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For other uses of Kazakus, see Kazakus (disambiguation).

Kazakus is a legendary mage/priest/warlock minion card, from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set.

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden and Signature versions can be opened from any of these packs:

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Golden Wild
1 (random)
Card packsOnly the Signature version can be opened from these packs:

Caverns of Time
Golden Caverns of Time
Signature1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1

Choice cards

The following choice cards are chosen from Kazakus's Battlecry in order to create a custom spell for the player. The cost chosen determines the cost of the spell produced, as well as the power and/or availability of the subsequent effect choices.

Cost choice

Lesser Potion
Greater Potion
Superior Potion

Effect choice

All effect choices have varying strength depending on the cost chosen in the first choice, the higher cost spells having more powerful effects. The player chooses two effects out of several possible choices, corresponding to their chosen cost.

Heart of Fire
Heart of Fire
Heart of Fire
Heart of Fire
Ichor of Undeath
Ichor of Undeath
Ichor of Undeath
Ichor of Undeath
Mystic Wool
No 1 mana option
Mystic Wool
Mystic Wool
Shadow Oil
Shadow Oil
Shadow Oil
Shadow Oil
Stonescale Oil
Stonescale Oil
Stonescale Oil
Stonescale Oil

Spells generated

The base spell card is determined by the choice of cost, each version having its own card art. Card text is determined dynamically by the effects chosen by the player.

Kazakus Potion
Kazakus Potion
Kazakus Potion

Minions produced

Kabal Demon
Kabal Demon
Kabal Demon


To edit these notes, go to Template:Kazakus notes.

  • This minion's Battlecry checks the player's unused deck. If it contains no more than 1 of each card, the player will be able to generate a custom spell card.
    • A yellow border will highlight Kazakus while in the hand if playing it will successfully activate its Battlecry.
  • This minion's Battlecry guides the player through a series of Discover-like interfaces, to create a custom spell with two effects:
    • The player is first presented with 3 options to determine the spell's cost: 1, 5, or 10 mana.
    • The player is then presented with 3 of 9 or 10 possible spell effects, and must choose one.[1]
    • Finally, the player is presented with 3 of the remaining 8 or 9 possible spell effects, and must choose one. The effect picked first is removed from the pool of options. The effects presented first that were not chosen may be presented again.[1]
    • A spell card is then generated for the player with the chosen effects and mana cost.
  • If the turn timer runs out when on one of the three Discover interfaces, a random Discover option will be picked from each of the remaining "unchosen" Discover interfaces, creating a Kazakus spell with these randomized Discover choices picked.[2]
  • Like all spells with multiple effects,[3] both effects of Kazakus Potions take place in the same phase of the casting sequence, and will therefore play out before deaths are checked for or death-related triggers are activated. For example, a potion with both the Felbloom and Goldthorn effects will deal damage to and then grant increased Health to all friendly minions before checking to see if any are at 0 or lower Health.
  • Choosing Netherbloom or Ichor of Undeath will summon their respective minions in the more beneficial order: before Goldthorn and after Felbloom and Mystic Wool have taken effect.
  • If Ichor of Undeath summons a minion with a triggered effect that triggers from casting a spell (such as  Wild Pyromancer), that effect will trigger once the spell has finished casting.[4]
  • Ichor of Undeath will not revive the same minion multiple times from a single death. For example, if only one of the player's minions died and  Ichor of Undeath is used, it will only revive that one minion. However, if multiple deaths occurred, for instance a minion died, was resurrected, then died again, the potion would be able to resurrect it once for each death - the resurrected minion actually counts as different from the original.
  • The Icecap effect will not choose mortally wounded (0 or lower Health) targets, including targets that have been dealt lethal damage by the Kazakus Potion's first effect. For example, if the Heart of Fire effect deals lethal damage to a minion, Icecap will not try to Freeze that minion.
  • There are 252 (9 x 8 + 2 x 10 x 9) possible permutations for spells, but the order the effects are chosen doesn't matter. As a result there are 126 possible combinations.
  • Probability of getting offered one specific effect is 58.3% for the 1 cost option[5] and 53.3% for the 5 and 10 cost options.[6] Probability of getting a specific combination of two effects is 21.9% for the 1 cost option[7] and 17.8% for 5 and 10 cost options.[8]


  • ▶️ VO_CFM_621_Male_ShadowTroll_Play_01.wav At last, a worthy disciple.
  • ▶️ Troll_Play_Stinger_2.wav <music stinger>
  • ▶️ VO_CFM_621_Male_ShadowTroll_Attack_01.wav Serve... or die.
  • ▶️ VO_CFM_621_Male_ShadowTroll_Death_01.wav <death sound>


Kazakus, leader of the Kabal.

Kazakus is a Zandalari troll and the sinister and mysterious leader of the Kabal. No one really knows his true origins, but nor does anyone really care; instead, what they care about are the corrupted mana potions he sells. His motto is "Power should be attainable for anyone, at a price". Kazakus' tusks have become contorted and twisted due to the corrupted mana he uses, and the large red circle on the center of his stomach is a portal that goes right through his body to an unknown destination, possibly another dimension.[9]

In addition to his grander machinations, Kazakus also brews Kaza-kola, a refreshing drink enjoyed by the entire Kabal as well as many other residents of Gadgetzan.[10] However, even this apparently mundane act has a darker purpose: the so-called Kaza-kola is more accurately named the  Potion of Madness,[11] and as well as being a delicious thirst-quencher also acts to slowly erode the drinker's will and sense of self.[12]

"Little is known about our esteemed leader, the master alchemist Kazakus. WHO CARES? What matters is his vast knowledge of alchemy and the arcane, and the delicious power he offers binds us to him. . . TOGETHER! It binds us together, yes. Some claim that a back alley potion brewer couldn’t possibly have such knowledge, and some are foolish enough to spread rumors that he’s secretly a dragon, demon, or some other powerful entity in disguise.

Rumours abound about Kazakus' true nature, and certain sightings (see below) suggests the enigmatic alchemist may be hiding a scaly secret. The Gadgetzan Gazette Volume 32 #8 mentions rumors about "secret dragon people" infiltrating Gadgetzan in disguise. The Kabal itself also includes a number of dragonkin members, and some of the gang's potions have a suspiciously pro-dragon agenda.

Years later, in Onyxia's Lair and  Varden Dawngrasp's Book of Mercenaries story, it was finally revealed that Kazakus' true form is a black dragon named  Kazakusan.

Potion ingredients

The effects of Kazakus's potions are determined by the choice of ingredients included, each of which appears to be a potion in its own right.


Felbloom is a herb with a close connection to the fel energy of the Burning Legion. Discovered only recently during the Burning Legion's third invasion, where they were seen around the Legion's landing structures, Felblooms may represent a corruption of the natural plant life of the area, and are often found near other fel-touched life such as the Chaos Clover and Doom Shrooms. Like these, Felblooms have a potent but short-duration effect if consumed, increasing the power of the imbiber while reducing their overall health. When brewed into a potion its effects seem to be compressed into a powerful but hard to control burst of damage, affecting everyone in the area.


Goldthorn is a herb found in low to middle-level zones across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. It is used in a range of Alchemy recipes, mostly providing buffs to stats, with an emphasis on health, armor and restorative effects. It can also be drank directly as Goldthorn Tea, although this does not appear to serve any special function beyond that of most refreshing beverages.

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Goldthorn can be found on top of small hills. It spawns in the following regions - Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Azshara, Badlands, Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, The Hinterlands, Stranglethorn Vale and Swamp of Sorrows.
Heart of Fire

Heart of Fire is a fragment of the essence of a  Fire Elemental. As an ingredient it is used in a range of recipes for creating gear or items, chiefly involving Blacksmithing, but this appears to be its first use in Alchemy beyond simple transmutation. Kazakus appears to have found a way to harness the elemental spark into a source of directed damage.


Icecap is a herb found only in the snow-laden zone of Winterspring, in north-eastern Kalimdor. While those trained in Engineering and Enchanting have found ways to exploit its capacity for Frost magic, Alchemists have not been able to find a use for it outside of a few miscellaneous potions - until now. Kazakus seems to have found a way to realise its Ice-inducing potential in a more powerful (if somewhat hard to control) form than ever before, freezing the unlucky targets in place.

Ichor of Undeath

Ichor of Undeath is a rare crafting ingredient that drops only from low-medium level undead mobs in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, specifically found in Dire Maul and Stratholme, as well as to a lesser extent in Scholomance and Razorfen Downs. The most spectacular use known prior to Kazakus was in creating the Gnomish Death Ray, which drains the life force of the bearer to direct a damaging burst of energy at the target. Kazakus appears to have realised the power of the Ichor to a far greater degree in his potions, which are capable of returning the dead to life... or at least undeath.


Kingsblood can be found in low to middle-level zones across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. It features in an eclectic range of recipes, from healing and stat boosts to absorbing Shadow damage. Its function in Kazakus' potion appears to add yet another use to this versatile herb, and matches the effect of Xaril's  Kingsblood Toxin.

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Kingsblood can be found in flat areas of fields or plains. It can found in the following zones - Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Ashenvale, Badlands, The Barrens, Desolace, Duskwood, Dustwallow Marsh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Stonetalon Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Thousand Needles and Wetlands.
Mystic Wool

Mystic Wool is original to Hearthstone, but is obviously related to the mage's  Polymorph spell.


Netherbloom is a herb found only in the Netherstorm, a region in Outland consisting of several large land fragments floating amid the  Twisting Nether itself. It is used in a variety of Alchemical recipes, serving variously to increase the imbiber's stats or restore their resources, and simply absorbing the pollen of the plant serves to enhance the gatherer's abilities. Kazakus appears to have found an altogether darker use for the herb, perhaps using its close connection to the Twisting Nether to summon forth a demon from that very realm.

Shadow Oil

Shadow Oil is a special oil made from Grave Moss that can be applied to weapons, granting them a chance to spawn Shadow Bolts when they strike enemies. The oil is itself an ingredient in a handful of recipes, the most notable being the Greater Shadow Protection Potion, protecting the imbiber from a moderate amount of Shadow damage. Kazakus once again seems to have found a way to enhance the effect of the oil (perhaps with a touch of Netherbloom), using its shadowy powers to conscript demons to the user's service.

Stonescale Oil

Stonescale Oil is squeezed from the nocturnal Stonescale Eels, elusive prey found in the higher level areas of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms only between the hours of 12 am and 6 am. The oil is used in a handful of potent recipes to enhance the imbiber's armor and health, as well as somewhat more comically in the Potion of Petrification, where it very effectively protects the user from all harm... at the price of turning them to stone.


  • According to Matt Place, Kazakus was conceived when a designer asked "what if players could make their own card".[13] The details for Kazakus' effect were designed by Peter Whalen.[13]
  • Kazakus was originally designed as a Darkspear troll with the characteristic hunched over posture seen in most male trolls, but he was later redesigned as a Zandalari troll as their upright pose made him look stronger and more intimidating.[9]
  • As the head of the Kabal, Kazakus is intended to embody the three Kabal classes, with the arcane intellect of the mage, the manipulative magics of the priest, and the dark, hidden agenda of the warlock all combined in his design.[9]
  • Kazakus' effect was originally assigned to  Inkmaster Solia, who, as a tattoo artist, would have the theme of writing a magical scroll as part of her effect. Since the design of creating a custom spell was so well liked by the Hearthstone team, her ability was later transferred to the leader of the Kabal. When the decision later came to make the Kabal themed around potion spells, Kazakus' effect was changed to have him craft a potion instead of writing a scroll with tattoo ink.[14]
  • The original design for Kazakus, two months before Kazakus himself was created, was a tri-class legendary named "Khajakus the Banished", a 7-mana 7/7 minion with "Battlecry: If you have cast 10 unique spells this game, become Khajakus, Dragon Form". The effect was deemed too close to the "if you have no duplicates" mechanic that he was later changed to just that. The name "Khajakus" was later simplified to "Kazakus" to make it easier to read. When asked what "Khajakus, Dragon Form" was going to be, Mike Donais replied that he couldn't really remember it off the top of his head but that it was "probably something really cool, though, like Ragnaros or something".[14]
  • The design of Kazakus' potions changed very little between his initial conception and his final release. According to Mike Donais, within about five minutes of him and Peter Whalen coming up with the idea of the card, Donais sat down and typed out exactly what all the potions were going to be in a document. They changed "about 5%" after that, mainly in the form of number tweaking.[14]
    • The Mystic Wool effect (transform minions into 1/1 Sheep) changed significantly during development. There were originally planned to be three options: transform 1 minion into a Sheep, transform 2 minions, and transform all minions. The first option was later changed to transform a random minion and the second to transform a random enemy minion, while the third option stayed the same. However, the first option was eventually removed as it was deemed too powerful if the enemy player only had a single powerful minion, such as Ragnaros, and too bad if the RNG backfired and hit one of the player's own minions. Mystic Wool is therefore the only one of Kazakus' potion effects that lacks a 1-mana option.[14]
    • There was originally another effect called Powerful Mojo (Copy 1/2/3 cards from your opponent's deck and put them into your hand) but it was removed because the designers felt 3 card draw-like options (Kingsblood, Shadow Oil) was too much.[14][1]
    • The team wanted to capture the themes of Mages, Priests and Warlocks in Kazakus' different effects. Summoning a demon fit with Warlock, doing AoE damage fit with Mage and  Resurrect effects and buffing your minions' health fit with Priest. The option that felt the most out of place was Stonescale Oil, but the team thought it was important to include because it created a really good option to use in desperate situations.[14]
  • The text for Kazakus Potion is generated dynamically in response to the choices made by the player.[15] As such it is the source of some of the first dynamic card text in Hearthstone, the other being Jade Golem from the same set.
  • The Kingsblood spells have the same name and effect as the  Kingsblood Toxin generated by  Xaril, Poisoned Mind.
  • The visual effect of Felbloom is the same as  Hellfire's visual effect, but it only damages minions on the board.
  • Kazakus has been featured two additional times in later expansions, as  Kazakus, Golem Shaper in Forged in the Barrens, and as  Kazakusan in Onyxia's Lair.


Patch changes

Card changes

Bug fixes and other changes

  • TTN Logo.pngPatch (2023-08-22):
    • Signature card unlock requirement is now: "Obtainable in Caverns of Time card packs." (previously: no special unlock requirement).
    • Signature artist is now Anton Zemskov (previously: no artist).
    • Now has Signature version.
  • Mean Streets of Gadgetzan logo.png Patch (2016-11-29):
    • 2016-12-06: Fixed a bug where Icecap was capable of targeting mortally wounded minions.[16]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mike Donais on Reddit. (2016-11-05). 
  2. Tested by User:Aegonostic. (2017-03-10).
  3. Ben Brode on Reddit. (2014-11-26). 
  4. Kazakus Potion resurrects a Wild Pyromancer, which then activates
  5. 1 effect out of 9 in 2 chances: 3/9 + 6/9*3/8 = 0.5833. First choice: 3/9. If first choice fails (6/9) then second choice 3/8.
  6. 1 effect out of 10 in 2 chances: 3/10 + 7/10*3/9 = 0.5333. First choice: 3/10. If first choice fails (7/10) then second choice 3/9.
  7. 2 effects out of 9 in 2 chances: 7/12 * 3/8 = 0.21875. First choice is chance of NOT getting 3 bad choices: 1 - 7/9*6/8*5/7 = 7/12. Second choice 3/8.
  8. 2 effects out of 10 in 2 chances: 8/15 * 3/9 = 0.1777. First choice is chance of NOT getting 3 bad choices: 1 - 8/10*7/9*6/8 = 8/15. Second choice 3/9.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 BlizzCon 2016, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan - Hearthstone What's New Panel
  10. 10.0 10.1 A Taste of the Kabal. (2016-11-14). 
  11. Mike Donais on reddit. (2016-11-14). 
  12. Daxxarri on reddit. (2016-11-14). 
  13. 13.0 13.1 Hearthpwn: Matt Place on Gadgetzan, Kazakus, Priest, Opponent Interaction, Heroic Brawl. (2016-12-07). 
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Cam Shea (2017-01-12). IGN - Hearthstone: Blizzard on designing Jade, testing red mana and leaving Reno behind. Retrieved on 2017-01-13.
  15. Hearthhead - Addressing The Size Of Hearthstone On Mobile, Localization Process. (2016-11-17). 
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/5gdhzx/kazakus_needs_to_be_fixed/

External links

References[edit | edit source]