The Forest's Aid  Evolving Spores  Gruul  Ancient of War  Leeroy Jenkins  Sneed's Old Shredder  The Forest's Aid  Chromaggus  The Lich King  Ancient of Lore  Violet Wurm  Moroes
 Cenarius  Mark of the Loa  Ironbark Protector  Malfurion the Pestilent  Gonk, the Raptor  The Lich King  Malygos  Ultimate Infestation  Hadronox  Lucentbark  Oondasta  Savage Roar
 Mulchmuncher  Wildwalker  Blood of The Ancient One  Wisps of the Old Gods  Cenarius  Ultimate Infestation  Tree of Life  Tyrantus  Wisps of the Old Gods
 Virmen Sensei  Aviana  Kun the Forgotten King  Ysera  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End  The Forest's Aid
 Dark Wispers  Big Bad Archmage  Aviana  Arcane Giant
 Kun the Forgotten King

Tekahn (Warlock)[edit | edit source]

Big Demons Curatives Destruction Discard Draw Empowering In Control Legends Lil' Demons Pain Sacrifice Swarming
 Voidcaller  Dark Pact  Darkbomb  Lakkari Sacrifice  Kobold Librarian  Acherus Veteran  Bloodmage Thalnos  Loatheb  Blood Imp  Crystallizer  Sacrificial Pact  Forbidden Ritual
 Bane of Doom  Mistress of Mixtures  Doomsayer  Malchezaar's Imp  Mortal Coil  Grim Rally  Defile  Dr. Morrigan  Flame Imp  Dark Possession  Corruption  Kobold Librarian
 Demonheart  Swamp Leech  Shadow Bolt  Shriek  The Soularium  Soul Infusion  Doomsayer  Emperor Thaurissan  Grim Rally  Flame Imp  Grim Rally  Possessed Villager
 Despicable Dreadlord  Drain Soul  Voodoo Doll  Soulfire  Baleful Banker  Young Priestess  Sunfury Protector  Glinda Crowskin  Malchezaar's Imp  Kobold Librarian  Power Overwhelming  Power Overwhelming
 Doomguard  Queen of Pain  Cataclysm  The Soularium  Darkshire Librarian  Fallen Sun Cleric  Faceless Shambler  Rin, the First Disciple  Soul Infusion  Spirit Bomb  Sanguine Reveler  Reliquary Seeker
 Skull of the Man'ari  Renounce Darkness  Hellfire  Clutchmother Zavas  Plot Twist  Spirit of the Bat  Lesser Amethyst Spellstone  Sylvanas Windrunner  Voidwalker  Vulgar Homunculus  Corrupting Mist  Sanguine Reveler
 Aranasi Broodmother  Vicious Scalehide  Shadowflame  Darkshire Librarian  Augmented Elekk  Bloodfury Potion  Shadowflame  Arch-Villain Rafaam  Demonfire  Chittering Tunneler  Curse of Rafaam  Dark Peddler
 Dread Infernal  Drain Life  Carnivorous Cube  Tiny Knight of Evil  Coldlight Oracle  Doubling Imp  Twilight Drake  Dr. Boom  Queen of Pain  Duskbat  Demonic Project  EVIL Genius
 Ectomancy  Earthen Ring Farseer  Dark Bargain  Reckless Diretroll  Elise Starseeker  Spawn of N'Zoth  Despicable Dreadlord  Lord Godfrey  Void Analyst  Nethersoul Buster  EVIL Genius  Spirit of the Bat
 Xavius  High Priestess Jeklik  Darkest Hour  Silverware Golem  Portal Keeper  Arena Fanatic  Emperor Thaurissan  Chromaggus  Vulgar Homunculus  Blood Witch  Felguard  Chittering Tunneler
 Kabal Trafficker  Lesser Amethyst Spellstone  Felfire Potion  Cataclysm  The Darkness  Defender of Argus  Glinda Crowskin  Fel Lord Betrug  Demonwrath  Hellfire  Ratcatcher  Darkshire Councilman
 Possessed Lackey  Lifedrinker  Siphon Soul  Fist of Jaraxxus  Azure Drake  Eager Underling  Mossy Horror  Kel'Thuzad  Doubling Imp  Lesser Amethyst Spellstone  Unwilling Sacrifice  Imp Gang Boss
 Void Crusher  Bloodworm  The Black Knight  High Priestess Jeklik  Elise the Trailblazer  Cobalt Scalebane  Rin, the First Disciple  Medivh, the Guardian  Imp Gang Boss  Pit Lord  Void Terror  Dreadsteed
 Abyssal Enforcer  Deathweb Spider  Void Crusher  Lakkari Felhound  Aranasi Broodmother  Doppelgangster  Siphon Soul  Ragnaros the Firelord  Impferno  Deathweb Spider  Blastcrystal Potion  Fiendish Circle
 Fel Lord Betrug  Rotten Applebaum  Twisting Nether  Blood-Queen Lana'thel  Portal Overfiend  Fungalmancer  Abyssal Enforcer  The Lich King  Rafaam's Scheme  Floating Watcher  Ravenous Pterrordax  Ravenous Pterrordax
 Lord Jaraxxus  Zilliax  Void Contract  Doomguard  Fel Lord Betrug  Mukla's Champion  Lord Godfrey  Arch-Thief Rafaam  Crystalweaver  Dread Infernal  Shadowflame  Kara Kazham!
 Mal'Ganis  Aranasi Broodmother  DOOM!  Cruel Dinomancer  DOOM!  Omega Agent  The Lich King  Mal'Ganis  Imp-losion  Felfire Potion  Carnivorous Cube  Blood Troll Sapper
 Voidlord  Siphon Soul  Soulwarden  Hakkar, the Soulflayer  Hir'eek, the Bat  Voidlord  Voidlord  Mad Summoner  Abyssal Enforcer  Darkest Hour  Demonbolt
 Bloodreaver Gul'dan  Deathwing  Mountain Giant  Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound  Jumbo Imp  Molten Giant
 Jumbo Imp  Molten Giant  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

George the Fallen (Paladin)[edit | edit source]

Dragons Handbuff Healing Hands Holy Infusion Judgment Legends Murglgglgl Protectors Robotic Secret Whispers Small Army The Silver Hand
 Cathedral Gargoyle  Meanstreet Marshal  Forbidden Healing  Blessing of Might  Bloodmage Thalnos  Crystalsmith Kangor  Grimscale Chum  Autodefense Matrix  Glow-Tron  Avenge  Argent Squire  Competitive Spirit
 Bronze Herald  Smuggler's Run  Potion Vendor  Blessing of Wisdom  Tainted Zealot  Wickerflame Burnbristle  Murloc Tidecaller  Righteous Protector  Annoy-o-Tron  Desperate Measures  Bloodclaw  Lost in the Jungle
 Nightbane Templar  A Light in the Darkness  Crystalsmith Kangor  The Last Kaleidosaur  Wild Pyromancer  Prince Liam  Toxfin  Argent Protector  Mechwarper  Eye for an Eye  Competitive Spirit  Drygulch Jailor
 Hungry Dragon  Grimestreet Outfitter  Flash of Light  Desperate Stand  Consecration  Sunkeeper Tarim  Bilefin Tidehunter  Potion of Heroism  Shielded Minibot  Getaway Kodo  Crystology  Muster for Battle
 Prismatic Lens  Brann Bronzebeard  Lesser Pearl Spellstone  Immortal Prelate  Equality  Sylvanas Windrunner  Bluegill Warrior  Shielded Minibot  Annoy-o-Module  Hidden Wisdom  Righteous Protector  Silver Hand Regent
 Cobalt Scalebane  Call to Adventure  Benevolent Djinn  Lightforged Blessing  Hammer of Wrath  Eadric the Pure  Hydrologist  Coghammer  Piloted Shredder  Never Surrender!  Drygulch Jailor  Unidentified Maul
 Dragon Consort  Grimestreet Smuggler  High Priest Thekal  Primalfin Champion  Azerite Elemental  Gruul  Primalfin Champion  Lone Champion  Cobalt Guardian  Noble Sacrifice  Echoing Ooze  Warhorse Trainer
 Dragon Speaker  Paragon of Light  The Glass Knight  Sound the Bells!  Duel!  Medivh, the Guardian  Rockpool Hunter  Time Out!  Mimiron's Head  Redemption  Stubborn Gastropod  Lightfused Stegodon
 Dragonmaw Scorcher  Arena Fanatic  Truesilver Champion  Seal of Champions  Holy Wrath  Ragnaros, Lightlord  Coldlight Oracle  Wickerflame Burnbristle  Shrink Ray  Sacred Trial  Call to Adventure  Quartermaster
 Duel!  Doppelgangster  Zandalari Templar  Blessing of Kings  Nexus-Champion Saraad  The Lich King  Murloc Warleader  Light's Sorrow  Wargear  Secretkeeper  Divine Favor  Stand Against Darkness
 Bone Drake  Farraki Battleaxe  Blackguard  Dragonkin Sorcerer  Avenging Wrath  Tirion Fordring  Nightmare Amalgam  Bolvar, Fireblood  Zilliax  Hydrologist  Hobgoblin  Crystal Lion
 Scaled Nightmare  Glowstone Technician  Ivory Knight  Silvermoon Portal  Ivory Knight  Mekgineer Thermaplugg  Primalfin Lookout  Sludge Belcher  Piloted Sky Golem  Mad Scientist  Steward of Darkshire  Level Up!
 Crowd Roaster  Grimestreet Enforcer  Guardian of Kings  Spirit of the Tiger  Spikeridged Steed  Nefarian  Murloc Knight  Zilliax  Giggling Inventor  Mysterious Blade  Stoneskin Basilisk  Sunkeeper Tarim